This article series focused on implementing a serverless CI/CD with AWS services, During the implementation process we are going introduce lots of new AWS services. Due to topic complexity, the article has been divided into 2 parts. Your reading first part of the article where we will implementing Continuous Integration (CodeBuild Project, CodePipeline and test case with jest).
To follow the steps mentioned in this article, you should have your own AWS free tier account.
What should you know before starting implementing this article series?
- Basic understanding of git workflow.
- We are implementing CI/CD with CodeBuild, CodePipeline, S3, and Serverless Framework etc. So you have required a good knowledge of this AWS services.
- If you stuck in between process, you're curiosity help you to get rid of the obstacle.
If you don't know about AWS services, I will try to explain to you as simple as possible.
Continuous Integration(CI) is a development and testing phase of the software development. As developers make changes to software code, these changes are immediately checked into a shared source code. When the code is checked in, automated build processes and tests are triggered to make sure that the changes did not break the software application. It helps us to caught coding errors more quickly, and this avoids bugs before code merges into the shared source code.
Continuous Delivery (CD) means that as coding changes, new feature or bug fixes passes the automated build tests, then we have to do a set of configuration before ship changes to users land and deliver it rapidly as possible.
In this article, we are going to create a weight watcher application which asks for weight on every day and we store storing this weight inside the database.
We are going to create a new repository at GitHub. Give a name weight-watchers
to the repository and feel free to skip description then hit on Create Repository Button
. After the successful creation weight-watchers
repository, we are ready to clone this repository to the local machine for writing magical code. Clone repository using SSH or HTTP method as per your convenience.
If you stuck with cloning repository hit this link help you
git clone [email protected]:sagar-gavhane/weight-watchers.git
For sake of simplicity, we are using GitHub. If you want to use CodeCommit feel free to create a repository on AWS CodeCommit and clone it.
AWS CodeCommit is a version control service hosted by Amazon Web Services that you can use to privately store and manage source code in the cloud. We can state that it's alternative to GitHub only difference is that you can't make your repository public. CodeCommit has great integration with CodeBuild and CodePipeline over other version control services.
Add .gitignore file to ignore tracking folders and files which are generated at run-time or some secret files to avoid uploading to the repository. Paste the raw content of to created .gitignore file.
touch .gitignore && gedit .gitignore
Let's create a package.json file using npm init command.
npm init --y
We are using express-js for creating API endpoints. Install project dependencies by hitting npm below command.
npm install aws-sdk body-parser express serverless-http --save
Okay, wait for a while let me quickly explain project dependencies.
aws-sdk- The aws-sdk provides an API for AWS services you can use to build applications. The API lets developers build libraries or applications that make use of AWS services. There are different aws-sdk for different languages, we are using aws-sdk for JavaScript.
body-parser - body-parser extract the entire body portion of an incoming request stream and exposes it on req.body. Means whatever we send data using post method are stored inside req.body.
express - Express is a light-weight web application framework to help organize your web application into an MVC architecture on the server side. We are using for creating API endpoints.
serverless-http - serverless-http module allows you to 'wrap' your express API for serverless use. It's not handling any HTTP server, ports or sockets.
One more step, Let's add a buildspec.yml
file to our project, create a file with name buildspec.yml and add below code snippets. Later, I will explain to you the role of the buildspec file in the CI/CD pipeline.
version: 0.2
- npm install
- npm test
It's a good time to commit changes to the repository. Move on to next section of creating a solid CI/CD pipeline.
git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin master
Amazon S3 is object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere. Before we start to creating pipeline we have to setup S3 bucket to store our build artifacts. Build artifacts are files outputted from our builds that we want to save for future use.
Goto to AWS console and select S3 service from services dropdown, Click Create bucket and enter a name for your bucket. Here, I’m using weight-watchers-artifacts
. So I’ve appended -artifacts
to S3 bucket to make my bucket easier to find. S3 bucket name is unique so you have to enter suffix random numbers. Choose a region and click Next. Set default settings to S3 bucket as it is.
I strongly recommended that, stick with one region during this article. I'm sticking with US East (N. Virginia) region and also checkout necessary services are available to the your selected region.
AWS CodeBuild is a continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. We have just required to create CodeBuild project with proper settings.
Find CodeBuild service from services dropdown, once you're on CodeBuild dashboard hit on create project button. For the naming convention, I have given a name weight-watchers-builder
to the project. Choose source provider to GitHub (If you're using CodeCommit then choose CodeCommit). It will prompt you for GitHub authentication, authenticate your GitHub account. Enter your repository complete URL, I entered
repository URL. In Source: What to build
section skip remaining settings as default.
