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Kata - Repository of templates

This repository contains the application templates.

This repo currently only contains a template for AWS SAM in golang.

How to use

  1. Execute from root projects folder
$ sam init
  1. Choose "Custom Template Location"
  2. Enter
  3. Answer questions (has defaults)
  4. If choose 'n' on with_own_db, db_migration is irrelevant


API Gateway

Template has an API Gateway included that points to (test-/staging-)[project_name] upon deployment


Template has a basic setup of OpenAPI documentation


Template has a basic Makefile setup that I've tried executing while making the template

Execute this makefile command for local development

$ make dev

Execute this makefile command to deploy project

$ make deploy ENV=test

github actions

Template has a ready github actions that can deploy already, just adjust depending on your projects needs.


Template implements air for live-reloading, this works in the background

Execute this makefile command for local development with air live-reloading

$ make dev-watch


Template has options for migration handlers - goose or dbmate

Just install which is preferred to use.


Template also has an option for sqlc, and has a basic setup for it. Reads db/migrations but can change file sqlc.yaml for other configurations.

HelloWorldV1 - the sample endpoint

Template has a basic handler HelloWorld under /handlers/HelloWorldV1 accessible under /v1/hello-world

AllEndpoints - the /endpoints endpoint

Template already has a ready endpoint for our Booky auth under AllEndpoints handler


Creates an endpoint (BOOKY endpoint list) for /endpoints endpoint to read. Uses docs/api_contract.yaml to generate list of endpoints


Reads from (env-)[project_name](by default) in AWS Secrets Manager and creates a file .secrets.json


Reads .secrets.json (by default) and creates a parameter-override string for sam deploy or sam local start-api`

Single repo reason

Since SAM can't have multiple template yet in one repo as of this writing, I opted to put this under root so it can work this way for now aws/aws-sam-cli#3555.


We welcome issue reports and pull requests to help improve these application templates.

Road ahead (TODO):

  1. Find a way to add !Ref CloudFrontDistribution to get the ID created with CloudFrontDistribution and use it in Functions that would use to invalidate CloudFront caches in DISTRIBUTION_ID environment variable.
  • Find a way to add it without circular dependency <- that's the error we get right now
  1. Automate creation of Route53->Hosted Zone->Record
  2. Return ApiKeyAuthorizer


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