Written from scratch (not derived from TCustomGrid or TGrid), aprox 10K lines of code and 100K compiled size.
Full source code and automatic installer:
Download latest version Nov-22nd, v0.2 Beta
Release Notes (What's new?)
Website: http://www.steebi.com
TeeBI data-mining: https://github.com/Steema/BI
- Run TeeGridRecompile.exe
- Open TeeGrid project group from "Sources\Packages" folder
- Right-click DCLVCLTeeGrid package, and do "Install"
- Right-click DCLFMXTeeGrid package, and do "Install"
TeeGrid is "data-agnostic"
Data must be provided to TeeGrid using a data provider class, manually created.
The reason is TeeGrid has no dependencies on database units (DB.pas) or any TDataset component.
This enables linking a TeeGrid to any kind of data, like a TDataset, TDataSource, arrays of objects or records or a generic TList using Rtti, a TCollection, TeeBI TDataItem structures or any other source, including your own custom "virtual data" class.
Note: Support for "TDataset" or "TDataSource" components at design-time is not yet implemented.
Several classes are provided to bind data to TeeGrid, like:
TVirtualData in Tee.Grid.Data.Rtti unit (for arrays, generic TList etc)
TVirtualDBData in Tee.Grid.Data.DB unit (for TDataSource and TDataSet)
TBIGridData in BI.Grid.Data unit (for TeeBI TDataItem objects)
TStringData in Tee.Grid.Data.Strings unit (to emulate a TStringGrid)
// From a TDataSource:
TeeGrid1.Data:= TVirtualDBData.From(DataSource1);
// From an array:
var MyData : Array of TPerson;
... fill array...
// From a TeeBI TDataItem:
var MyData : TDataItem;
MyData := TStore.Load('SQLite_Demo')['Products'];
TeeGrid1.Data := TBIGridData.Create(TeeGrid1.Grid, MyData );
- Huge data
TeeGrid is capable of handling a very big number of cells. For example 1 billion cells ( 1000 columns by 1 million rows ).
The only limit is the available memory, (compile for the 64bit platform).
- Virtual data
TVirtualData or derived class to automatically create columns and provide cell values
- TStringGrid emulation
TeeGrid can be used like a TStringGrid with a TStringsData object:
var Data : TStringsData;
Data:= TStringsData.Create;
// Initialize size
Data.Columns:= 2;
Data.Rows:= 6;
// Set header texts
Data.Headers[0]:= 'A';
Data.Headers[1]:= 'B';
// Fill rows and cells
Data[0,0]:= 'A0';
Data[1,0]:= 'B0';
// Set data to grid
- Sub-columns (any column can have children columns)
TeeGrid1.Columns.AddColumn('My Column 1').Items.AddColumn('Sub-Column 1')...
- Per-column formatting (font, back fill, stroke, text alignment)
TeeGrid1.Columns[3].Format.Font.Size:= 14;
- Individual row heights (per-row custom height)
TeeGrid1.Rows.Heights[3]:= 50;
- Row groups
Any row can be expanded to show its detail sub-grid rows. The grid Data class must support master-detail relationships.
A TBIGridData class is provided to link TeeBI TDataItem data objects supporting master-detail See "TeeBI_Customer_Orders" example.
- Totals and SubTotals
Automatic summary "grid bands" can be added to a header or footer, also for "detail" subgrids.
var Totals : TColumnTotals;
Totals:= TColumnTotals.From(TeeGrid1.Data, TeeGrid1.Columns);
Totals.Calculation.Add( TeeGrid1.Columns['Quantity'], TColumnCalculation.Sum);
// Add band to grid footer
// Add also a band with total names
TeeGrid1.Footer.Add( TTotalsHeader.CreateTotals( Totals ) );
- Row "Sub-Bands"
Any row might display a grid band above the row. The "band" can be anything, from a simple TTitleBand to a complex group of bands or rows.
