Delete Empty Folders
This program deletes all the empty folders/directories from the selected location.
Depth of scan determines to search the nested directories. Such as if depth of scan value is 5, this program will search and delete 5 level of nested directories.
An example of 5 level of empty folders/directories.
Dir1 |_Dir2 |-Dir3 |-Dir4 |-Dir5
This was written in few hours, hence this program is not very user friendly. I highly recommend you to use on “Download” directory. It is not recommended to scan any system directories.
If you want to test, create multiple empty folders on desktop and run this program (Choose your desktop in location) and see :)
I personally has been using this, so far my mac is working fine. However, I do not take any responsibilities for any loss or damage of your data. Hence: This software is given 'as it is'!
~Ritesh Gaur