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pip 1.5 with --install-option should not use wheel as default #1439

mindflayer opened this issue Jan 8, 2014 · 5 comments

pip 1.5 with --install-option should not use wheel as default #1439

mindflayer opened this issue Jan 8, 2014 · 5 comments
auto-locked Outdated issues that have been locked by automation C: wheel The wheel format and 'pip wheel' command type: enhancement Improvements to functionality


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Hi there,
we think that the decision of using wheel, as default installation source, is not the right choice if pip has been invoked with ore or more --install-option.

Our deploy uses pip as following:
pip install --install-option="--prefix=$TARGET" package_name

With pip 1.5 not every package will be placed under $TARGET directory, because wheel install won't call with the options I chose.


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Basically in our opinion the above command should have the behaviour of the following one:
pip install --no-use-wheel --install-option="--prefix=$TARGET" package_name

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qwcode commented Jan 9, 2014

yes, this is something to sort thru. we need to figure out which (if any) of the setuptools/distutils --install_options we want to support for wheel installs.

if none, then yes, it's true that using the --install-option flag should either trigger a failure with wheels, or, a forced use of --no-use-wheel.

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I think having --no-use-wheel as mandatory is the safest way to do it.

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I found that I really needed the various distuils --install-options, so I made a patch to pip:


The commits aren't pull-request worthy; but, if someone would like to integrate them (or something similar), it would prevent me from having to carry around my own pip.

gmist added a commit to gmist/my-gae-init that referenced this issue Mar 30, 2014
Now all dependencies are not resolved by default.
gmist added a commit to gmist/my-gae-init that referenced this issue Mar 31, 2014
Added pip.json syntactic sugar.


Supressed pylint warnings.

Added 'pkg_name' option for packages whose 'pip name' does not match with pkg name.

Ignore all global packages from sys.path.

Added *.dist-info to ignore list.

Fix pypa/pip#1439 (added '--no-use-wheel' option).
Now all dependencies are not resolved by default.
gmist added a commit to gmist/my-gae-init that referenced this issue Apr 3, 2014
Added pip.json syntactic sugar.


Supressed pylint warnings.

Added 'pkg_name' option for packages whose 'pip name' does not match with pkg name.

Ignore all global packages from sys.path.

Added *.dist-info to ignore list.

Fix pypa/pip#1439 (added '--no-use-wheel' option).
Now all dependencies are not resolved by default.
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qwcode commented Apr 13, 2014

closing as dupe to #1716 which has a broader description.

@qwcode qwcode closed this as completed Apr 13, 2014
wilfriedE added a commit to wilfriedE/LearnIt that referenced this issue Sep 3, 2017
Removed indexes from index.yaml

Removed keys

Script quits only with --watch param

Removed the test directories from bootstrap

Added to the repo the compiled *.css and *.js

Added timestamp to script

Typo in robots.txt

Fixed dateformat in

Added an extra page with location and map

Showing the correct map

Removed express from node packages

Minor changes

Extras are presented in a different format

Added a twitter link

Used the stateful bootstrap button on profile update

Compiled JS files for deployment

Added for some common tasks

Added the compiled version for deployment

Removed hardcoded GAE-init from the login message

Config model is introduced to store the secret keys

Removed dublicate line in welcome.html

Changed the rating for gravatar images to 'x'

Added default filter/order for the User List link

Added secret key for flask sessions in the Config model

Added examples on welcome.html

Added a new feature in the welcome.html

Inherit from object for base classes

Added admin_required decorator in the

Change the config settings (secret keys) within the app if you are an admin of the application

Logo and favicon added

Brand name is moved to Config

Added instead of lib folder for server side libraries

Refactoring client side files (public > static)

Moved templates/bit/base to templates/bit

Simplifying the config file and variables are being updated correctly

Updated app.yaml

Added missing libs

Added background.png

Minified css

PubNub is added to demonstrate the messages..

History added to chat

Removed logs

Added more logs for channel

Service more url updated

Feedback form added

Feedback text added to homepage

Removed the admin required from Feedback form

For logged in users the email is prefilled in the feedback form

Added reply mail to the body, for some reason it's not applied in reply_to field

Updated to Bootstrap 2.1.0

Flask updated to version 0.9 and added the script to generate the

Removed View in JSON from Feedback form

bottom_bar.html renamed to footer.html

Footer simplified and some refactor in .less files

Fixed the brand name in the top bar

Minor changes

Bootstrap upgraded to 2.1.1

Minor changes to pass the HTML validation

Clean up script.html

Updated pubnub.js to 3.1

GeoPt is now supported for JSON results

Removed some base class methods and using a different format for the ComputedProperty

Brand default name changed to gae-init for consitency

ComputedProperties for dates return None if they are not set yet

Error handling for normal and JSON pages

Removed empty tag from top_bar.html

View in JSON link is putted on the right in the footer

Error handling is handling 500 correctly now

Added html_class to the error handler

Login buttons got a well div and now centered

CONFIG_DB introduced to the config to be used with flask

Added block for the html_class

Minor fixes in the footer style

Supporting BlobKeys and lists in the JSON object of ndb

Fixed broken footer

Added and added to the

Updates in readme file

Updated link of the flair

Updated links on welcome page and readme file

Heads up message added to the config update page

Added description to input fields and updated readme

Build script updated with zip support (thanks to and lib folder is back in repo

Updated readme file with the contributors

Changed the bitbucket username to lower case

Updated the script and recompiled with the latest versions

Removed a few os.system calls in script

Minor updates in

Minor updates in

Build script is not OS dependent

Build script clean-ups and added Windows in readme

jQuery updated to version 1.8.2

Added descriptions for commands in script and added a new option

Updated the readme file to reflect the new changes of the build script

Added a link to less-bands in readme

Minor changes

Build script minifies by default when no arguments provided

Bootstrap updated to 2.2.0

Renamed login to sign in and updated footer

Removed tests and compiled files from repository

Changed readme and updated welcome.html

Date added to the chat messages

UglifyJS in the package.json changed to version 1, since the version 2 is a full rewrite

