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Readium-2 Streamer in Go

This project is based on the Readium-2 Streamer architecture that basically takes an EPUB as an input and exposes in HTTP:

  • a Web Publication Manifest based on the OPF of the original EPUB
  • resources from the container (HTML, CSS, images etc.)

It is entirely written in Go using Negroni.

This project is broken down in multiple Go packages that can be used independently from the project:

  • models is an in-memory model of a publication and its components
  • parser is responsible for parsing an EPUB and converting that info to the in-memory model
  • fetcher is meant to access resources contained in an EPUB and pre-process them (decryption, deobfuscation, content injection)


The server binary can be called using a single argument: the location to an EPUB file.

The server will bind itself to an available port on localhost and return a URI pointing to the Web Publication Manifest.

##Need a Binary Version?

Releases for stable versions are available at:

##Live Demo

A live demo is available at: