This is a TypeScript SDK for RingCentral Softphone. It is a complete rewrite of the RingCentral Softphone SDK for JavaScript
Users are recommended to use this SDK instead of the JavaScript SDK.
yarn install ringcentral-softphone
- Login to
- Find the user/extension you want to use
- Check the user's "Devices & Numbers"
- Find a phone/device that you want to use
- if there is none, you need to create one. Check steps below for more details
- Click the "Set Up and Provision" button
- Click the link "Set up manually using SIP"
- You will find "SIP Domain", "Outbound Proxy", "User Name", "Password" and "Authorization ID"
Please note that, "SIP Domain" name should come without port number. I don't know why it shows a port number on the page. This SDK requires a "domain" which is "SIP Domain" but without the port number.
Invoke this RESTful API:
Please note that, in order to invoke this API, you need to be familiar with RingCentral RESTful programmming.
Here is a demo:
The credentials data returned by that API is like this:
"domain": "",
"outboundProxies": [
"region": "EMEA",
"proxy": "",
"proxyTLS": ""
"region": "APAC",
"proxy": "",
"proxyTLS": ""
"region": "NA",
"proxy": "",
"proxyTLS": ""
"region": "LATAM",
"proxy": "",
"proxyTLS": ""
"userName": "16501234567",
"password": "password",
"authorizationId": "802512345678"
You will need to choose a outboundProxy value based on your location. And please
choose the proxyTLS
value because this SDK uses TLS. For example if you live
in north America, choose
import Softphone from "ringcentral-softphone";
const softphone = new Softphone({
domain: process.env.SIP_INFO_DOMAIN,
outboundProxy: process.env.SIP_INFO_OUTBOUND_PROXY,
username: process.env.SIP_INFO_USERNAME,
password: process.env.SIP_INFO_PASSWORD,
authorizationId: process.env.SIP_INFO_AUTHORIZATION_ID,
For complete examples, see demos/
- inbound call
- outbound call
- inbound DTMF
- outbound DTMF
- reject inbound call
- cancel outbound call
- hang up ongoing call
- receive audio stream from peer
- stream local audio to remote peer
- call transfer
There are two more codecs supported: OPUS/48000/2
and PCMU/8000
To use them, you will need to explicitly set them when creating the softphone instance:
import Softphone from "ringcentral-softphone";
const softphone = new Softphone({
// ...
codec: "PCMU/8000", // or "OPUS/48000/2" or "OPUS/16000"
// ...
The codec used between server and client is "OPUS/16000". This SDK will auto decode/encode the codec to/from "uncompressed PCM".
Bit rate is 16, which means 16 bits per sample. Sample rate is 16000, which means 16000 samples per second. Encoding is "signed-integer".
You may play saved audio by the following command:
play -t raw -b 16 -r 16000 -e signed-integer test.wav
To stream an audio file to remote peer, you need to make sure that the audio file is playable by the command above.
If you prefer ffmpeg, here is the command to play the file:
ffplay -autoexit -f s16le -ar 16000 test.wav
On macOS:
say "Hello world" -o test.wav --data-format=LEI16@16000
For Linux and Windows, please do some investigation yourself. Audio file generation is out of scope of this SDK.
If you choose this codec, make sure audio is playable using the following commands:
play -b 8 -r 8000 -e mu-law test.raw
Please note that, if I name the file as *.wav, play
will complain:
play FAIL formats: can't open input file `6fdbbf2f-74fe-437a-b5a7-80c0c546baf0.wav': WAVE: RIFF header not found
Either you rename it to *.raw or use ffplay
ffplay -autoexit -f mulaw -ar 8000 test.wav
If you choose this codec, make sure audio is playable using the following commands:
play -t raw -b 16 -r 48000 -e signed-integer -c 2 test.wav
I don't know how to use ffplay
to play such an audio file. Please create a PR
if you know, thanks.
You can run multiple softphone instances with the same credentials without encountering any errors. However, only the most recent instance will receive inbound calls.
In the future, we may consider supporting multiple active instances using the same credentials. For now, we believe there is no demand for this functionality.
If you call an invalid number. The sip server will return "SIP/2.0 486 Busy Here".
This SDK will emit a "busy" event for the call session and dispose it.
You can detect such an event by:
callSession.once("busy", () => {
console.log("cannot reach the callee number");
When you get audio from a call session, you may forward it to another call session:
callSession1.on("rtpPacket", (rtpPacket: RtpPacket) => {
// if statement is to make sure that it is an audio packet
if (rtpPacket.header.payloadType === {
For outbound calls, you will be able to find header like this
p-rc-api-ids: party-id=p-a0d17e323f0fez1953f50f90dz296e3440000-1;session-id=s-a0d17e323f0fez1953f50f90dz296e3440000
from callSession.sipMessage.headers
However, for inbound calls, the server doesn't tell us anything about the Telephony Session ID. Here is a workaround solution:
Content below is for the maintainer/contributor of this SDK.
- We don't need to explicitly tell remote server our local UDP port (for audio streaming) via SIP SDP message. We send a RTP message to the remote server first, so the remote server knows our IP and port. So, the port number in SDP message could be fake.
- Ref:
- Caller Id feature is not supported.
doesn't work. I think it is by design, since hardphone cannot support it.
We use deno fmt && deno lint --fix
to format and lint all code.