Added text to readme file regarding the gae-init-pro

Minor changes in readme file

The versions of dependencies locked to the major ones

Versions of dependencies are locked to 1.x.x

Proper format for the versions of the dependencies

The sign in buttons for Twitter & Facebook are not shown if the keys are not added

Updated to Bootstrap 2.2.2

Simpler welcome.html page

jQuery updated to version 1.8.3

Better handling of the amdin users and droped the form-horizontal in the forms

Different handling of the Config model and how it is being updated

Select filed added as a bit

Added 32x32 favicon.ico

The body of the feedback form changed to message and minor changes in form fields

Removed the check for including the

Included the error code in the title for error handling pages

Setting current default directory in the build script so it can be run from anywhere

Changed the line statement prefix for Jinja2 to # for better readability

User menu moved to a different file

Admin settings moved under user profile to save some real estate in top bar

Deprication of PubNub, Chat, Extras and more general updates

Removed references of gae-init-pro

Removed unused template

jQuery 1.9.0 added

Updated social sign in buttons with SVG icons and custom css

Sign in link on top bar is active when on Sign in page

Added support for smaller sizes for the sign in buttons

Added cursor name to generate_more_url and boolean param accepts also 'yes' and '1' as True

Updated flask oauth to the latest version

Updated Flask-WTF to the latest version

Updated werkzeug to the latest version

Updated wtforms to the latest version and changed the form.csrf > form.csrf_token

Updated feedback from csrf field to csrf_token due to latest updated of wtforms

Added missing file to werkzeug

Added Stefan Lindmark to the contributors

Sending the right status_code for JSON responses

Better handling of the login and admin required decorators

Minor spelling change

Skipping the MacOS custom icon file (Icon\r) file in the app.yaml

Removed examples from readme and added jQuery to the teck stack

Removed the model_class from the arguments of retrieve_dbs, works exactly the same by skipping the first argument

Replaced the double quote to single one in few places

Updated Bootstrap to 2.3.0

Dropped hero-unit and introduced jumbotron on welcome page

jQuery updated to 1.9.1

Added Font Awesome (without IE7 support)

Added icons to the user menu and rearranged the admin menu

Icon added for the feedback and default order for the user list added

Showing the username as a readonly value in profile

Minor change

Added Font Awesome in the tech stack on README

Updated error page and minor fixes in the base.less for better handling with themes

Removed Glyphicons from Bootstrap

Updated Bootstrap to 2.3.1

Updated the error page image to semitransparent background

Updated the Google sign in butto according to the official color and logo

Added slugify function into

Build script updated with a run command and also argument is now required

Contact menu added as a bit

View in JSON only for admins

In the config now the version is splitted in name, timestamp, date and the footer has changed

Fixed config to not break the build script

Minor fixes in build script

The format_datetime_ago() updated and now if it's more than a month returns a full date

Big numbers are returned as strings in JSON

Added the host into the build script for the

Build script now installs the dependencies if they are missing


Simplified LOG function and removed

Simplifed LOG and removed the fontawesome-webfont.woff from repo

Added clearer labels in admin config

Minor update in WTForms

Added checkbox field and minor changes

jQuery updated to version 2.0

Fixed the bug util.json_value for small long values (#2)

Added MIT licence (#3)

The util.json_value() now supports StructuredProperty as well (#1)

Fixed the problem with StructedProperty for the default PROPERTIES

Clear datastore included in the (#4)

Admin port for the dev server is now handled in the build script

Running the dev server via build script works on Windows

LESS is locked on version 1.3 since 1.4 is breaking Bootstrap

Font Awesome updated to 3.1.1

WTForms updated to 1.0.4

httplib2 updated to 0.8

Updated Bootstrap to 2.3.2

Updated jQuery to 2.0.1

Updated jQuery to 2.0.2

Added licences into package.json

Close button in long notifications fixed

Close element changed to button in notifications

Updated sign in buttons to use font icons instead of SVG images

Updated Font Awesome to 3.2.0

Updated version numbers in package.json

Updated Font Awesome to 3.2.1

Updated Flask-Login to 0.2.4 and Werkzeug to 0.10.1

Updated to stable version of Werkzeug 0.9.1

Updated Flask to 0.10.1

Tweaked styles for social sign in buttons

Added indexed=True to properties in User model


updated lib flask-login to version 0.2.5

update deprecated ref to login_manager.setup_app

Updated Flask-Login to 0.2.6

Updated Twitter base_url to API version 1.1

Updated jQuery to 2.0.3

Added git support and new contributor

Removed reference to direct cloning from README

Got rid of SCRIPTS_MODULES in for less confusion


Added comments to error messages

Minor fix

Removed unused libs and blinker updated

Fixing imports in auth

Stripping spaces from user's input

Using isinstance everywhere instead of type

Added .editorconfig and updated build script

Version added to Base model and minor fixes

Last commit for Bootstrap 2

Bootstrap 3 is in da househg st

Minor changes

Removed the inline {% if %}

Refactored and updated Twitter's link

Added announcement message in the config

Broke some long lines

Updated README

Fixed broken link in README

Minor fixes

Removed empty <p> in footer

Added nanoscopic progress bar: NProgress

Third party libs are decleared in

Minor reformat and added 405 error in the list

Error checkings in auth functions

Introduced jsonpify() and all services support JSONP as well

Updated script so the --clean argument is obsolete when --start is used

Added slugify to Jinja2 and is used for logo

Added sitemap.xml

Added Disallow: /signin/*/ in robots.txt

Added multiple_checkbox_field macro for wtf.SelectMultipleField

Brought back the spinner-icon div in the NProgress lib

Added some meta tags for Apple and disabled zoom on mobiles

removed computedproperties in favor of properties

There are several computed properties in main/ BaseX like
- ```created_ago```
- ```modified_ago```
- ```created_utc```
- ```modified_utc```

Computed properties ([1]) are both computed whenever read and saved in
the datastore for the purpose of indexing. The idea is that you can still
query on the field. This causes at least 3 additional writes per object
being written (1 for the data itself, 2 for index asc and desc).

