BroCLI is a tool meant to make your development process easier with commands to create your project maintaining the proper architecture for a Rubeus game.
bro create game -ps make it awesome
Here's a tutorial for making a Ping Pong game on Rubeus - Rubeus: Making a ping-pong game
You'll learn how to use broCLI with Rubeus and create awesome games.
BroCLI is a tool meant to make your development process easier with commands to create your project maintaining the proper architecture for Rubeus game.
bro [flags]
bro [command]
Available Commands:
creategame creates new Rubeus game
createlevel creates new Rubeus game level
createobject creates new Rubeus game object
help Help about any command
-c, --config string set Game dir config
-h, --help help for bro
Use "bro [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Clone the repository and start hacking!
Note: The vendor is committed, to add another package as dependency, go get ...
the package in your gopath and then run the command go mod vendor
to add the dependency in the software.
To use go-modules you must have Golang version 1.11 or later. Also remember to set the environment variable GO111MODULE=on
. For reference see -
Created and maintained by SDSLabs