As per the District and School Summary, students are doing better in reading rather than math. But the overall passing rate is not very satisfactory for all the schools. Going forward, more attention is required for getting better scores in Math to improve the overall scores and performance of the schools.
Top performing schools are mostly charter schools. There is a significant difference in overall passing rates of the charter and district schools - Overall passing rate : Charter -> 91% & District -> 71%
The overall performance of students is very good from the schools which have less budget (<585) as compared to the schools which are spending more on students.
The smaller and medium sized school's performance is much better than the large sized schools in Math. Performance in Math: Small and medium size -> 89% - 91% whereas large size -> 67%. This may be due to the reason that the student population in charter schools is less than the district schools.
# Dependencies
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Load csv files
schools = 'Resources/schools_complete.csv'
students = 'Resources/students_complete.csv'
# Read school file with pandas
school_df = pd.read_csv(schools)
# Check columns of schools data
# Rename columns in school dataset
school = school_df.rename(columns={'name' : 'School','type' : 'Type','size' : 'Size','budget' : 'Budget'})
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
School ID | School | Type | Size | Budget | |
0 | 0 | Huang High School | District | 2917 | 1910635 |
1 | 1 | Figueroa High School | District | 2949 | 1884411 |
2 | 2 | Shelton High School | Charter | 1761 | 1056600 |
3 | 3 | Hernandez High School | District | 4635 | 3022020 |
4 | 4 | Griffin High School | Charter | 1468 | 917500 |
# Read student file with pandas
student_df = pd.read_csv(students)
# Check columns of students data
# Rename columns in student dataset
student = student_df.rename(columns={'name' : 'Student','gender' : 'Gender','grade' : 'Grade',
'school' : 'School','reading_score' : 'Reading_Score', 'math_score' : 'Math_Score'})
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
Student ID | Student | Gender | Grade | School | Reading_Score | Math_Score | |
0 | 0 | Paul Bradley | M | 9th | Huang High School | 66 | 79 |
1 | 1 | Victor Smith | M | 12th | Huang High School | 94 | 61 |
2 | 2 | Kevin Rodriguez | M | 12th | Huang High School | 90 | 60 |
3 | 3 | Dr. Richard Scott | M | 12th | Huang High School | 67 | 58 |
4 | 4 | Bonnie Ray | F | 9th | Huang High School | 97 | 84 |
# Merge school and student dataframes
complete_data = pd.merge(school, student, on=('School'))
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
School ID | School | Type | Size | Budget | Student ID | Student | Gender | Grade | Reading_Score | Math_Score | |
0 | 0 | Huang High School | District | 2917 | 1910635 | 0 | Paul Bradley | M | 9th | 66 | 79 |
1 | 0 | Huang High School | District | 2917 | 1910635 | 1 | Victor Smith | M | 12th | 94 | 61 |
2 | 0 | Huang High School | District | 2917 | 1910635 | 2 | Kevin Rodriguez | M | 12th | 90 | 60 |
3 | 0 | Huang High School | District | 2917 | 1910635 | 3 | Dr. Richard Scott | M | 12th | 67 | 58 |
4 | 0 | Huang High School | District | 2917 | 1910635 | 4 | Bonnie Ray | F | 9th | 97 | 84 |
# Find the total schools, students and budget from school dataframe
Total_Schools = complete_data["School"].nunique()
Total_Students = complete_data["Student ID"].nunique()
Total_Budget = school["Budget"].sum()
# Find average Math and Reading score
avg_math_score = complete_data["Math_Score"].mean()
avg_reading_score = complete_data["Reading_Score"].mean()
# Calculate the total count of passing Math, reading and overall passing count
count_passing_math = complete_data[complete_data["Math_Score"] > 70].count()["School"]
count_passing_reading = complete_data[complete_data["Reading_Score"] > 70].count()["School"]
