"I'm going to make cool glitches for revisit.link with golang!"
"You're going to need to learn how to write web services first"
"But.. I just want to play with pixels and make cool art..."
"You need to know about encoding and decoding, and serialization and deserialization..."
"But..I just want to glitch pictures of cats and stuff this is too much work..."
rambling on and on about http headers and image type detection
"computers are the worst..."
"He doesn't even know about gorevisit"
"Gorevisit let's you just concentrate on hackin dem pixels!"
"computers are the BEST!"
package main
import (
revisit "github.com/revisitors/gorevisit"
func noise(src draw.Image) {
orig := src.Bounds()
numToMod := (orig.Max.X * orig.Max.Y) / 2
for i := 0; i < numToMod; i++ {
x := rand.Intn(orig.Max.X)
y := rand.Intn(orig.Max.Y)
origColor := src.At(x, y).(color.RGBA)
origColor.R += 30
origColor.B += 30
origColor.G += 30
src.Set(x, y, origColor)
func main() {
// make a RevisitService instance and pass it our glitcher
s := revisit.NewRevisitService(noise)
// run it!
-- import "github.com/revisitors/gorevisit"
type AudioData struct {
Data string `json:data"`
AudioData holds a reference to the data URI of sound data in a Revisit.link message See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/data_URIs
type ImageData struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
ImageData holds a reference the data URI of image data in a Revisit.link message See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/data_URIs
type MetaData struct {
Audio AudioData `json:"audio"`
MetaData wraps the Audio data of a Revisit.link message as per the specification See: http://revisit.link/spec.html
type RevisitImage struct {
Rgbas []image.RGBA
Palette []color.Palette
Delay []int
LoopCount int
ImgType string
RevisitImage can hold either a PNG, JPEG, or GIF
func NewRevisitImageFromMsg(r *RevisitMsg) (*RevisitImage, error)
NewRevisitImageFromMsg constructs a RevisitImage from the contents of a RevisitMsg
func (ri *RevisitImage) RevisitMsg() (*RevisitMsg, error)
func (ri *RevisitImage) Transform(t func(src draw.Image))
type RevisitMsg struct {
Content ImageData `json:"content"`
Meta MetaData `json:"meta"`
RevisitMsg holds a decoded Revisit.link message See: http://revisit.link/spec.html
func NewRevisitMsgFromFiles(mediaPath ...string) (*RevisitMsg, error)
NewRevisitMsgFromFiles given the path to an image file and optional path to an audio file, creates a JSON encoded Revisit.link message
func NewRevisitMsgFromReaders(readers ...io.Reader) (*RevisitMsg, error)
NewRevisitMsgFromReaders given an io.Reader containing an image file and optional io.Reader containing a sound file, returns a *RevisitMsg
func (r *RevisitMsg) ImageByteReader() io.Reader
ImageByteReader returns an io.Reader for the image data in a Revisit message
func (r *RevisitMsg) ImageType() string
ImageType gets the type of image that is in the message
func (r *RevisitMsg) IsValidSize() bool
IsValidSize makes sure the size of the media in a RevisitMsg matches the spec
type RevisitService struct {
RevisitService holds the necessary context for a Revisit.link service. Currently gorevisit only handles image data.
func NewRevisitService(g func(draw.Image)) *RevisitService
NewRevisitService given an image transformation function, returns a new Revisit.link service. The image transformation service receives a draw.Image interface as an argument. Note that draw.Image also implements image.Image. For details see: * http://golang.org/pkg/image/draw/ * http://golang.org/pkg/image/#Image
func (rs *RevisitService) Run(port string)
Run starts the Revisit.link service