Aside from causing additional writes there seems to be a problem: all
four are depending on self.modified and self.created which are
```DateTimeProperties``` ([2]). The values of ```auto_now``` and
```auto_now_add``` are only set when the model is written.
I experienced non deterministic ```None``` values of these in the

I see two other problems here:

1. ```created_ago``` and ```modified_ago``` just should never be saved
in the datastore, as ordering by these two just doesn't make any sense.
2. ```created_utc``` and ```modified_utc``` imply that the normal times
are saved in localtime. They're not, appengine uses UTC.

I suggest transforming all these into ordinary properties.


also change avatar_url ComputedProperty to property

Added IE related meta tag

Footer changed to a fixed-height and it is pinned the bottom of the viewport

Removed relative dates and added Moment.js lib

Added Moment.js to


Footer is using display table instead of box for vertical aligment

Updated util.param() to support list values

Moved and package.json in the root

Update to reflect the changes


Fixed the bug in when there were spaces in the path

Minor fix in

Moved favicon.ico to the img directory and removed the gae-init logo

Updated the date in changeset

Added Client ID and Client Secret fields.

Added client id and client secret fields to Config.
Added github_id field to User.

Show Github settings in config.

Added Github OAuth authorization.

Added css style for github button.


Fixed name field if response['name'] is empty.

Added reminder for setup app callback URL.

Added newline.

Changed Github to GitHub

Remove instructions

email='' if the user has not specified a public email address

Fixed copy-paste mistyping - GitHub returns only the error in the URL

Changed version and updated CHANGESET

Username is always lowercase and some spacial characters are being replaced with a dot

Updated app.yaml

Refactored the static directory

Added Grunt support for watch and livereload

Removed custom message from email validator (fixes #3)



More typos

Minor changes

Replaced tex_field by email_field for the feedback_email field.

Reset submit button after 3000 ms

Replaced by the wtform filter.
Simplified assignment of ConfigUpdateForm fields.

Fix code style - added blank line.

Removed more custom message from email validator (fixes #3)

Reformatted theadmin form

Updated forms to use populate and filters

Added novalidation in the forms and removed the 3 secs for submit buttons

Bump version and updated

Syntactic changes in scripts and introduced init_common to run on every page

Fixed service_call

Updating the User model after sign in

Showing relative date of the deployed version in the footer for the admins

Admin config page got a facelift

Updated to install grunt if missing

Removed the X-UA-Compatible header to pass the validators

You can skip exposing the properties of config

Organized alphabetically config properties.

Also added github properties in JSON interface.



Fixed the relative date format


Added template macro for next page (more_url)

Bump version and updated

View in JSON link is now visible only when has_json variable is True

Minor typo

Updated werkzeug to 0.9.4

Updated WTForms to 1.0.5

Updated itsdangerous to 0.23

Bump version to 0.8.3

Added rel='nofollow' wherever applicable

Updated Moment.js to 2.3.1

Added the prefetch link if there is one

Fix generate md5 from unicode name and international email (

Remove deprecated md5 package (
Remove unused imports.

Bump version to 0.8.4

Removed the old auth ids and replaced them with a list in User model

Replaced function set() by set literal.

Fix indentation


To pass the HTML validators only 3 digits are not visible for the msec, fixes #11

Showing in the profile and user list the connected accounts

Removed fieldset where not used and minor reformats

Updated Font Awesome to 4.0.0

Minor fix

Simplify code.

Using protocol independed absolute paths

Fixed the toggle navitation icons

Fixed buggy username generation

Removed GitHub oauth (it can be found in gae-init-auth)

Replace a substring using regex.

Optimized signin.less

Updated sign-in buttons to the latest version

Updated Font Awesome to 4.0.1

Support for size of gravatar image

Added support for the size (s) argument in the Gravatar API



this breaks compatibility

Update UserX, with back compatibility

Update user_list.html

Update profile.html

Fixed avatar for HDPI screens in user_list.html

Updated Bootstrap to 3.0.1




Form macros are now accepting keyword arguments for stuff like autofocus, placeholder, etc

Autofocus flag is now set to the first input in forms

Simplify code - used util.uuid().

Used util.uuid() instead uuid().

Added link to GAE instances.

Open instances page in new tab.

Replaced double-quotes to single.

Remove extra space.

Reformatting instances url

Reformatted LICENCE

Fixed the instances_url

Added support for sign-in buttons the icon only mode

Catch only specified exception and simplify code.

Font Awesome updated to 4.0.3

Updated Bootstrap to 3.0.2

Simplify code.

Minor changes to avoid possible conflicts

Updated Moment.js to 2.4.0

Update config_update.html

Expanding 'Info' to 'Information' for readability (and there is enough screen estate already used by items below it anyway).

Update user_list.html

Changed "Auth" column to "Accounts" to reflect that this column shows the (third party) Accounts with which the user will authenticate him/her self to the gae-init (derived) application.

Renamed LICENCE file to LICENSE

Added category on logout message

Updated to Bootstrap 3.0.2 released fonts

Generalisation: using "Avatar of" instead of "Gravatar photo of"

Using "Avatar of" instead of "Gravatar photo of" so that someone may change it to another provider or a custom solution to get such avatars (and who says it needs to be a photo?)

