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gh-90997: bpo-46841: Disassembly of quickened code (GH-32099)
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penguin-wwy authored Apr 19, 2022
1 parent aa5c0a9 commit e590379
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Showing 4 changed files with 206 additions and 39 deletions.
99 changes: 63 additions & 36 deletions Lib/
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from opcode import *
from opcode import __all__ as _opcodes_all
from opcode import _nb_ops
from opcode import _nb_ops, _inline_cache_entries, _specializations, _specialized_instructions

__all__ = ["code_info", "dis", "disassemble", "distb", "disco",
"findlinestarts", "findlabels", "show_code",
Expand All @@ -34,6 +34,18 @@

CACHE = opmap["CACHE"]

_all_opname = list(opname)
_all_opmap = dict(opmap)
_empty_slot = [slot for slot, name in enumerate(_all_opname) if name.startswith("<")]
for spec_op, specialized in zip(_empty_slot, _specialized_instructions):
# fill opname and opmap
_all_opname[spec_op] = specialized
_all_opmap[specialized] = spec_op

deoptmap = {
specialized: base for base, family in _specializations.items() for specialized in family

def _try_compile(source, name):
"""Attempts to compile the given source, first as an expression and
then as a statement if the first approach fails.
Expand All @@ -47,7 +59,7 @@ def _try_compile(source, name):
c = compile(source, name, 'exec')
return c

def dis(x=None, *, file=None, depth=None, show_caches=False):
def dis(x=None, *, file=None, depth=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
"""Disassemble classes, methods, functions, and other compiled objects.
With no argument, disassemble the last traceback.
Expand All @@ -57,7 +69,7 @@ def dis(x=None, *, file=None, depth=None, show_caches=False):
in a special attribute.
if x is None:
distb(file=file, show_caches=show_caches)
distb(file=file, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
# Extract functions from methods.
if hasattr(x, '__func__'):
Expand All @@ -78,29 +90,29 @@ def dis(x=None, *, file=None, depth=None, show_caches=False):
if isinstance(x1, _have_code):
print("Disassembly of %s:" % name, file=file)
dis(x1, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches)
dis(x1, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
except TypeError as msg:
print("Sorry:", msg, file=file)
elif hasattr(x, 'co_code'): # Code object
_disassemble_recursive(x, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches)
_disassemble_recursive(x, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
elif isinstance(x, (bytes, bytearray)): # Raw bytecode
_disassemble_bytes(x, file=file, show_caches=show_caches)
elif isinstance(x, str): # Source code
_disassemble_str(x, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches)
_disassemble_str(x, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
raise TypeError("don't know how to disassemble %s objects" %

def distb(tb=None, *, file=None, show_caches=False):
def distb(tb=None, *, file=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
"""Disassemble a traceback (default: last traceback)."""
if tb is None:
tb = sys.last_traceback
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError("no last traceback to disassemble") from None
while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next
disassemble(tb.tb_frame.f_code, tb.tb_lasti, file=file, show_caches=show_caches)
disassemble(tb.tb_frame.f_code, tb.tb_lasti, file=file, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)

# The inspect module interrogates this dictionary to build its
# list of CO_* constants. It is also used by pretty_flags to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,6 +174,13 @@ def _get_code_object(x):
raise TypeError("don't know how to disassemble %s objects" %

def _deoptop(op):
name = _all_opname[op]
return _all_opmap[deoptmap[name]] if name in deoptmap else op

def _get_code_array(co, adaptive):
return co._co_code_adaptive if adaptive else co.co_code

def code_info(x):
"""Formatted details of methods, functions, or code."""
return _format_code_info(_get_code_object(x))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,7 +321,7 @@ def _disassemble(self, lineno_width=3, mark_as_current=False, offset_width=4):
return ' '.join(fields).rstrip()

