Translations update from Hosted Weblate #435
12 errors and 10 warnings
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':guilabel:`Start new translation`并' (missing-space-after-role)
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':any:`文档 <pynsist:index>`中' (missing-space-after-role)
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':pep:`441`中' (missing-space-after-role)
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':term:``和' (missing-space-after-role)
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':term:`分发包 <Distribution Package>`所' (missing-space-after-role)
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':ref:`build`包' (missing-space-after-role)
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':file:`setup.cfg`是' (missing-space-after-role)
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':file:``不' (missing-space-after-role)
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':file:`$HOME/.pypirc`文' (missing-space-after-role)
Lint translation file:
role missing (escaped) space after role: ':ref:`pipx`通' (missing-space-after-role)
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
Unknown target name: "pypa 示例项目<>".
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
Process completed with exit code 1.
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`Google BigQuery`_', '`public PyPI download\nstatistics dataset`_'], translated: ['`Google BigQuery`_']
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
Mismatch: both interpreted text role prefix and reference suffix.
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
Mismatch: both interpreted text role prefix and reference suffix.
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
Mismatch: both interpreted text role prefix and reference suffix.
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
inconsistent references in translated message. original: [], translated: ['`PyPA 示例项目<>`_']
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.
Build translated docs in zh_Hans
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`PyPI <Python Package Index (PyPI)>`', ':ref:`twine`'], translated: [':ref:`twine`将你的发行版上传到 :term:`PyPI <Python Package Index (PyPI)>`']