Generalisation: using "Avatar of" instead of "Gravatar for"

Follow-up to pull request #35 (see gae-init/gae-init#35 for rationale)

Fixed typo

Reduced comment line separators to 80 chars

Changed the soon to be depricated wtf.TextField for wtf.StringField

First approach on deleting users

Added fixed width class for the icons in the dropdown menu

Fixed minor typo in comments of `main/`

Minor fixes


Summary of changes from commit log; mostly focussed on "hard" changes like the package updates (condensed to latest version numbers); questionable on the `LICENSE` file rename (probably of no interest to the reader, but I followed principle of gae-init file renames in previous `` entries; you can easily drop this bullet); what might be missing is a highlight of the new features. Note that I changed the release date of 0.9.0 to "tbd" (= to be determined).

Removed bullet about file rename (that of ), which is not that important

Removed gae-init-babel specific changes

Added show_notifications() and clear_notifications() as JS functions

Added feedback notifications when deleting users

Minor fixes in coffee files

Fixed the disabled selection issue when cancel deletion

Removed label around selection and avatar in user_list.html

Replaced title of the accounts with an icon in user_list.html

Removed extra space

Added a clean up function for deletion and made it RESTier

Updated with more contributors and minor changes

Removed multiple insertions of livereload

Update script.html

Removed empty line

Fix for issue #40 adding  to  to ensure there are no dupes in list of scripts

More readable uniq() routine

Removed comment/doc on request

Updated with latest Flask Login 0.2.7

Updated to Bootstrap 3.0.3 release

Better handling of arbitrary exceptions with logging

Using flask.ext. notation when importing

Moving into main/lib/flask_wtf/ folder

Moving flask.ext.login into main/lib/

Moving flask.ext.oauth into main/lib/

Removed depricated flaskext directory

Organized imports by system, libs and local

Minor typos in comments

Added admin action to update user's username and other basic info

Moved user_list.html template to user directory

Changed the URL for user update

Added a separete macro for individual auth icons

Changed the minimum username length to 3

Simplified feedback form


Fixed typos and adjusted to 80 char per row

Added werkzeug traceback debugger.

Enable werkzeug debbuger.

Fixed indentation.

Fix code style - `import module` is preferred.

Handling exceptions on production differently

Cleanup of unifinished merge users

Updating the admin and active states of the User model

Showing a ban icon for inactive users in user list

Added an icon to indicate your own account on user list/update


Clean ups and some PEP8 stuff

Minor stuff for PEP8 in

User list class/function names renamed to be more specific


Updated threadsafe setting (to fit Google documentation)

Added missing word in data-error message

Corrected Twitter's color

Changed colors to lower case

Updated Moment.js to 2.5.0

Updating to UglifyJS2 which also requires some changes in due to different command structure

Added an extra check for older installed versions of UglifyJS


Bump version to 0.10.0

Changed order for name/username for admins

Moved NProgress related files to it's own directory

Using variabless.less of NProgress

Removed forgotten experiments

Happy New Year

Removed local copies of SCRIPTS and STYLES from

Minor rearrangements in

First approach for merging users (#62)

Improved user update for admins

Back links to the user list from update/merge

Improved user selection

Fixed broken service call and bumped version

Inactive users are muted on user list

Minor updates in service_call(...)

Using more relevant variable name for depricated users

Smaller buttons for update/merge users

Dropping the google_user.nickname() for Google accounts due to issues with Federeated Login

Removed the useless check for spaces in the email

Dropping unused function arguments

Added fixed width for social icons

Centered the key icon in merge

Updated jQuery to 2.1.0

Updated Moment.js to 2.5.1

Updated comment for merge users

Deactivating the deprecated users after merging (#62)

Move from templates to 'view' functions.

Responsive table and updated info when merging users

Minor changes

Improved merging of inactive users


Merged users are sorted by creation date

Minor updates in Gruntfile

Updated year

Simplified Gruntfile

Added keys_only argument to the util.retrieve_dbs

Updated Bootstrap to 3.1.0

Removed useless divs and added table-responsive class for user list

Updated order by links and new filter by links (#68)

Show active users only when selecting from menu

On succesful update filter by active state on redirect

Show a warning when there are no users for selected filters

Changed value to text in slugify

Added ignored arguments param to avoid errors when sorting and filtering with cursors (#68)

Back link for user update now has an active filter

Simplified title in base.html

Removed the useless else '' part in templates

Sticky footer without the wrapper

Consistency in seperator/line comments

Added bigger padding before footer

LiveReload, agnostic of host and port.

Now we can have grunt watch working also on remote machines.

LiveReload on all hosts and ports.

Less visible back and sort order icons

Added nowrap to user list headers

No need for explicit index on User properties

Make announcement_html a TextProperty to allow 500+ characters

More generic text

More generic text to show that users (records) are not matching the filters.

Experimental appraoch that scales better for third party oauth keys

Added properties has_facebook and has_twitter to Config

Moved caption default into body of macro

Caption is optional

Separating admin form into little pieces

Removed comments from bits

Updated Flask-Login to 0.2.9

Removed unnecessary default None value


Removed label from checkboxes in tables because of extra margin

Merged with gae-init-oauth

Indentations and minor tweaks

Removed exclamation marks from welcome message

Replaced macros by multi lines 'help_text'.

Adding html_element utility macro

Setting page help block style

Instead of `text-muted` setting the style of the `config_update.html` page help block to `help-block`; similar to how the help blocks for the OAuth panels are styled (as seen inside the `oauth_fields` macro in `forms.html`).

Minor fixes

Added an empty line for consitency (#84)

Updated Google Analytics code to latest



Formatting title differently, allowing translations

Removed parentheses

Inform user when Facebook access denied

Removed uuid doc string already in gae-init-docs

Removed some doc strings that are documented

Updated Bootstrap to 3.1.1

Fixed typo in comment

Fixed typos in code

Fixed cleaning in the project root.