def get_instructions(x, *, first_line=None, show_caches=False):
def get_instructions(x, *, first_line=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
"""Iterator for the opcodes in methods, functions or code
Generates a series of Instruction named tuples giving the details of
Expand All @@ -319,7 +338,7 @@ def get_instructions(x, *, first_line=None, show_caches=False):
line_offset = first_line - co.co_firstlineno
line_offset = 0
return _get_instructions_bytes(co.co_code,
return _get_instructions_bytes(_get_code_array(co, adaptive),
co.co_names, co.co_consts,
linestarts, line_offset,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,8 +434,13 @@ def _get_instructions_bytes(code, varname_from_oparg=None,
for i in range(start, end):
starts_line = None
cache_counter = 0
for offset, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code):
if not show_caches and op == CACHE:
if cache_counter > 0:
if show_caches:
yield Instruction("CACHE", 0, None, None, '',
offset, None, False, None)
cache_counter -= 1
if linestarts is not None:
starts_line = linestarts.get(offset, None)
Expand All @@ -426,61 +450,63 @@ def _get_instructions_bytes(code, varname_from_oparg=None,
argval = None
argrepr = ''
positions = Positions(*next(co_positions, ()))
deop = _deoptop(op)
cache_counter = _inline_cache_entries[deop]
if arg is not None:
# Set argval to the dereferenced value of the argument when
# available, and argrepr to the string representation of argval.
# _disassemble_bytes needs the string repr of the
# raw name index for LOAD_GLOBAL, LOAD_CONST, etc.
argval = arg
if op in hasconst:
argval, argrepr = _get_const_info(op, arg, co_consts)
elif op in hasname:
if op == LOAD_GLOBAL:
if deop in hasconst:
argval, argrepr = _get_const_info(deop, arg, co_consts)
elif deop in hasname:
if deop == LOAD_GLOBAL:
argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg//2, get_name)
if (arg & 1) and argrepr:
argrepr = "NULL + " + argrepr
argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg, get_name)
elif op in hasjabs:
elif deop in hasjabs:
argval = arg*2
argrepr = "to " + repr(argval)
elif op in hasjrel:
signed_arg = -arg if _is_backward_jump(op) else arg
elif deop in hasjrel:
signed_arg = -arg if _is_backward_jump(deop) else arg
argval = offset + 2 + signed_arg*2
argrepr = "to " + repr(argval)
elif op in haslocal or op in hasfree:
elif deop in haslocal or deop in hasfree:
argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg, varname_from_oparg)
elif op in hascompare:
elif deop in hascompare:
argval = cmp_op[arg]
argrepr = argval
elif op == FORMAT_VALUE:
elif deop == FORMAT_VALUE:
argval, argrepr = FORMAT_VALUE_CONVERTERS[arg & 0x3]
argval = (argval, bool(arg & 0x4))
if argval[1]:
if argrepr:
argrepr += ', '
argrepr += 'with format'
elif op == MAKE_FUNCTION:
elif deop == MAKE_FUNCTION:
argrepr = ', '.join(s for i, s in enumerate(MAKE_FUNCTION_FLAGS)
if arg & (1<<i))
elif op == BINARY_OP:
elif deop == BINARY_OP:
_, argrepr = _nb_ops[arg]
yield Instruction(opname[op], op,
yield Instruction(_all_opname[op], op,
arg, argval, argrepr,
offset, starts_line, is_jump_target, positions)

def disassemble(co, lasti=-1, *, file=None, show_caches=False):
def disassemble(co, lasti=-1, *, file=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
"""Disassemble a code object."""
linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co))
exception_entries = parse_exception_table(co)
_disassemble_bytes(co.co_code, lasti,
_disassemble_bytes(_get_code_array(co, adaptive),
lasti, co._varname_from_oparg,
co.co_names, co.co_consts, linestarts, file=file,
co_positions=co.co_positions(), show_caches=show_caches)

def _disassemble_recursive(co, *, file=None, depth=None, show_caches=False):
disassemble(co, file=file, show_caches=show_caches)
def _disassemble_recursive(co, *, file=None, depth=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
disassemble(co, file=file, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
if depth is None or depth > 0:
if depth is not None:
depth = depth - 1
Expand All @@ -489,7 +515,7 @@ def _disassemble_recursive(co, *, file=None, depth=None, show_caches=False):
print("Disassembly of %r:" % (x,), file=file)
x, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches
x, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive

def _disassemble_bytes(code, lasti=-1, varname_from_oparg=None,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,7 +574,7 @@ def _unpack_opargs(code):
extended_arg = 0
for i in range(0, len(code), 2):
op = code[i]
if _deoptop(op) >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
arg = code[i+1] | extended_arg
extended_arg = (arg << 8) if op == EXTENDED_ARG else 0
# The oparg is stored as a signed integer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -641,7 +667,7 @@ class Bytecode:
Iterating over this yields the bytecode operations as Instruction instances.
def __init__(self, x, *, first_line=None, current_offset=None, show_caches=False):
def __init__(self, x, *, first_line=None, current_offset=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
self.codeobj = co = _get_code_object(x)
if first_line is None:
self.first_line = co.co_firstlineno
Expand All @@ -654,10 +680,11 @@ def __init__(self, x, *, first_line=None, current_offset=None, show_caches=False
self.current_offset = current_offset
self.exception_entries = parse_exception_table(co)
self.show_caches = show_caches
self.adaptive = adaptive

def __iter__(self):
co = self.codeobj
return _get_instructions_bytes(co.co_code,
return _get_instructions_bytes(_get_code_array(co, self.adaptive),
co.co_names, co.co_consts,
Expand All @@ -671,12 +698,12 @@ def __repr__(self):

def from_traceback(cls, tb, *, show_caches=False):
def from_traceback(cls, tb, *, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
""" Construct a Bytecode from the given traceback """
while tb.tb_next:
tb = tb.tb_next
return cls(
tb.tb_frame.f_code, current_offset=tb.tb_lasti, show_caches=show_caches
tb.tb_frame.f_code, current_offset=tb.tb_lasti, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive

def info(self):
Expand All @@ -691,7 +718,7 @@ def dis(self):
offset = -1
with io.StringIO() as output:
_disassemble_bytes(_get_code_array(co, self.adaptive),
names=co.co_names, co_consts=co.co_consts,
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Lib/test/
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def test_stack_effect(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, stack_effect, dis.opmap['BUILD_SLICE'])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, stack_effect, dis.opmap['POP_TOP'], 0)
# All defined opcodes
for name, code in dis.opmap.items():
for name, code in filter(lambda item: item[0] not in dis.deoptmap, dis.opmap.items()):
with self.subTest(opname=name):
if code < dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def test_stack_effect_jump(self):
self.assertEqual(stack_effect(JUMP_FORWARD, 0, jump=False), 0)
# All defined opcodes
has_jump = dis.hasjabs + dis.hasjrel
for name, code in dis.opmap.items():
for name, code in filter(lambda item: item[0] not in dis.deoptmap, dis.opmap.items()):
with self.subTest(opname=name):
if code < dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
common = stack_effect(code)
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