A set of scripts and utilities to manage multiple leaderboards generated by Dan's Leaderboard Creator.
Originally made for La LLama de Sant Antoni to learn leaderboard management and server communication in Unity.
This developed to using Dan's Leaderboard's, as I wasn't experienced enough with server communication to make my own. For that I'm very grateful to Dan for providing this tool free to use.
Import the latest
from https://github.com/danqzq/unity-leaderboard-creator/releases. Import the package WITHOUT demo assets. -
Import the LeaderboardManager
from https://github.com/richardotomislav/leaderboardmanager/releases/latest.Alternatives:
a. Clone this repository directly into your Unity project's
folder.b. Or download the repo source code as a .zip and extract directly to the
Make sure to have imported the latest version of the Leaderboard Creator package.
If not, you will NOT be able to use the manager.
First of, you need to create a leaderboard at https://danqzq.itch.io/leaderboard-creator. After this, return back to Unity, and in the window's toolbar:
LeaderboardCreator -> My Leaderboards
After that, add as many leaderboards as you need.
IMPORTANT: Click Save to C# Script
so the next step can be achieved.
Create -> Leaderboards -> Settings
This will create a "settings" scriptable object that automatically gets any leaderboard saved in Leaderboards.cs
from the Leaderboard Creator.
Add a new leaderboard from Prefabs -> LeaderboardPrefabs -> Leaderboard
to your scene (as a child of a canvas).
Then, in your script, intialize the leaderboard with the following code:
[SerializeField] private LeaderboardManager leaderboardNoExtra;
[SerializeField] private LeaderboardManager leaderboardWithExtra;
[SerializeField] private string testLeaderboardName = "DemoSceneLeaderboard";
[SerializeField] private int testScore = 100;
[SerializeField] private string testExtra = "TestExtra";
void LoadLeaderboards()
// Initialize the leaderboard with test data
leaderboardNoExtra.InitializeLeaderboard("Test", 200);
Debug.Log($"Initialized leaderboard: Test with score: 200");
Debug.Log($"Initialized leaderboard: {testLeaderboardName} " +
$"with score: {testScore} and {testExtra}");
has an optional parameter called extra, which can be used to store other types of data.
As a limitation, the first parameter of InitializeLeaderboard()
is a string which corresponds to the Name
set on the Leaderboard Creator window, and then transfered to Settings
Scriptable Object.
This is done this way to be able to dynamically manage multiple leaderboards in the same scene.
I accept any suggestions to improve this system.
For the original purpose of this project, I used dictionaries and handler intialization.
The prefab is done to be as modifible as possible.
Here's my leaderboard customized to fit my game: