Personal Website
Install AWS CLI, S3cmd and Terraform:
brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install awscli hashicorp/tap/terraform s3cmd
Configure AWS: aws configure --profile personal
. Use profiles, don't setup default
credentials. If you want to stop typing --profile
then use export AWS_PROFILE=personal
Configure s3cmd: s3cmd --configure
Terraform might update the website bucket if you mark that resource as tainted, but it is probably easier to just do the command yourself.
s3cmd sync --no-preserve --delete-removed --add-header="Cache-Control:public,max-age=31536000,immutable" ./dist/ s3://rob-gant-ninja/
s3cmd modify --cf-invalidate-default-index --add-header="Cache-Control:public,max-age=2592000,stale-while-revalidate=86400" s3://rob-gant-ninja/index.html
By default s3cmd sync
preserves file attributes as metadata on the s3 key and that
data is then converted into an HTTP header in the response. Using --no-preserve
won't impact the ability of sync to check
for changed files.
magick -density 256x256 -background transparent src/icon.svg -define icon:auto-resize -colors 256 src/favicon.ico
Android Icon (Big icon; so 58px of padding around icon.):
magick -density 256x256 -background '#3e454c' src/icon.svg -resize 454x454 -gravity center -extent 512x512 src/icon-512.png
Apple Touch Icon (Put 20px of padding around the icon.):
magick -density 256x256 -background '#3e454c' src/icon.svg -resize 152x152 -gravity center -extent 192x192 src/icon.png