Pocolog is a Ruby library that allows to manipulate log files generated by Rock's logger component (github.com/rock-core/tools-logger). Additionally, it allows to also create log files in the same format.
It is part of the core of the Robot Construction Kit (Rock) https://www.rock-robotics.org
Additional documentation:
- Rock and Syskit: https://www.rock-robotics.org/rock-and-syskit
- API documentation: https://rubydoc.info/github/rock-core/tools-pocolog/master
- Since 2019: TideWise Ltda [email protected]
- 2017-2019: Thirteen Robotics Ltda [email protected]
- 2013-2017: Brazilian Institute of Robotics [email protected]
- 2007-2013: DFKI Robotics Innovation Center [email protected]
- 2004-2007:
Sylvain Joyeux [email protected]
LAAS/CNRS [email protected]