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TODO2: create phylogenetic tree of vimrcs TODO3: add all options from option.c (see src/nvim/option.c) TODO4: cover the entire github periodically

This script scrapes vimrc's hosted in github and returns the most commonly used vim configurations.


The "voting" process may iterate as follows:

def vote(default):
    vimrcs = people_curate_their_vimrc()
    new_default = most_common_50_percent(vimrcs)
    if new_default != default:
        return vote(new_default)
        return new_default


  1. Make sure pathogen is available and execute pathogen#infect() is in ~/.vimrc
  2. cd ~/.vim/bundle
  3. git clone git://


set nocompatible > syntax on

Most common vim config out of 13759 vimrc's

  1. set nocompatible 83.33%
  2. syntax on 79.78%
  3. set number 74.55%
  4. set expandtab 71.10%
  5. set incsearch 68.44%
  6. set hlsearch 67.92%
  7. set laststatus=2 67.76%
  8. filetype plugin indent on 67.59%
  9. set ruler 60.38%
  10. set ignorecase 59.67%
  11. set autoindent 53.00%
  12. set showcmd 50.05%
  13. set backspace=indent,eol,start 47.30%
  14. set wildmenu 45.68%
  15. set background=dark 40.45%
  16. let mapleader="," 39.67%
  17. set smartcase 38.73%
  18. filetype off 37.95%
  19. set tabstop=2 36.87%
  20. set shiftwidth=4 36.79%
  21. set showmatch 36.66%
  22. set tabstop=4 36.55%
  23. set cursorline 36.49%
  24. set t_Co=256 35.90%
  25. set nobackup 34.89%
  26. set shiftwidth=2 34.49%
  27. set encoding=utf-8 33.50%
  28. set mouse=a 32.01%
  29. set hidden 30.77%
  30. set showmode 27.84%
  31. set smarttab 27.20%
  32. set noswapfile 26.27%
  33. set nowrap 26.16%
  34. set title 25.41%
  35. autocmd! 25.02%
  36. set list 25.00%
  37. set noerrorbells 23.56%
  38. filetype plugin on 23.10%
  39. syntax enable 22.85%
  40. set smartindent 22.26%
  41. set softtabstop=4 21.98%
  42. set scrolloff=3 21.14%
  43. filetype on 21.08%
  44. set relativenumber 19.26%
  45. autocmd BufReadPost * 18.46%
  46. set autoread 18.45%
  47. set softtabstop=2 18.16%
  48. colorscheme solarized 18.00%
  49. set ttyfast 17.73%
  50. set clipboard=unnamed 17.62%
  51. filetype indent on 17.41%
  52. set gdefault 16.73%
  53. set undofile 14.96%
  54. set visualbell 14.88%
  55. set nostartofline 14.38%
  56. set nowritebackup 14.37%
  57. set splitright 14.36%
  58. set history=1000 14.35%
  59. set splitbelow 13.79%
  60. set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ 13.55%
  61. set wrap 13.18%
  62. set history=50 12.84%
  63. set modeline 12.42%
  64. set shortmess=atI 12.38%
  65. set guioptions-=T 11.91%
  66. set shiftround 11.75%
  67. set undodir=~/.vim/undo 11.74%
  68. set backupdir=~/.vim/backups 10.76%
  69. set wildmode=list:longest 10.75%
  70. set esckeys 10.75%
  71. set encoding=utf-8 nobomb 10.67%
  72. let save_cursor=getpos(".") 10.59%
  73. set directory=~/.vim/swaps 10.36%
  74. let old_query=getreg('/') 10.32%
  75. set backspace=2 9.46%
  76. set lazyredraw 9.14%
  77. set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim 9.13%
  78. nnoremap k gk 8.77%
  79. nnoremap j gj 8.76%
  80. set backup 8.71%
  81. colorscheme molokai 8.23%
  82. set binary 8.10%
  83. set noeol 8.06%
  84. set linebreak 7.99%
  85. set nofoldenable 7.98%
  86. set numberwidth=5 7.92%
  87. Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' 7.87%
  88. set novisualbell 7.78%
  89. let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1 7.76%
  90. set fileencoding=utf-8 7.74%
  91. set wildmode=list:longest,list:full 7.66%
  92. set exrc 7.58%
  93. function! StripWhitespace() 7.44%
  94. set secure 7.44%
  95. autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.json setfiletype json syntax=javascript 7.40%
  96. noremap <leader>W :w !sudo tee % > /dev/null<CR> 7.33%
  97. vnoremap < <gv 7.21%
  98. set foldenable 7.19%
  99. vnoremap > >gv 7.17%
  100. set foldmethod=indent 7.07%

Colorscheme stat

  1. solarized 25.00%
  2. molokai 11.44%
  3. desert 6.19%
  4. badwolf 4.33%
  5. jellybeans 3.99%
  6. github 2.88%
  7. default 1.86%
  8. hybrid 1.84%
  9. vividchalk 1.72%
  10. railscasts 1.71%

Plugin manager stat

vam: 0.34% vundle: 10.39% neobundle: 4.40% others or none: 69.96% dein: 0.00% pathogen: 14.91%


Strangely it doesn't follow the power law distribution. Likely because some settings are highly correlated with the others. plot


Last updated Mar 31 2017. Repository list is queried from

SELECT * FROM projects WHERE language = 'VimL' AND ((name = 'dotfiles') OR (name = 'vimrc'))


1 vimrc 1 vote






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