-- import "github.com/robertkrimen/terst"
Package terst is a terse (terst = test + terse), easy-to-use testing library for Go.
terst is compatible with (and works via) the standard testing package: http://golang.org/pkg/testing
var is = terst.Is
func Test(t *testing.T) {
terst.Terst(t, func() {
is("abc", "abc")
is(1, ">", 0)
var abc []int
is(abc, nil)
Do not import terst directly, instead use terst-import
to copy it into your
testing environment:
$ go get github.com/robertkrimen/terst/terst-import
$ terst-import
func Is(arguments ...interface{}) bool
Is compares two values (got & expect) and returns true if the comparison is true, false otherwise. In addition, if the comparison is false, Is will report the error in a manner similar to testing.T.Error(...). Is also takes an optional argument, a comparator, that changes how the comparison is made. The following comparators are available:
== # got == expect (default)
!= # got != expect
> # got > expect (float32, uint, uint16, int, int64, ...)
>= # got >= expect
< # got < expect
<= # got <= expect
=~ # regexp.MustCompile(expect).Match{String}(got)
!~ # !regexp.MustCompile(expect).Match{String}(got)
Basic usage with the default comparator (==):
Is(<got>, <expect>)
Specifying a different comparator:
Is(<got>, <comparator>, <expect>)
A simple comparison:
Is(2 + 2, 4)
A bit trickier:
Is(1, ">", 0)
Is(2 + 2, "!=", 5)
Is("Nothing happens.", "=~", `ing(\s+)happens\.$`)
Is should only be called under a Terst(t, ...) call. For a standalone version, use IsErr. If no scope is found and the comparison is false, then Is will panic the error.
func IsErr(arguments ...interface{}) error
IsErr compares two values (got & expect) and returns nil if the comparison is true, an ErrFail if the comparison is false, or an ErrInvalid if the comparison is invalid. IsErr also takes an optional argument, a comparator, that changes how the comparison is made.
Is & IsErr are similar but different:
Is(...) // Should only be called within a Terst(...) call
IsErr(...) // A standalone comparator, the same as Is, just without the automatic reporting
func Terst(t *testing.T, arguments ...func())
Terst creates a testing scope, where Is can be called and errors will be reported according to the top-level location of the comparison, and not where the Is call actually takes place. For example:
func test(value int) {
Is(value, 5) // <--- This failure is reported below.
Terst(t, func(){
Is(2, ">", 3) // <--- An error is reported here.
test(5) // <--- An error is reported here.
type Call struct {
Call is a reference to a line immediately under a Terst testing scope.
func Caller() *Call
Caller will search the stack, looking for a Terst testing scope. If a scope is found, then Caller returns a Call for logging errors, accessing testing.T, etc. If no scope is found, Caller returns nil.
func (cl *Call) Error(arguments ...interface{})
Error is the terst version of testing.T.Error
func (cl *Call) Errorf(format string, arguments ...interface{})
Errorf is the terst version of testing.T.Errorf
func (cl *Call) Log(arguments ...interface{})
Log is the terst version of testing.T.Log
func (cl *Call) Logf(format string, arguments ...interface{})
Logf is the terst version of testing.T.Logf
func (cl *Call) Skip(arguments ...interface{})
Skip is the terst version of testing.T.Skip
func (cl *Call) Skipf(format string, arguments ...interface{})
Skipf is the terst version of testing.T.Skipf
func (cl *Call) T() *testing.T
T returns the original testing.T passed to Terst(...)
func (cl *Call) TestFunc() *runtime.Func
TestFunc returns the *runtime.Func entry for the top-level Test...(t testing.T) function.
type ErrFail error
ErrFail indicates a comparison failure (e.g. 0 > 1).
type ErrInvalid error
ErrInvalid indicates an invalid comparison (e.g. bool == string).
-- godocdown http://github.com/robertkrimen/godocdown