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Sakisafe (formerly lainsafe)

Simple file upload


  • Written in perl
  • Can be used as pastebin
  • Easy installation (just a simple daemon and use a reverse proxy)
  • Does not bully Tor users ;)


sakisafe is written in Perl, so it is its first dependency. But if you're using a real operating system you should have it by default.

  1. install the dependencies using cpan:
cpan -i Mojolicious::Lite Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern Mojoliciuos::Plugin::RenderFile

If you're running Debian or FreeBSD you can install the dependencies with your package manager:

apt install libmojolicious-perl libmojolicious-plugin-renderfile-perl liblist-moreutils-perl # Debian, Ubuntu...
pkg install p5-Mojolicious p5-List-MoreUtils p5-Path-Tiny # FreeBSD
# You'll have to run cpan to install the RenderFile plugin in FreeBSD
cpan -Ti Mojolicious::Plugin::Renderfile
  1. Clone the repo and start the daemon:
git clone
cd sakisafe/http
./ daemon -m production

You can also use hypnotoad or morbo to run the thing:

morbo -l http://*:3000
hypnotoad # This will daemonize the thing in port 8080.

2.2. In FreeBSD, you can use the rc script located in http/scripts/sakisafe_bsd to create a sakisafe service. The service is loaded by the user "saki", whose home is /usr/local/share/sakisafe:

mkdir -p /usr/local/share/sakisafe
cp -r http/* /usr/local/share/sakisafe
cp http/init/sakisafe_bsd /usr/local/etc/rc.d
touch /var/run/
chmod 777 /var/run/ # How to fix this? Please tell me
service sakisafe enable
service sakisafe start

Please contribute more init scripts for sakisafe!!! (for systemd, openbsd...)

2.3. You can also use Docker. I am not a Docker advocate. But apparently running "docker build-x" or something like that just works.

  1. Create a 'f' directory in the directory sakisafe will run with mkdir f. Make sure that the user which will run can write in that directory.

By default, sakisafe will bind in port 3000. Because that's the default bind Mojolicious uses.

  1. Create a proxy rule in nginx configuration (If you're using another HTTP server, you're on your own.)

server {
	  server_name sakisafe.whatever.tld;
	  listen 443 ssl;

	  # ssl configuration here

	  location / {
			 proxy_set_header    Host            $host;
			 proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP       $remote_addr; # Important for logging!
    		 proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-for $remote_addr; # Idem

And restart nginx. Going to sakisafe.whatever.tld should work.


sakisafecli is a command line interface for sakisafe servers (and other file upload services). It also supports file uploading via scp (ssh).


  • Written in C so is fast.
  • HTTP and SCP support (FTP support is planned)
  • Highly configurable
  • Lightweight
  • If using OpenBSD, it will run pledge() for security reasons.
  • As far as I know, runs in any *NIX operating system.



Clone the repo and run make.


Use bmake instead of make, and you'll also need these deps:

  • libcurl-devel
  • libconfig-dev
  • libnghttp2-dev


TODO: Add the thing to Debian repositories ;)


Just create a pull request in GitHub or send a diff file.



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