var Title: TTitleBand;
Title:= TTitleBand.Create;
Title.Text:='My Rows';
TeeGrid1.Rows.SubBands[23]:= Title;
- Custom cell rendering
Default class for cell rendering is TCellRender. Other classes can be used or created to override the default behaviour, like for example to show check-boxes in columns with boolean (True/False) values:
TeeGrid1.Columns[7].Render:= TBooleanRender.Create;
- Cell text format (float, date-time formatting strings)
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].FloatFormat:= '0.###';
- Column Visible and Expanded (for sub-columns)
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Visible:= False;
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Items[3].Expanded:= False; // visible, but collapsed
- Automatic column width (or fixed, in pixels or % percent of grid width)
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Width.Automatic:= False;
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Width.Value:= 40;
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Width.Units:= TSizeUnits.Percent;
- Column mouse drag resizing
Dragging the left mouse button in a column header edge resizes it
- Automatic scroll bars visibility
Scrollbars are automatically displayed when necessary. In Firemonkey they can be customized:
- Column ordering
Columns and sub-columns can be re-positioned:
TeeGrid1.Columns[2].Index:= 0; // move 2nd column to first (left-most) position
- Grid Header formatting (font, back fill, stroke)
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Header.Text:= 'My Column';
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Header.Format.Font.Color:= TAlphaColors.Red;
- Grid Header mouse-hover
TeeGrid1.Header.Hover.Visible:= True;
TeeGrid1.Header.Hover.Format.Brush.Color:= TAlphaColors.Green;
- Grid "indicator" column (left-most column with symbol for current row)
TeeGrid1.Indicator.Visible:= True; // <-- False to hide indicator
TeeGrid1.Indicator.Width:= 20;
- Row highlighting (mouse-hover and selected row formatting)
// selection
TeeGrid1.Selected.Column:= TeeGrid1.Columns[3];
TeeGrid1.Selected.Row:= 5;
// formatting
TeeGrid1.Selected.ParentFont:= False;
TeeGrid1.Selected.Format.Font.Style:= [TFontStyle.fsBold];
- Multi-cell range selection (by mouse and arrow keys)
// range selection
TeeGrid1.Selected.Range.FromColumn:= TeeGrid1.Columns[3];
TeeGrid1.Selected.Range.ToColumn:= TeeGrid1.Columns[6];
TeeGrid1.Selected.Range.FromRow:= 10;
TeeGrid1.Selected.Range.ToRow:= 15;
- Copy selected cells to clipboard in CSV format, pressing Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert key and also by code:
Clipboard.AsText:= TCSVData.From(TeeGrid1.Grid, TeeGrid1.Selected);
- Full selected row highlight
- Grid and Columns ReadOnly
TeeGrid1.ReadOnly:= False;
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].ReadOnly:= True;
- Custom Grid editors
TeeGrid1.Columns[1].EditorClass:= TCalendarEditor;
- Rows and Columns lines separators (stroke settings)
TeeGrid1.Rows.RowLines.Visible:= True;
TeeGrid1.Rows.RowLines.Size:= 3;
TeeGrid1.Rows.RowLines.Color:= TAlphaColors.Skyblue;
- Cell mouse-hover (highlights cell under mouse cursor)
Cell (or all cells in row) under mouse cursor can be highlighted:
TeeGrid1.Cells.Hover.Visible:= True;
TeeGrid1.Cells.Hover.FullRow:= True;
TeeGrid1.Cells.Hover.Format.Stroke.Size:= 2;
- All coordinates as floats
For sub-pixel finetuning, Firemonkey only. VCL always rounds to integer pixels.
TeeGrid1.Header.Height.Value:=124.3; // sub-pixels, decimals
- Alternate row background filling (back brush, stroke settings)
TeeGrid1.Rows.Alternate.Brush.Visible:= True;
TeeGrid1.Rows.Alternate.Brush.Color:= TAlphaColors.Lightcoral;
TeeGrid1.Rows.Alternate.Stroke.Visible:= True;
- Events
The usual Onxxx events:
TeeGrid-specific events:
OnNewDetail (called when a row is expanded to show a sub-grid)
OnShowEditor (called when a cell editor is about to be displayed)
- Abstract Grid "Painter" (canvas)
TeeGrid Painter property is of TPainter class. This is an abstract class that can be overriden, for example to use GDI+ in VCL:
TeeGrid1.Painter:= TGDIPlusPainter.Create; // <-- Note: not yet in beta version
- Design-time editor dialog to modify all settings and properties
Several editor dialogs, for both VCL and Firemonkey, usable at design-time and runtime to modify all TeeGrid properties like columns, formatting, etc
uses VCLTee.Editor.Grid;
- TDataSource / TDataSet support
Improve TVirtualDBData class to support DB buffering and events
- Easy embeddable controls in cells or rows.
To for example display sub-grids or TeeCharts below a row or inside a cell.
Image / Picture display in cells and header
Compositions (several texts, images, etc inside the same cell)
Column mouse-drag to reorder columns
Buttons at header to expand / collapse sub-columns
Automatic row sorting, filtering and searching
Note: Row sorting, filtering and searching is already possible with TeeBI TBIGrid control.