This repository is developed in 2 modules BE and FE. Each of them BE (Back-End) and FE (Front-End) have their own installation packages under NPM.
The FE module was developed using REACT, Typescript and CSS The BE module is based on NodeJS using the ExpressJS framework.
start: Run this script to execute the development server available for your React application.
test: In order to run the testing mode, using react-scripts: 5.0.1
build: This sets and creates a build directory with a production build of your app
FE [http://localhost:3000]
BE [http://localhost:3001]
- No parameters
- Status Code: 200
- Media type: application/json
- Schema :
sticker: string;
color: string;
position: {
x: number;
y: number;
note: string;
user: string;
- Request body
- Media type: application/json
- Schema :
sticker: string;
color: string;
position: {
x: number;
y: number;
note: string;
user: string;
- Status Code: 201
- Status Description: "Stickers saved successfully"
* More elegant UI.
* Design for Mobile.
* Improve error detection
* More Unit Testing
* Add another modal pop to record the note instead to use an input prompt.