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Releases: reflex-dev/reflex


25 Feb 19:25
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Breaking Changes

  • rx.var decorated functions cannot take arguments (it didn't work before, but now it raises exception)

New Features


A new container that automatically scrolls to the bottom when new content is added.

New Var Operations for StringVar: .title(), .capitalize()


Compile with Main Thread by Default

The new default is to compile pages on the main thread, not using an executor. For most normal-sized apps, this is faster because it avoids spinning up threads and associated overhead.

Component Props

Components as props was previously working, however in some situations, the necessary hooks/imports/custom_code associated with the component would not propagate up to the parent component and be lost. This change correctly propagates data from the component as prop for correct code generation.




Bug Fixes

Version Bumps

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1


11 Feb 19:32
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Breaking Changes

Python 3.9 support is no longer supported.

Computed Vars are now cache=True by default

Explicitly set cache=False on Computed Vars that should be updated after every
event, which was the previous default behavior.

The dependency tracking analysis for Computed Vars has been improved to support
async Computed Vars, so there is a possibility for unanticipated behavior change
around tracking dependencies. Please report any bugs encountered in this area.

Previously "CallableVar" shims need to be explicitly called

  • rx.upload_file -> rx.upload_file()
  • rx.selected_files -> rx.selected_files()
  • rx.clear_selected_files -> rx.clear_selected_files()
  • rx.set_color_mode -> rx.set_color_mode()

Deprecation Removals

Usage of these features prior to 0.7.0 printed a deprecation warning, now they will result in an error.

  • rx.chakra is removed, use import reflex_chakra as rc instead.

  • rx.background is removed, use rx.event(background=True) instead.

  • rx.Component._create_event_chain is removed, use rx.EventChain.create instead.

  • external prop for rx.redirect is removed.

  • Unannotated event handler arguments will now raise MissingAnnotationError.

  • Many internal exceptions were renamed to add a trailing Error suffix if that was missing.

  • rx._x.asset is removed, use rx.asset instead.

  • Passing a str argument to rx.utils.console.set_log_level will now raise TypeError.

  • Removals from rx.utils.exec:

    • is_frontend_only -> rx.config.environment.REFLEX_FRONTEND_ONLY.get()
    • is_backend_only -> rx.config.environment.REFLEX_BACKEND_ONLY.get()
    • should_skip_compile -> rx.config.environment.REFLEX_SKIP_COMPILE.get()
  • rx.utils.format.format_event_chain is removed, use str(rx.Var.create(chain)) instead.

  • _var_is_local and _var_is_string removed from rx.Var.create.

  • Computed Vars without a return type annotation will raise UntypedComputedVarError.

  • removing deprecated features for 0.7.0 and removing py3.9 support by @Lendemor in #4586

rx.App fields for internal use now have a _ prefix

  • rename private fields with leading underscore in App by @Lendemor in #4642

New Features

reflex rename

A new command to rename an app.

rx.var now supports async functions

An rx.var computed var can now wrap an async function, which can access
arbitrary state via get_state and var values via get_var_value.

Dependency tracking across states is supported, but there may be edge cases in
the new implementation that prevent depedencies from being automatically
identified. You can pass explicit dependencies to the deps argument, and can
add dependencies at runtime via cls.computed_vars[var_name].add_dependency.
For best results, pass a globally imported state class to get_state and assign
the return value to a local variable in the function.

"Built with Reflex" badge

To raise awareness of Reflex, a sticky "Built with Reflex" badge is added to the
lower right corner of each page.

For subscribers of Reflex Cloud, this badge can be disabled by setting
show_built_with_reflex=False in or SHOW_BUILT_WITH_REFLEX=0 in
the environment.

For more information see:


Support For Dynamic Icon name

Previously the recommendation was to use rx.match to map icons, because the
icon name itself could not be a Var.

With rx.dynamic_icon, the name can now be a Var, but performance may be
affected by dynamic loading.

Support for Specifying Custom App Module

A new config knob is added to, to load the app from a module other than the default.

config = rx.Config(

The app module should be importable by name with the current PYTHONPATH / sys.path, and contain an app attribute.

Display Warning for Frontend/Backend Version Mismatch

When the frontend and backend versions do not match, a warning is displayed in the console.



Avoid Leaked Websocket connections


Bug Fixes

Read more


10 Jan 17:27
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New Features

New API: rx.EventChain.create

This new interface makes it easier to transform EventType (EventHandler, EventSpec, and lambda - as accepted by component event triggers) into EventChain to be rendered in hook calls or rx.call_script / rx.call_function invocations.

  • Move _create_event_chain to EventChain.create by @masenf in #4557

New API: BaseState.get_var_value

Similar to get_state, this API provides access to a Var defined in another state. If the value is mutable, changing it will be reflected in the other state. This API is intended for use with ComponentState implementations that want to "borrow" data from another state.

Show Example Code

from typing import ClassVar

import reflex as rx

class MyState(rx.State):
    data: list[dict] = []

class Appender(rx.ComponentState):
    _data: ClassVar[rx.Var]

    async def add_value(self, form_data: dict):
        (await self.get_var_value(self._data)).append(form_data)

    def get_component(cls, data: rx.Var[list[dict]]) -> rx.Component:
        cls._data = data
        return rx.card(
                    rx.input(placeholder="Name", name="name", autofocus=True),
                    rx.input(placeholder="Email", name="email"),
                    rx.button("Submit", type="submit"),

appender = Appender.create

def index() -> rx.Component:
    return rx.vstack(
            lambda d: rx.text(d.to_string()),

app = rx.App()
  • BaseState.get_var_value helper to get a value from a Var by @masenf in #4553


Add .endswith() var operation for strings

Simpler API for rx._x.client_state

Use client state vars anywhere in the tree instead of having to include them and use them separately.

Support Recursive UI elements with @rx.memo

See example code in PR. This allows the rendering of trees and other self-referential structures using rx.foreach.



  • fix health check and skip not needed tasks by @Lendemor in #4563
  • [ENG-4083] Track internal changes in dataclass instances by @masenf in #4558
  • use position in vardata to mark internal hooks by @Lendemor in #4549
  • Enable automatic retry on redis errors by @masenf in #4595

Bug Fixes

  • Add expire_on_commit=False for async sessions by @masenf in #4582
  • Do not allow call_function callback argument to be added afterwards by @masenf in #4552
  • [ENG-2157] [Refix] Allow to resolve rx.get_upload_url by @masenf in #4470
  • fixes #4578 - correct the way dim_props created by @KanvaBhatia in #4587
  • unbreak link _hover by @masenf in #4537
  • [ENG-4255] Code blocks lead to redefined const in web page by @masenf in #4598

Version Bumps


Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6.7...v0.6.8


17 Dec 18:11
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  • app.add_custom_404_page is deprecated -- use app.add_page(..., route="/404") instead.
  • external prop of rx.redirect is renamed to is_external for consistency.

New Features

async_db_url and rx.asession

Builtin support for async database operations using sqlmodel. Proper usage requires the following:

  1. Install greenlet for sqlalchemy to use async operations.
  2. Install an appropriate async-capable database driver (aiosqlite, pyscopg)
  3. Set ASYNC_DB_URL in the environment that references the async db driver. This should point to the same database as specified in DB_URL, which should still be set for handling alembic migrations and for use in computed vars, etc.
  4. Use async with rx.asession() as asession -- await most operations on the asession.

Async DB operations are preferred in event handlers to avoid blocking other users on the server.

Var Operations for datetime values

[Wrapping React] new deps and position fields in VarData

This allows for customization and control of where hooks are rendered relative to other hooks and memoized event handlers. Deps allows for specification of vars that memoized event handlers depend on.


More Efficient Database Connection Pooling

Each time rx.session was used, it was creating a new pool and not reusing connections.

  • Reuse the sqlalchemy engine once it's created by @masenf in #4493




Bug Fixes


Version Bumps

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6.6.post3...v0.6.7


10 Dec 03:04
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fix non-interactive flag in deploy command by @Lendemor in #4498

Full Changelog: v0.6.6.post2...v0.6.6.post3


05 Dec 09:21
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Fixup stray loginv2 command in help text

This should have been removed in 0.6.6.post1, but it was missed

Bump reflex-hosting-cli requirement to 0.1.29

Full Changelog: v0.6.6.post1...v0.6.6.post2


05 Dec 07:27
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Update CLI for Reflex Cloud hosting

  • remove v2 commands (#4478)
  • [HOS-373][HOS-372]Logout should not open the browser (#4475)
  • [ENG-4149] require login to deploy named templates (#4450)

Full Changelog: v0.6.6...v0.6.6.post1


03 Dec 05:00
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New Features

.temporal event action drops events when backend is not connected

New "performance mode" options

Allow disabling or modifying various guardrails and checks performed by reflex.

