Template and re-usable components for webmapping applications with OpenLayers and Vue.js
Go to the online demo at https://meggsimum.github.io/wegue/
Wegue (WebGIS with OpenLayers and Vue) combines the power of Vue.js and the geospatial savvy of OpenLayers to make lightweight webmapping applications. For styling and pre-defined UI-components the Material Design Component Framework Vuetify is used.
It acts as a template to reduce boilerplate work for browser-based mapping applications.
If you want to contribute, please open a Pull Request in the repository.
Ensure that you have clean commits (and messages) and a meaningful description in your PR. Maybe opening an issue first is a good idea.
We look forward to your contributions!
Prerequisites: Node.js and npm need to be available on your system.
Checkout / download this repository and navigate to the checkout / download in a terminal (e.g. by
cd /path/to/checkout
). -
Install the JS dependencies:
# install dependencies
npm install
- Run the init-app script, which creates a base application (a copy of the
dir) underapp/
to extend with custom components and resources (e.g. CSS styling) for your project.
# initializes the Wegue app
npm run init:app
- Start the dev server with auto reload at http://localhost:8081 (will be opened automatically):
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8081
npm run dev
To run all unit tests execute the following:
# run all tests
npm test
NB the unit tests require Chrome or Chromium browser executable to be found.
On Mac OSX with Homebrew
package manager this should work:
brew cask install chromium;
export CHROME_BIN=/Applications/Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium;
npm run test
More testing tips and tricks can be found in the Unit Test README.
Run the build script in order to create a production build, which can be copied / deployed to a web server. The output will be placed in the dist/
# build for production with minification
npm run build
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.
Versioned Docker images are available on DockerHub.
Run the latest
) version of the Wegue Docker Image as follows:
docker run -it -p 8080:80 meggsimum/wegue:latest
- or
- http://localhost:8080/?appCtx=minimal or
- http://localhost:8080/?appCtx=projected
in a browser.
Use Docker Volume Mapping to run with your custom Wegue JSON config:
docker run -it -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd)/app-conf-mine.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/static/app-conf-mine.json meggsimum/wegue:latest
and open http://localhost:8080/?appCtx=mine.
You can even overwrite the default config app-conf.json
docker run -it -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd)/app-conf-mine.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/static/app-conf.json meggsimum/wegue:latest
and then open http://localhost:8080/.
Build a Wegue Docker Image as follows:
docker build -t meggsimum/wegue:latest .
Gitpod.io is an online IDE using VS Code that also provides a terminal and enables live preview. A registration is required but can be done with a GitHub account.
Open gitpod.io/#https://github.com/meggsimum/wegue/ to get started.
Wegue will automatically be initiated and your Wegue application can be previewed in a pane of the online IDE. The live preview of Wegue can also be seen in another browser tab by prefixing your workspace sub-URL with 8081-
. For example https://8081-YOUR-WORKSPACE-NAME.ws-eu25.gitpod.io
You need more information or support? Please contact us at:
The basic project setup was created by https://github.com/vuejs-templates/webpack.
Thanks for this great template! 👍