overall_passing_count = complete_data[(complete_data["Math_Score"] > 70) & (complete_data["Reading_Score"] > 70)].count()["School"]
# Calculate Percentage Passing Math / Reading and overall passing both
percent_passing_math = (count_passing_math / Total_Students) * 100
percent_passing_reading = (count_passing_reading / Total_Students) * 100
percent_passing_both = (overall_passing_count / Total_Students) * 100
# District Summary Table
District_Summary = pd.DataFrame({"Total Schools":[Total_Schools], "Total Students":[Total_Students],
"Total Budget":[Total_Budget], "Average Math Score":[avg_math_score],
"Average Reading Score":[avg_reading_score], "% Passing Math":percent_passing_math,
"% Passing Reading":percent_passing_reading, "Overall Passing Rate": percent_passing_both})
District_Summary = District_Summary[["Total Schools", "Total Students", "Total Budget", "Average Math Score",
"Average Reading Score", "% Passing Math", "% Passing Reading", "Overall Passing Rate"]]
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
Total Schools | Total Students | Total Budget | Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
0 | 15 | 39170 | 24649428 | 78.985371 | 81.87784 | 72.392137 | 82.971662 | 60.801634 |
# Determine the school type
school_types = school.set_index(["School"])["Type"]
# Calculate total student count per school
per_school_counts = complete_data["School"].value_counts()
# Calculate per school and per student budget
per_school_budget = complete_data.groupby(["School"]).mean()["Budget"]
per_student_budget = per_school_budget/ per_school_counts
# calculate average math and reading scores
avg_math_score = complete_data.groupby(["School"]).mean()["Math_Score"]
avg_reading_score = complete_data.groupby(["School"]).mean()["Reading_Score"]
# Count of schools passing Math and Reading
school_passing_math = complete_data[complete_data["Math_Score"] > 70].groupby("School").count()["Student"]
school_passing_reading = complete_data[complete_data["Reading_Score"] > 70].groupby("School").count()["Student"]
# Calculate percent passing Math / Reading and Overall passing rate
percent_passing_math = school_passing_math / per_school_counts * 100
percent_passing_reading = school_passing_reading / per_school_counts * 100
overall_passing_rate = (percent_passing_math + percent_passing_reading) / 2
# Convert to data frame
School_wise_Summary = pd.DataFrame({"School Type":school_types, "Total Students":per_school_counts,
"Total School Budget":per_school_budget, "Per Student Budget":per_student_budget,
"Average Math Score":avg_math_score, "Average Reading Score":avg_reading_score,
"% Passing Math":percent_passing_math, "% Passing Reading":percent_passing_reading,
"Overall Passing Rate":overall_passing_rate})
# Data munging
School_wise_Summary = School_wise_Summary[["School Type","Total Students","Total School Budget","Per Student Budget",
"Average Math Score","Average Reading Score","% Passing Math","% Passing Reading",
"Overall Passing Rate"]]
School_wise_Summary["Total School Budget"] = School_wise_Summary["Total School Budget"].map("${:,.2f}".format)
School_wise_Summary["Per Student Budget"] = School_wise_Summary["Per Student Budget"].map("${:,.2f}".format)
# Display the data frame
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
School Type | Total Students | Total School Budget | Per Student Budget | Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
Bailey High School | District | 4976 | $3,124,928.00 | $628.00 | 77.048432 | 81.033963 | 64.630225 | 79.300643 | 71.965434 |
Cabrera High School | Charter | 1858 | $1,081,356.00 | $582.00 | 83.061895 | 83.975780 | 89.558665 | 93.864370 | 91.711518 |
Figueroa High School | District | 2949 | $1,884,411.00 | $639.00 | 76.711767 | 81.158020 | 63.750424 | 78.433367 | 71.091896 |