Builtin support for existing pydantic v1 and v2 models

State vars can now be typed as pydantic models, with support for modification tracking.

  • [ENG-3953] Support pydantic BaseModel (v1 and v2) as state var by @masenf in #4338

rx.asset promoted to non-experimental

TBD: docs for new API


Streamlined reflex init workflow

Other Improvements

Bug Fixes

Version Bumps

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6.5...v0.6.6


12 Nov 21:50
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Known Issues

  • #4384 Setting the default appearance prop in rx.theme is no longer working

Breaking Changes

  • rx.App is now a dataclass that does not accept additional kwargs. Any unrecognized kwargs passed to rx.App will now raise an exception.
  • Event handlers that accept annotated rx.Base subclasses as arguments will receive an instance of the annotated class instead of a regular dict

New Features

New rx.get_state interface

  • expose rx.get_state() to get instance of state from anywhere by @Lendemor in #3959

Support custom bunfig.toml

New Hosting Service CLI


Better Typing Support

Experimental Shiki Code Block Features

Refactor Environment Variable Handling

Other Improvements

Bug Fixes


Version Bumps

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6.4...v0.6.5


29 Oct 23:45
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New Features

Make Var System Expandable

A new dispatch mechanism for converting python values into Var and LiteralVar subclasses. This allows component authors and downstream applications to better support custom frontend operations on Python values converted to Javascript values

See Example

This example allows for near drop-in support for working with SQLAlchemy DeclarativeBase models and will likely be included in a future release:

from import Mapping, MutableSet, Sequence
from typing import TypeVar
import dataclasses
import sys

import reflex as rx
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.orm.exc
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase

class DeclarativeBaseVar(rx.vars.ObjectVar, python_types=DeclarativeBase):

    **{"slots": True} if sys.version_info >= (3, 10) else {},
class LiteralDeclarativeBaseVar(rx.vars.LiteralObjectVar, DeclarativeBaseVar):
    _var_value: DeclarativeBase | None = None

T = TypeVar("T")
K = TypeVar("K")
V = TypeVar("V")

def serialize_Sequence(s: Sequence[T] | MutableSet[T]) -> list[T]:
    return list(s)

def serialize_Mapping(m: Mapping[K, V]) -> dict[K, V]:
    return dict(m)

def serialize_DeclarativeBase(obj: DeclarativeBase) -> dict[str, str]:
    s = {}
    for attr in sqlalchemy.inspect(type(obj)).all_orm_descriptors.keys():
            s[attr] = getattr(obj, attr)
        except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.DetachedInstanceError:
            # This happens when the relationship was never loaded and the session is closed.
    return s

max-requests support to gunicorn (fixed memory leak)

This is a new configurable option in the rx.config but also now has default values.
gunicorn_max_requests - ( gunicorn / uvicorn )max requests per worker
Defaults value - 100
gunicorn_max_requests_jitter - (gunicorn only) variance in the max request limit. To prevent all workers restarting at same time
Defaults value - 25

What is max_requests?

max_requests is a the maximum number of requests a worker can serve before the manager will kill the worker and restart.

Why is this needed?

gunicorn workers don't release memory after a request. This can cause for a workers to hold on to more and more memory over time. Setting this flag means that after serving N requests the worker is killed, thus releasing the memory, and a new worker is spun up.

How to configure


Experimental Shiki Codeblock

print("Original text")   # [!code --]
print("Replace original with this") # [!code ++]

name = "John Doe"  # [!code highlight]

dotenv support added

To use this feature, you must install python-dotenv separately from reflex.

import reflex as rx

config = rx.Config(

New rx.dynamic decorator

Unlike normal UI functions, this decorator allows UI code to directly access State instance values, Python-only APIs, and typical for and if statements.

See Example

We can implement a simple Reflex fiddle, that evaluates component strings into UI components and render them. This was previously difficult, as all UI had to compile into react code in the .web folder. This works by dynamically compiling a JavaScript module using in-window react.

import reflex as rx

class State(rx.State):
    component_str = "rx.button('login')"

def evaluated_component(state: State):
        component = eval(
                "rx": rx,
                "State": State,
    except Exception as e:
        return rx.text(f"Error: {e}")
    if not isinstance(component, rx.Component):
        return rx.text("Invalid component")
    return component

def index():
    return (
            rx.card(evaluated_component(), height="100%", flex="1"),


Better Type Hinting for Built in Components

Other Improvements

Bug Fixes

Version Bumps

Other Changes

Full Changelog: v0.6.3.post1...v0.6.4