Removed more documented doc strings (#88)

Removed from the project to avoid unnecessary conflics with real projects

Removed vendors libs.

Using 'bower' package management for vendor libraries.

Fix the project name.

Fix running 'grunt bower' on Windows.

Removed excess whitespace.

 Use the major releases of vendor libs and dev dependencies.

Reordered constants.

Reordered git/hgignore by alphabetical.

 Use the major releases of vendor libs.

Removed excess whitespace.

Constant name changes and more

Unused variables and different names

Added final newline.

Fixed redefining 'ARGS' from outer scope.

Fixed 'Invalid constant name' warnings.

Small refactoring - extracting 'run' methods.

Removed extra newline.

Alphabet reorder.

Rewrited checking of the dependencies.

Added -C to for upgrading Node & Bower

user permissions as route decorators

Routes can be decorated with @auth.permission_required(perm)
which only grants access to the route if the user has the
necessary permissions or is an admin.
The special permissions are saved in the User object's
permission field as repeated StringProperty.
All used permissions are collected magically "as you decorate"
views and shown in the UserUpdate admin interface as multi
checkbox to pick from.
The UserX model is extended for a has_permission() method for
easier checking in templates.

minor: code conventions

only show permissions if used anywhere

Allow disabled checkbox field

Added .bowerrc file.

Trailing slash for fa font removed (related #95)

Showing user's permissions in the User List

Being able to filter by permission (semi-manually)

Added sort_filter and it's used for permissions

Using application id to initialize brand_name

Changed user list layout

User list without hiding columns

Added .table-hover to user list table

Added filter by permissions in the User List

Showing user's permissions even if they are not there anymore

Merging user's permissions

Fixed the separator issue in the service_call

Minor rearrangements

Single quotes in

Admin and Active flags are shown in Permissions column

Showing permissions in during user merge

Copy paste mistakes

Minor changes to avoid merge conflicts

Text muted for chevron-up on Merge Users form

Similar to User List approach, as controlled in `main/templates/macro/utils.html`

Bump version to 0.13.0

Clean up argument explanation

No need to explain that `-c` / `--clean` argument is obsolete when `-s` is used. If any explanation is needed that this happens with `-s`, then it should be explained there instead.

Single quotes for -c help

Fix typo in comment

Bower directory support and better cleanup

Minor bug fix for decimal size in css

Type in class name for disabled checkbox (#98)

Updated compile_style to check extension earlier

Removed SCRIPTS_MODULES and SCRIPTS are containing tuples

Removed useles parentheses

Added more clean options in Gruntfile

methods kwd for permission_required decorator

if methods is specified, the decorator will only enforce the given
permission for requests with a method as in methods.
e.g., @auth.permission_required('foo', methods=['POST']) will
only check the user for permission 'foo' in POST requests
but won't restrict other requests.
If methods is None (default), the permissions will be enforced
on all requests regardless of their method.

New send mail notifications using tasks

Send an email notification when a user signs up

Resorted and added notify_on_new_user in PROPERTIES

Bumped version

Fixed typo

Nuked the titles of special permissions

Fixed _skip_files pattern on GAE 1.9.1

Bumped version

Run script checks for possible updates of gae-init

Fixed create update.json when you first start

Bumped version

Renamed more explicit to avoid overlaps

Removed titles from special permissions

Added safe filter for next_link caption.

Removed spaces in Jinja2 filters

Simplify code

Simplify writing to update.json.

Parameter _external in url_for in

Instead of manually concatenating stuff, you can define it as external so it builds the proper url for you.

Added checking requirements.

Unification checking of Internet connection.

Removed checking of the pip/virtualenv.

Do not show help link for test of Internet connection.

Silly refactor

Bumped version

model now makes use of config variables

import style changed as requested

Changed style of encoding definition.

Removed unused import

Default argument ignore changed to None (#127)

Renamed argument list to is_list (#127)

Bumped version

Deleted all 3dr python dependencies (broken commit).

Added support pip (with and without virtualenv).

Added pip.json syntactic sugar.


Supressed pylint warnings.

Added 'pkg_name' option for packages whose 'pip name' does not match with pkg name.

Ignore all global packages from sys.path.

Added *.dist-info to ignore list.

Fix pypa/pip#1439 (added '--no-use-wheel' option).
Now all dependencies are not resolved by default.

Simplify code.

Reformat code.

Rename "install_venv" function.

Refactoring - extracted "create_virtualenv" function.

Simplify code.

Simplify detection of GAE directory.

Fix detection of GAE directory on Windows.

Simplify code.

no missing venv workarounds, pip install -r used, libx for manual libs

This commit reduces complexity of the pip install process of
requirements by always depending on virtualenv which allows us
to use pip install -r requirements.txt.
Manually installed libs in main/libx are not touched but have

Added libx to sys.path.

Removed double insert libx.

Simplified if.. else.. statements.

Removed unused code.

Small refactoring of "exec_pip_commands".

Removed excess string formatting.

Removed excess formatting of strings.

Added main/lib to .(git|hg)ignore.

Unset global PYTHONPATH for virtualenv.

Simplify code.

Abort execution if GAE is not found.

Install python dependencies after npm and bower.

Added checking of the pip and virtualenv.

Removed extra checking of pip and virtualenv.
Used doctor's for detection GAE path.

Removed calls of the list/tuple pip's commands.

Auto resolving dependencies

Simplify cleaning.

Bumbed version (pre-release)

Removed unnecessary name param in query

Added Google Cloud SDK detection.

Fixed if..else for GAE w/o Cloud SDK.

Downgrade pre release version

Added checking Git.

dev server uses now as CURRENT_VERSION_TIMESTAMP

the previous version information shown in the footer when run on dev server
was misleading. now version time is set to "now".

import style and utcnow

Added socket.timeout to internet check

Increased timeout for internet check to 2 sec

Minor refactor

Removed package version

Correct tense when doctor has something to say.

clearing permissions query argument needs to ignore cursor

Improved message on existing username

Added "already" to the message shown when trying to use an existing username.

Fixed typo

fix missing main/lib dir if py lib in requirements not found

remove unused listing of installed_dirs

only run pip if necessary

This commit adds and modifies a pip_guard lockfile to temp each time
install_py_libs() is called. The file is used in later runs to check
if our requirements.txt is newer. If so pip install is run if not
it's skipped. -C removes the file.

style changes as requested

style update: len(line) < 80

rename guard file

Better handling if the dir lib not found

Special case for .ttf files

Simplified, to catch all .ttf files

Removed comment

Bumped pre-release version

Doctor is showing capitalized messages

Single quoates

Updated to -dev version

Updated README to reflect additions

Fix shadows 'next' built-in. Closes #142

Added encode declaration and code format.

Compare based on UTC date/time; even if we are just comparing dates...

Handle FILE_UPDATE in with-block

Removed duplicate

code conventions

Space in front of line continuation

Using 2-space indent

Fixed long line (PEP8)

Minor fixes in

by default ignore cursor argument for update_query_argument

warmup requests help for -C mentions pip

related to gae-init/gae-init-docs#59

Minor change

make announcements closable

remember closed state in sessionStorage

announcement shown by default and hidden by javascript if closed before

removed unused variable that minification complains about

lessification and coffeefication as requested

Using getItem and setItem for sessionStorage

Added announcement related stuff to

decoration time order checking for auth decorators like admin_required

If you sloppily added an `@auth.admin_required` decorator above the
`@app.route(...)` lines you would notice that the permission is not

The reason for this is that the `@app.route(...)` decorator registers
the view function as is "from bottom up to the route decorator and not
further" in `app.view_functions`.

This commit introduces checks which are performed once at decoration
time to check if the passed in function is already part of the
`app.view_functions` and the permission logic would be skipped.
If this is the case a SyntaxError is raised notifying the developer.

refactor decorator order guard code into helper

Added support for remember me during sign in

Minor changes

Clean up choices iteration

Updated varaibles for choices iteration

Now used flask-oauth v0.13 from GitHub.

Saving next/remember request params in the flask.session.

Bumped version

Remember me -> to Keep me signed in

feedback form email is "your email"


Fixed bug with the choices

Bumbed dev version

No dict for permissions

Inverted logic for hidding the announcement (#153)

Analytics and Flask config moved to Keys section

args after --appserver-args are passed to


Added include_md into util.html for Markdown support

Rollback the markdown snippet

Bumbed release version

added a radio button macro to macro/forms.html

commited further changes to the radio button macro

Unified list input fields for forms

Bumbed pre-release version

Added load-grunt-tasks

Check for bower.json updates similar to pip

Plus some renames for consistency

Check for package.json updates similar to pip

Bumped version

Fix creation of guards.

Added date support for JSON values

Fix gcloud detection on Windows.

Removed brand names from fields in admin

Added some description for Analytics

Renamed modelx.ModelX convention to modelx.Model

Bumped pre-release version

Introduced for queries related stuff

Added has_permission to FlaskUser

Renamed more_cursor to user_cursor

Using the new get_dbs for available usernames

fix try-except-all block for better debugging

Also catching AttributeError in main/

Removed silly convention that was added while on acid versioning support with through pip

Simplified UTC time

Removed modelX and modelQ

Split models into separate files

Renamed retrieve_* to get_*

Header is set to navbar-default

Bumped release version

Back to black navbar

Renamed more_url/more_cursor to next_url/next_cursor

Bumped pre-release version

Added a compiled username regex similar to slugify

Simplified the creation and checking of guards

Bumped release version

Added extra blank line

fix containment bug for filters

this occurs if one filter is contained in (infix) another filter:
foo,foobar... if you select foobar foo is found and set active in interface as well

Bumped pre-release version

Added check for taken username in User

Renamed kwgs to kwargs (fixes #185)

Bumped release version

Added ancestor as argument in get_dbs


Bootstrap 3.2.0 fixes

Version 1.0.6

Added blank lines.

Simplify variables assignment.

Simplify production checking.

Simplify if/else statement.

Bumped pre-release 1.0.7 version

Simplify oauth_fields macro.

Simplify jinja_env.globals update.

Added trailing comma

Fix error when Facebook users doesn't have a primary email. Closes #193

Bumped release 1.0.8 version

Minor changes for compatibility with Facebook API v2.0

Bumped pre-release 1.0.9 version

Added class to <footer> to avoid conflicts with <blockquote>

Catching urllib2.URLError when on airports internet

Added btn-group-sm class to the more actions

More clear instructions in the admin config

Version 1.0.10

  List generator is used instead of for_loop.

 Catching specific exception (suppress pylint warning).

 Simplify instance checking of the value.

Bumped pre-release 1.0.11 version

Removed duplicate .text-nowrap class

User list redesign

Using fa-sort instead fa-chevron for sorting

Added email verification for users

Version 1.0.12

Checking if the email already exists

Bumped pre-release 1.0.13 version

Sorted properties in Config

Small improved in performance - return keys instead return full entities.

Added 'y' to positive values for util.param

Added next_url param to get_next_url()

Remember the remember me check

Minor changes

Auto merge verified accounts

Added visible password field

Upgrading Flask-WTF and more

80 char limit

Bumped pre-release version 1.0.15

get_next_url is smarter now

Remember me check

Version 1.1.0

Fixed deprecated coffescript '--join' option.