Ford High School | District | 2739 | $1,763,916.00 | $644.00 | 77.102592 | 80.746258 | 65.753925 | 77.510040 | 71.631982 |
Griffin High School | Charter | 1468 | $917,500.00 | $625.00 | 83.351499 | 83.816757 | 89.713896 | 93.392371 | 91.553134 |
Hernandez High School | District | 4635 | $3,022,020.00 | $652.00 | 77.289752 | 80.934412 | 64.746494 | 78.187702 | 71.467098 |
Holden High School | Charter | 427 | $248,087.00 | $581.00 | 83.803279 | 83.814988 | 90.632319 | 92.740047 | 91.686183 |
Huang High School | District | 2917 | $1,910,635.00 | $655.00 | 76.629414 | 81.182722 | 63.318478 | 78.813850 | 71.066164 |
Johnson High School | District | 4761 | $3,094,650.00 | $650.00 | 77.072464 | 80.966394 | 63.852132 | 78.281874 | 71.067003 |
Pena High School | Charter | 962 | $585,858.00 | $609.00 | 83.839917 | 84.044699 | 91.683992 | 92.203742 | 91.943867 |
Rodriguez High School | District | 3999 | $2,547,363.00 | $637.00 | 76.842711 | 80.744686 | 64.066017 | 77.744436 | 70.905226 |
Shelton High School | Charter | 1761 | $1,056,600.00 | $600.00 | 83.359455 | 83.725724 | 89.892107 | 92.617831 | 91.254969 |
Thomas High School | Charter | 1635 | $1,043,130.00 | $638.00 | 83.418349 | 83.848930 | 90.214067 | 92.905199 | 91.559633 |
Wilson High School | Charter | 2283 | $1,319,574.00 | $578.00 | 83.274201 | 83.989488 | 90.932983 | 93.254490 | 92.093736 |
Wright High School | Charter | 1800 | $1,049,400.00 | $583.00 | 83.682222 | 83.955000 | 90.277778 | 93.444444 | 91.861111 |
# Top 5 performing schools(By passing rates)
Top_Schools = School_wise_Summary.sort_values(["Overall Passing Rate"], ascending = False)
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
School Type | Total Students | Total School Budget | Per Student Budget | Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
Wilson High School | Charter | 2283 | $1,319,574.00 | $578.00 | 83.274201 | 83.989488 | 90.932983 | 93.254490 | 92.093736 |
Pena High School | Charter | 962 | $585,858.00 | $609.00 | 83.839917 | 84.044699 | 91.683992 | 92.203742 | 91.943867 |
Wright High School | Charter | 1800 | $1,049,400.00 | $583.00 | 83.682222 | 83.955000 | 90.277778 | 93.444444 | 91.861111 |
Cabrera High School | Charter | 1858 | $1,081,356.00 | $582.00 | 83.061895 | 83.975780 | 89.558665 | 93.864370 | 91.711518 |
Holden High School | Charter | 427 | $248,087.00 | $581.00 | 83.803279 | 83.814988 | 90.632319 | 92.740047 | 91.686183 |
# Bottom 5 performing schools(By passing rates)
Bottom_Schools = School_wise_Summary.sort_values(["Overall Passing Rate"], ascending = True)
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
School Type | Total Students | Total School Budget | Per Student Budget | Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
Rodriguez High School | District | 3999 | $2,547,363.00 | $637.00 | 76.842711 | 80.744686 | 64.066017 | 77.744436 | 70.905226 |
Huang High School | District | 2917 | $1,910,635.00 | $655.00 | 76.629414 | 81.182722 | 63.318478 | 78.813850 | 71.066164 |
Johnson High School | District | 4761 | $3,094,650.00 | $650.00 | 77.072464 | 80.966394 | 63.852132 | 78.281874 | 71.067003 |
Figueroa High School | District | 2949 | $1,884,411.00 | $639.00 | 76.711767 | 81.158020 | 63.750424 | 78.433367 | 71.091896 |
Hernandez High School | District | 4635 | $3,022,020.00 | $652.00 | 77.289752 | 80.934412 | 64.746494 | 78.187702 | 71.467098 |
# Calculate math score by grade
nineth_grade_score = complete_data[complete_data["Grade"] == "9th"].groupby("School").mean()["Math_Score"]
tenth_grade_score = complete_data[complete_data["Grade"] == "10th"].groupby("School").mean()["Math_Score"]
eleventh_grade_score = complete_data[complete_data["Grade"] == "11th"].groupby("School").mean()["Math_Score"]
twelveth_grade_score = complete_data[complete_data["Grade"] == "12th"].groupby("School").mean()["Math_Score"]
# Math score by grade in table form
math_score_by_grade_df = pd.DataFrame({"9th":nineth_grade_score, "10th":tenth_grade_score,