Move onto Environment: How to build
section. There is two way of selecting a building environment, either you can use AWS CodeBuild image or specific docker image. I'm sticking with AWS CodeBuild image. I have chosen an operating system as Ubuntu with runtime environment as nodejs, with specific runtime version to aws/codebuild/nodejs:8.11.0
Build specification, We will use buildspec.yml
file which is located in the root of the repository. Right now just select Use the buildspec.yml in the source code root directory
and buildspec name
to buildspec.yml
If you know building setting then feel free to toggle settings as per your requirements.
Now, it’s time to tell our CodeBuild project to save artifacts in that S3 bucket we created. Artifacts: Where to put the artifacts from this build project
section select type as Amazon S3
and set name, the path to empty. Bucket name, I will choose weight-watchers-artifacts
and artifacts packaging to zip.
And remaining settings: Cache, Service Role, and VPC. We don’t need to do anything with Cache and VPC for this article.
Move over to Service role
section, In this section, we will need an IAM service role when your build runs, it will assume this role. This service role will give it permissions to do write logs to CloudWatch and write artifacts to S3. Choose create a service role in your account
it will create a service role for us. I have given role name to codebuild-weight-watchers-builder-service-role
Okay, we don't need to change any advanced settings. Hit on continue
button to review what we have built so far.
Congratulations!! You have successfully created a CodeBuild project. Take a break, I know sticking with this article until this point is hard but step by step we will improve our knowledge and skills.
AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service that helps us to rapidly and reliably deliver features and updates. You can define your release process workflow and describes how a new code change progresses through your release process.
A pipeline comprises a series of stages (e.g., build, test, and deploy). each stage is made up of a sequence of actions, which are tasks such as building code or deploying to test environments.
Enough theory!!. Let's focus on creating our own pipeline. select CodePipeline from services dropdown. CodePipeline creation divided into 6 steps as Name, Source, Build, Deploy, Service Role, Review.
In Name
step, enter your pipeline name, for a naming convention, I will choose pipeline name as weight-watchers-pipeline
then hit next step button.
In Source
step, Choose source provider as GitHub repository (If your created repository on CodeCommit then select CodeCommit). It will prompt you for GitHub authentication. Authenticate your GitHub account. Once you successfully authenticate then you're ready to enter repository name and branch name. I will go with the repository name
and branch name as master. Skip Change detection options
section. then move onto the next step.
In Build step
, choose the build provider that you want to use, I'm sticking with CodeBuild. Move onto Configure your project
section, select your project builder name. We already created a project builder in starting of this article so, I will choose weight-watchers-builder
then move to the next step.
In Deploy step
, choose deployment to provide as No Deployment
. Later we will edit our pipeline and add one deployment stage. move to the next step.
In Service Role
step, Our pipeline needs a role that gives permission for access CodeBuild project, watching CloudWatch events. Now, we're selecting ready-made service role AWS-CodePipeline-Service
. However, if that selected your custom role and role is not configured correctly, AWS CodePipeline might not work as expected.
Finish, you have done CodePipeline configuration, just given quick review on the pipeline and then hit create pipeline button.
Congratulations!! your pipeline successfully created.
Jest is a delightful JavaScript testing framework created and maintained by a community of open source contributors and Facebook employees.
Write a simple unit test for check given number is prime or not using a jestjs. In __test__
directory create a file named primeNumber.test.js
and copy paste below code snippets. In code snippets, we wrote a function which returns true if the given number is prime else return false.
Before writing code, install jestjs as a development dependency.
npm install jest --save-dev
function isPrime(num) {
for (var i = 2; i < num; i++) if (num % i === 0) return false;
return num !== 1;
describe("test prime number", () => {
it("17 is a prime number", () => {
Make little changes to our package.json file add the script as "test": "jest"
in script section. We have to run npm test command during CodeBuild execution.
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
Okay! Whatever you have done modification with weight-watcher
project in local machine, commit your changes to GitHub and check release change in weight-watchers-pipeline
pipeline. If your both phase successfully passed you're created your own CI pipeline.
Thanks for reading this article, I understood that maybe you're stuck with the problem or you have a good suggestion for this article. Don't forget to like and comment on your question or feedback.
In the next article, we will implement CD (Continues Delivery) so keep in touch with me. Have a good day!!
Happy Coding...