Version 1.1.1 (pre-release)

Flask-WTF upgraded to 0.10.1

Fixed transliteration not unicode strings.

Removed unecessary object

Using 'moment' instead of 'momentjs' (as per Moment docs)

After signing out redirect to sign in

Minor stuff

Alphabetical order in .editorconfig

Upgraded Flask-WTF to 0.10.2

All args on separate lines when too long

Flask security key is part of security keys now

URL list is used in get_next_url

Added memcache helper

Remove doc string comments

Added reCAPTCHA keys

Add reCAPTCHA field in forms.html

Use reCAPTCHA for unauthorized users

Removed subject from Feedback

Pre-release version 1.1.3

auth_icons is getting user_db as argument

Added create_name_from_email into

Added max icons to the auth_icons

Removed token from redirect on verify

When signing out check the next param if exist

Minor stuff

Social sign in button as a macro

Removed default -created order in Base model

Added notification on verify email

Minor fix

Fixed feedback and removed wrong file

Minor fixes

Version 1.2.0

Email authentication

Sorted PROPERTIES of User model

Replacing Flask-OAuth with Flask-OAuthlib

Pre-release version 1.2.1

Updated to use authorized_response approach

Handle case in which email is None (as GitHub can provide)

Added  rel="nofollow" to order and filter links

Refactoring signin stuff

Renamed resp to response and minor refactor

Merged with gae-init/gae-init-auth: refactoring signin stuff.

Minor fix

Fixed typo

Added input-group support

Pre-release version 1.2.3

Version 1.3.0

Minor fix

Remove u-prefix for literal strings in

Added meta as a bit

Redesign of the profile page

Added back link macro

Removed POST from profile

Admin redesign

Version 1.4.0

Better handling of sitemap URLs

Back to admin link in admin_base

Added missing import

Separating auth related modules

Pre-release version 1.4.1

Separation of SignIn/SignUp forms

Showing verified icon only when needed

profile page: icon and hover explanation for auths

log emails which are sent on dev-server

better style to see what will happen in production and also nice for trying
sign up / pw reset / email change token emails.

Added user_forgot to not_redirect_urls

External path as a variable

Fixed broken merge

Version 1.5.0

Used sweet-alert for delete confirmation.

Pre-release version 1.5.1

Removed endpoints for signin/signup

Removed unused import

Added GitHub OAuth (#253)

Version 1.6.2

Removed default type from input_field

Pre-release version 1.6.3

Separating auth config properties

Visual showcases of the components

Ordered alphabetically in bower.json

Removed hidden element

reCAPTCHA image transparent background (Fixes #257)

Version 1.6.4

Removed try/except from

Added missing GitHub icon

Added hash arg to filter/order by links

Catching the OAuthException in signin_oauth

Added LinkedIn OAuth

Added Dropbox OAuth

Added Microsoft OAuth

CONFIG_DB is used instead of direct access

Added Bitbucket OAuth

Added Bitbucket icon to auth_icon

Linking to the new dashboard for instances

Removed unused arguments and sorted by name

Added Yahoo OAuth

Sorted arguments in Bitbucket auth

Added Intstagram OAuth

Pre-release version 1.6.7

Fixed displaced icon in email field

Version 1.8.0

Use Gulp instead of Grunt.

Version 1.8.0 (for real)

Renamed kws > kwargs

Minor tweaks in

Pre-release version 1.8.1

Fix gulp om Windows

Updated profile view for long emails

Happy New Year

Version 1.8.2

Fix IS_WINDOWS constant population

With "is" it will always return False.

Added links to major things on Google Cloud Console

Pre-release version 1.8.3

Changed the order of tasks in gulpfile

Removed unused reset url endpoint

Fixed broken endpoint

Added  form fields to be marked as optional if field is not required

Refactored <i> to <span>

Updating livereload.

Added Datastore link in Admin

Fix unicode email and username for md5().

Update 3rd packages.

Added mising argument for Analytics

Version 1.8.4

Going to the correct version for logs

Pre-release version 1.8.5

Updated libs

Downgrated flask-wtf because of reCAPTCHA

Updated flask-wtf and reCAPTCHA

Moved /user/ under /admin/

Check for SemanticVersion in the latest pip first

Fixed broken version test

Ability to add new users for admins

Fixed broken link to instances

Added back the error field

Refactored data loading text and added spinning icon

Fixed path for Bootstrap's icons

Always secure is in da house

Version 1.8.6

Moving controllers into control

Version 1.9.0

Used Flask-RESTful for API.

Version 2.0

Race condition for version request

Pre-release version 2.0.1

Removed left overs in profile

Refactoring fields

Added default static error page

Refactoring *_FIELDS

Clean up

Version 2.0.2

More explicit variable names for API

Merged auth and config API

Renamed service-url to api-url

Pre-release version 2.0.3

Minor refactor

JSONP is back in town

Moved feedback to a controller

Fixed touch for update.json

Controller user has to be first

Ability to filter by a (urlsafe) ndb key with different button text

Fixed trailing L for big integers

Repeated fields are using fields.List

Moved error handling to control module

Fixed typo

Refactoring imports

Removed all the endpoints from

Overriding existing fields and renames

Added VK OAuth

Version 2.1.0

Added the models and bootstrap-material-design

Initial commit

Making the readme more about FIRSTMastery

page layouts and lesson layout

Some notes and small rearangements, not a safe version but keeping copy for safety sake

new models

Some temporary decisions about using youtube upload

Finally Form submits for Lesson, now time for Ajax Configs and Rendering

Ajax is finally functional. Need to finalize a demo before Saturday's Open Platform kickoff

Fixed path issue with material-fonts

Beautiful player works for youtube so far -though missing speed control feature [soon...] 🤘

Speed Feature now working on Youtube Player 🤘

Added clickable rows support

Removed extra spaces and pre-release version 2.1.1

Updated GAE path for the latest gcloud (Fixes #318)

Version 2.1.2

Rolled back

Version 2.1.4

Added LESS Hat

Removed accidental typing

Pre-release version 2.1.5

Call from unbuffered python shell.