# Data munging
Math_Score_by_Grade = math_score_by_grade_df[["9th", "10th", "11th", "12th"]]
Math_Score_by_Grade.index.name = None
# Display the data frame
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | |
Bailey High School | 77.083676 | 76.996772 | 77.515588 | 76.492218 |
Cabrera High School | 83.094697 | 83.154506 | 82.765560 | 83.277487 |
Figueroa High School | 76.403037 | 76.539974 | 76.884344 | 77.151369 |
Ford High School | 77.361345 | 77.672316 | 76.918058 | 76.179963 |
Griffin High School | 82.044010 | 84.229064 | 83.842105 | 83.356164 |
Hernandez High School | 77.438495 | 77.337408 | 77.136029 | 77.186567 |
Holden High School | 83.787402 | 83.429825 | 85.000000 | 82.855422 |
Huang High School | 77.027251 | 75.908735 | 76.446602 | 77.225641 |
Johnson High School | 77.187857 | 76.691117 | 77.491653 | 76.863248 |
Pena High School | 83.625455 | 83.372000 | 84.328125 | 84.121547 |
Rodriguez High School | 76.859966 | 76.612500 | 76.395626 | 77.690748 |
Shelton High School | 83.420755 | 82.917411 | 83.383495 | 83.778976 |
Thomas High School | 83.590022 | 83.087886 | 83.498795 | 83.497041 |
Wilson High School | 83.085578 | 83.724422 | 83.195326 | 83.035794 |
Wright High School | 83.264706 | 84.010288 | 83.836782 | 83.644986 |
# Reading score by grade
nineth_grade_score = complete_data[complete_data["Grade"] == "9th"].groupby("School").mean()["Reading_Score"]
tenth_grade_score = complete_data[complete_data["Grade"] == "10th"].groupby("School").mean()["Reading_Score"]
eleventh_grade_score = complete_data[complete_data["Grade"] == "11th"].groupby("School").mean()["Reading_Score"]
twelveth_grade_score = complete_data[complete_data["Grade"] == "12th"].groupby("School").mean()["Reading_Score"]
# Reading score by grade in table form
reading_score_by_grade_df = pd.DataFrame({"9th":nineth_grade_score, "10th":tenth_grade_score,
# Data munging
Reading_Score_by_Grade = reading_score_by_grade_df[["9th", "10th", "11th", "12th"]]
Reading_Score_by_Grade.index.name = None
# Display the data frame
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | |
Bailey High School | 81.303155 | 80.907183 | 80.945643 | 80.912451 |
Cabrera High School | 83.676136 | 84.253219 | 83.788382 | 84.287958 |
Figueroa High School | 81.198598 | 81.408912 | 80.640339 | 81.384863 |
Ford High School | 80.632653 | 81.262712 | 80.403642 | 80.662338 |
Griffin High School | 83.369193 | 83.706897 | 84.288089 | 84.013699 |
Hernandez High School | 80.866860 | 80.660147 | 81.396140 | 80.857143 |
Holden High School | 83.677165 | 83.324561 | 83.815534 | 84.698795 |
Huang High School | 81.290284 | 81.512386 | 81.417476 | 80.305983 |
Johnson High School | 81.260714 | 80.773431 | 80.616027 | 81.227564 |
Pena High School | 83.807273 | 83.612000 | 84.335938 | 84.591160 |
Rodriguez High School | 80.993127 | 80.629808 | 80.864811 | 80.376426 |
Shelton High School | 84.122642 | 83.441964 | 84.373786 | 82.781671 |
Thomas High School | 83.728850 | 84.254157 | 83.585542 | 83.831361 |
Wilson High School | 83.939778 | 84.021452 | 83.764608 | 84.317673 |
Wright High School | 83.833333 | 83.812757 | 84.156322 | 84.073171 |
# Scores by school spending
spending_bins = [0, 585, 615, 645, 675]
spending_ranges = ["<585", "585-615", "615-645", "645-675"]
# Categorize spending based on spending bins
School_wise_Summary["Spending Ranges (Per Student)"] = pd.cut(per_student_budget, spending_bins, labels = spending_ranges)
spending_math_score = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["Spending Ranges (Per Student)"]).mean()['Average Math Score']
Spending_reading_score = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["Spending Ranges (Per Student)"]).mean()['Average Reading Score']
spending_passing_math = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["Spending Ranges (Per Student)"]).mean()['% Passing Math']
