Angular directive to represent dynamic data on top of a map. Inspired by
bower install angular-d3map
<d3map map_data="<topojson-filename OR topojson-data>"
point_data="<json-filename OR json-data>"
If a filename is passed, d3 will load the data inside the directive which is much faster.
Clone repository and install dependencies:
npm install
bower install
Run the example:
gulp serve
For topojson see
The point data looks as follows:
"range": {
"min": 1,
"max": 5
"1": "SEP 2003",
"2": "OCT 2003",
"3": "NOV 2003",
"4": "DEZ 2003",
"5": "JAN 2004"
"points": [
"name": "A sunny place",
"lat": 46.58501,
"lon": 6.658924,
"values": {
"1": 407,
"2": 1855,
"3": 6739,
"4": 39081,
"5": 13546
"name": "A hilly place",
"lat": 46.49397,
"lon": 9.889431,
"values": {
"2": 6912,
"3": 11325,
"4": 12324
Currently available options are:
var options = {
width: 960,
height: 600,
projection: 'mercator',
scale: 9500,
center_lat: 46.801111,
center_lon: 8.226667,
slider: true, // show slider (true/false)
slider_pos: 'top', // slider position ('top'/'bottom')
frame_length: 500,
legend: true // show legend (true/false)