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breaking change🚨
breaking change🚨
duplicate 🔁
duplicate 🔁
This issue or pull request already exists
good first issue 🐣
good first issue 🐣
Does not require deep project knowledge or context to address
has: workaround 🩹
has: workaround 🩹
A temporary workaround has been provided.
invalid? 🤔
invalid? 🤔
This doesn't seem right
needs: info 🔎
needs: info 🔎
Needs more info before action can be taken
needs: review 🧐
needs: review 🧐
Needs to be reviewed by a codeowner
stale? 🥖
stale? 🥖
This might be out of date.
status: blocked ⛔
status: blocked ⛔
Needs other issues to be resolved before additional progress can be made
status: complete ✔️
status: complete ✔️
Work on this is completed.
status: confirmed 📍
status: confirmed 📍
The issue has been confirmed and reproduced.
status: in progress 🚧
status: in progress 🚧
Work on this has begun
status: wontfix 😶
status: wontfix 😶
This can be closed
type: bug 🐛
type: bug 🐛
Something isn't working
type: chore 🧹
type: chore 🧹
No changes to production code.
type: enhancement ⚡
type: enhancement ⚡
Improves on an existing feature
type: feature 🦋
type: feature 🦋
New feature or request
type: idea 💡
type: idea 💡
An idea how to improve this project
type: question ❔
type: question ❔
Should probably be in GitHub Discussions
type: tracking 🎯
type: tracking 🎯
Tracking related issues or pull requests