spending_passing_reading = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["Spending Ranges (Per Student)"]).mean()['% Passing Reading']
overall_passing_rate = (spending_math_score + Spending_reading_score) / 2
# Scores by School Spending in table form
Spending_Score = pd.DataFrame({"Average Math Score":spending_math_score, "Average Reading Score":Spending_reading_score,
"% Passing Math":spending_passing_math,"% Passing Reading":spending_passing_reading,
"Overall Passing Rate":overall_passing_rate})
# Data munging
Spending_Score = Spending_Score[["Average Math Score", "Average Reading Score",
"% Passing Math","% Passing Reading","Overall Passing Rate"]]
# Display the data frame
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
Spending Ranges (Per Student) | |||||
585-615 | 83.599686 | 83.885211 | 90.788049 | 92.410786 | 83.742449 |
615-645 | 79.079225 | 81.891436 | 73.021426 | 83.214343 | 80.485330 |
645-675 | 76.997210 | 81.027843 | 63.972368 | 78.427809 | 79.012526 |
<585 | 83.455399 | 83.933814 | 90.350436 | 93.325838 | 83.694607 |
# Scores by school size
size_bins = [0, 1000, 2000, 5000]
size_ranges = ["Small (<1000)", "Medium (1000-2000)", "Large (2000-5000)"]
School_wise_Summary["School Size"] = pd.cut(School_wise_Summary["Total Students"], size_bins, labels = size_ranges)
avg_math_score = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Size"]).mean()['Average Math Score']
avg_reading_score = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Size"]).mean()['Average Reading Score']
percent_passing_math = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Size"]).mean()['% Passing Math']
percent_passing_reading = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Size"]).mean()['% Passing Reading']
overall_passing_rate = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Size"]).mean()['Overall Passing Rate']
# Scores by School Size in table form
Size_Score = pd.DataFrame({"Average Math Score":avg_math_score, "Average Reading Score":avg_reading_score,
"% Passing Math":percent_passing_math,"% Passing Reading":percent_passing_reading,
"Overall Passing Rate":overall_passing_rate})
# Data munging
Size_Score = Size_Score[["Average Math Score", "Average Reading Score",
"% Passing Math","% Passing Reading","Overall Passing Rate"]]
# Display the data frame
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
School Size | |||||
Large (2000-5000) | 77.746417 | 81.344493 | 67.631335 | 80.190800 | 73.911067 |
Medium (1000-2000) | 83.374684 | 83.864438 | 89.931303 | 93.244843 | 91.588073 |
Small (<1000) | 83.821598 | 83.929843 | 91.158155 | 92.471895 | 91.815025 |
avg_math_score = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Type"]).mean()['Average Math Score']
avg_reading_score = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Type"]).mean()['Average Reading Score']
percent_passing_math = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Type"]).mean()['% Passing Math']
percent_passing_reading = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Type"]).mean()['% Passing Reading']
overall_passing_rate = School_wise_Summary.groupby(["School Type"]).mean()['Overall Passing Rate']
# Scores by School Type in table form
Type_Score = pd.DataFrame({"Average Math Score":avg_math_score, "Average Reading Score":avg_reading_score,
"% Passing Math":percent_passing_math,"% Passing Reading":percent_passing_reading,
"Overall Passing Rate":overall_passing_rate})
# Data munging
Type_Score = Type_Score[["Average Math Score", "Average Reading Score",
"% Passing Math","% Passing Reading","Overall Passing Rate"]]
# Display the data frame
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: left;
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
School Type | |||||
Charter | 83.473852 | 83.896421 | 90.363226 | 93.052812 | 91.708019 |
District | 76.956733 | 80.966636 | 64.302528 | 78.324559 | 71.313543 |