Refactored admin console

On-track with GAE 2.1.5 💃

Moving forward without beautiful player for Vimeo videos

Made Topics creation unique during Lesson  Creation, And added colors generator

Added colors, Library, User Card and Lesson Cards. Considering changing card designs though. 👯 🤘

Clean and Simple Lesson Cards 🤘

Set FootStone for Courses

Critical Step Taken- Anyone user can now update lessons safely. User cards are also available

Remove some unnessary logs

Fixed run_command path issue

Refactored API for consistency

Version 2.2.0

Magic in the air

Pre-release version 2.2.1

Added description to

Removed unused

Added margin for btn-social-icon on auth pages

Topic API and Topics view available

Only approved courses and lessons should show

https security issue with youtube

udated and bootstrap-material

Header set to default instead of inverse

Fix import config.

Using the verbose names where possible

Added Google OAuth2.

Added prefix for the api urls.

Explicit API version

Refactor User's API

Removed SweetAlert

Pre-release version 2.2.3

Fix install of the google-api-python-client.

Version 2.4.0

Updated endpoints for OAuth

Pre-release version 2.4.1

Fix Google IP.

Added some goals 🚀

reajusted apis and added selectize

grammar fixes 👯

working Selectize demo with github api

some indexes for search

some attempts at emplimenting GAE's Documents and Indexes

Searchable Topics

Version 2.5.0

Use Gulp for frontend.

Removed autoprefixer

Version 3.0

Fixed incorrect working with sourcemaps. See sindresorhus/gulp-autoprefixer#29

Refactored gulp config files

Help descriptions updates and task renames

Removed greetings and goodbyes


Updated Python libraries

Fix #350

Parentheses removed from

Version 3.0.2

Passing parameters from Gulp to the Closes #351

Pre-release version 3.0.3

Version 3.0.4

Added Reddit OAuth

Not overriding client

Fix redefining name from outer scope.

Fix URL scheme for redirect_uri.

Version 3.1.0

Updated .hgignore

new .gitinore file expossed old dst folder

Added parse_tags function in

Added the last empty line in

Removed default http for callbacks

Removed deprecated callback URLs

better lesson paths

Fixed 404 error on Windows due to backslashes in url

Version 3.2.0

Fix mimetype for .woff2 fonts.

Executing ext:dev when changes

Reloading only when the necessary files has build.

Reloading only when the necessary files has build.

Exclude .so shared libraries from packages.

Pre-release version 3.2.1

Fix repo URL scheme and 'no license field' warning.

extablishing api concept

Fix C0326 and W0612 warnings.

Deploying improvments and more

Simplified filters in get_dbs

Allow to get maximum results from query.

Rolling back #399

Removed Less Hat

Added prev_cursor to generate 'prev_url' link.

Fetch all results from the query (see #399).

Next/prev cursors refactoring.

Pre-release version 3.2.3

Updated tests

Removed /_s/ from robots.txt

Changed minimum required length for username to 2

Do not include next urls if null

Fixed sizes for icons in header

added owners and deoendents to Base Model

Added doc strings to the apis

description for topics

hacktoberfest begins 🎆

added small api details

added menu text to hamburger and better details on contribute page

added supported formats field and remapped selectized to api

added topics to admin dashboard

reorganized the lesson video players

modified lesson creation form

added quiz controller

worked on lesson create api and forms

Version 3.3.0

Updated Python requirements.

Updated flask-login to 0.3.0

Fixed typo in name of constant, now INTERNET_TEST_URL

Pre-release version 3.3.1

Updated Facebook authorize URL

Fixed Facebook's email (Fixes #413)

Minor refactor

added lesson list to admin

added lesson icon (book)

temporary fix for checkbox render issue

seperated lesson and lesson versions

Added content builder & better paths for lesson & lesson version

got lesson viewport working

added buttons to lesson header

added listing of lesson version and lesson version view and edit page

added some functions for handling ajax requests

added a shared controller

added better development note structure

note for contributors

Promisified ajax request helpers

Added bluebird

Added shared for shared controllers

Added content fields with values for existing lessons

Some new development notes

Make lesson versions updatable

changed put requests to post

added permission logic for edit and delete buttons

better cards for lessons and user

Made Lesson entity updatable

Lesson delete only puts in deadLock state

milestones update

adjusted lesson cards display

increased truncated description to 100 characters

added dataActionable and some TODOS

accesible jquery objects for dataActionables

added approval api endpoint and actionable approval btns

added approval endppoint and dataActionable button for versions

template code for course

added course with listing

course api and controler

modifications to lesson update/create

repeated fields are stored properly

ajusted selectize for lists

added load_card to base model

introducing connected entitities property

modified course entity to have connected entities for lessons

modified tracks to have connected entities for courses

card modifications
rbubley pushed a commit to rbubley/gae-init that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2018
Added pip.json syntactic sugar.


Supressed pylint warnings.

Added 'pkg_name' option for packages whose 'pip name' does not match with pkg name.

Ignore all global packages from sys.path.

Added *.dist-info to ignore list.

Fix pypa/pip#1439 (added '--no-use-wheel' option).
Now all dependencies are not resolved by default.
@lock lock bot added the auto-locked Outdated issues that have been locked by automation label Jun 5, 2019
@lock lock bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Jun 5, 2019
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auto-locked Outdated issues that have been locked by automation C: wheel The wheel format and 'pip wheel' command type: enhancement Improvements to functionality
None yet

No branches or pull requests

3 participants