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A method for less visible seams #11621

MichaelJLew opened this issue Nov 8, 2023 · 72 comments

A method for less visible seams #11621

MichaelJLew opened this issue Nov 8, 2023 · 72 comments


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The problem presented by the seams at layer change needs little introduction. It is sometimes trivial and sometimes important and PrusaSlicer offers a lot of variables that can alter the seam location, form, and visibility on the model. However, there is often no good way to prevent the seam from being #intrusive.

I have a method for making seams in my 'hand-made' gcode that are far less intrusive than those that I can achieve using PrusaSlicer. I believe that the method would be readily incorporated into the slicer and should be offered as an option.

I call the improved seam a 'scarf seam' because it is similar to a scarf joint that woodworkers might use to join two pieces of timber end to end. The scarf joint is conceptually simple as it simply has matching tapers on the ends of the timber that are glued together. A long taper gives a strong joint.

The standard seam can be described like this: the nozzle is positioned at the start of a perimeter at the z-height that is a full layer height above the previous layer. Extrusion starts and the nozzle moves around the perimeter until it arrives back at the start position whereupon the nozzle movement and extrusion stops. The scarf seam differs in that the nozzle starts at the same z-height as the previous layer. The Z-height is gradually increased as the perimeter is printed until it reaches the full layer height. (That is one of the scarf tapers.) The perimeter is then printed normally until the nozzle reaches back to the starting XY location, whereupon the nozzle retraces the first taper with a complementary taper where the layer height is decreased gradually to zero but the z-height is fixed. (That makes the second taper.) After the second taper is complete the nozzle can be moved away to complete the rest of the layer in the normal manner.

The low visibility of the scarf seam comes from the fact that the discontinuity of the joint if spread over the gradual tapers. When the nozzle is moved to the outer perimeter to start a scarf seam it is moved with effectively zero layer height and so there is almost no artefact from that movement. The scarf seam is compatible with any object shape, but I used a cylinder for the example for my own convenience. (I normally print fountain pen parts and most of my printing is pseudo-cylindrical objects with gcode from custom-written software and so I have a big library of cylinder-related functions.)

The scarf seam has a couple of possible disadvantages. First, it gives a region of variable layer height that may sometimes be visible. Second, it will be slower than the normal seam because it involves the nozzle moving twice over a part of the outer perimeter. That speed difference may be trivial in many cases as the scarf distance can be small compared to the perimeter total, and the outer perimeter is a small part of most printed objects. Finally, the scarf seam requires that the outer perimeter be printed first so that the first taper does not foul adjacent extrusions.

Example file

The attached file was generated by PrusaSlicer and then gcode generated by custom software appended. The PrusaSlicer settings were for the MK4 (no IS) and used the 0.20 QUALITY setting for Prusament PLA with the following changes from the defaults: no retract on layer change; no wipe; external perimeters first. The seam was painted on to force it to align with the seams from my software.

The first 6mm of the cylinder are the PrusaSlicer output. The region between 6mm and 12mm has a scarf seam with the tapers extending around the full 360 degrees of circumference. Between 12mm and 18mm the scarf seam has aligned tapers over 80 degrees of circumference. The alignment requires a retrograde travel move after each layer. The last section, 18mm to 24mm, has the 80 degree scarf but does not re-align the seams and so the seam moves by 80 degrees at each layer change.

Various seams

cylinder d=12 h=6

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mix579 commented Nov 9, 2023

This looks really promising and would make one of the banes of FDM less of an issue.

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Very few new features in a slicer are revolutionary these days, but this seems like it could be one of them.

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Ro3Deee commented Nov 18, 2023

Scarf joint (source: wikipedia)

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ulfertg commented Nov 25, 2023

I would love to see this idea receive more attention.
I've printed the test cylinder, and the result is simply great.

I can imagine that implementing it in a slicer might be quite complicated since an algorithm would have to handle various shapes and sizes. Nevertheless, the result is very compelling, at least visually.

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MichaelJLew commented Nov 25, 2023 via email

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Ro3Deee commented Nov 26, 2023

commit b3n3d1k7@173a693 (that solves issue #7932) implements a 360 degree scarf for the last layer of vase mode. I think it can be adapted

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Yes, that would probably work. In fact, my own scarf code is adapted from a routine that I wrote to go between vase-mode and layer by layer portions of my objects.

I think that the best solution would involve both the slicer and the firmware because the firmware could have responsibility for tapering extrusions over the length of a move. Such a capability would be very useful for non-planar printing. I once asked for this feature for RepRap firmware in the Duet forum, but the response was that my use-case was too specialised.

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wow, that's astounding, I will peek at the code.

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What should I do to gain more attention this feature request? Given the effectiveness of the scarf seams and the straightforward way in which they can be incorporated into slicers, I'm surprised that it has no visible interest from developers. Presumably I'm 'doing it wrong'...

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I love it!

Maybe they have more important things to do, but you can stir the hornet's nest a bit: post this to Prusa/3D printing groups and maybe it will get enough traction. Eventually Jo will get bored from all the people who tag him asking for it and will just greenlight it 😂



Show everyone the example picture from your initial message here, and it's sure to get lots of traction.
I'm rooting for you, this is something I always wanted to see.

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@popsickl3 Good idea. Yes, I'll post to Reddit, but not Facebook.

I deleted my Facebook account after Zuck threatened the Australian federal government with retaliation for proposed legislation that would have Facebook paying a small amount to Australian commercial news outlets for their news. Facebook then closed down all of the government departmental facebook pages and those of many emergency and social support services! He/they are not, at the moment, as obviously odious as Musk, but he/they are equally deserving of no support from me. Sorry for the rant, but things like that should not be forgotten. You can read about it here:

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amatulic commented Dec 3, 2023

This is a nice idea but the requirement to print the outer perimeter first is a deal breaker. Most designs I print have some overhang perimeters somewhere (negative beveled edges or horizontal round holes), and printing the outer perimeter first results in poor quality due to insufficient contact surface. That's why printing the outer perimeter first is disabled by default. It's useful only for prints with no negative slopes that need high dimensional accuracy. I'd wager that this setting is rarely used, and by consequence this scarf seam feature would also be rarely used. It would be great if the scarf seam was simply an automatic integrated feature of the 'outer perimeter first' setting.

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@amatulic You may be right, but it certainly should not be a deal-breaker. Any clever implementation in the slicer would do the scarf seam where is fits well and a conventional seam in layers where the outer perimeter first is a problem. The slicer knows where there are overhangs and by how much the hang over, after all.

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amatulic commented Dec 4, 2023

@MichaelJLew - I'd like to see an option to "print non-overhang outer perimeters first". Then this scarf seam could be used on those, and on layers where there's any overhang, print the inner perimeter first as normal. This concept looks promising and needs some thought on how to implement it so that it gets used when it's possible to do so.

I can't think of anything I've published recently that doesn't involve an overhang somewhere, even if it's just a 45° beveled bottom edge. A Benchy wouldn't do well with outer perimeters first, but it might be good if this could be flipped back and forth automatically.

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This is a great idea

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If it's easy open a Pull Request with you code, it's just an idea at this point..

I don't know what a Pull Request is. Yes, it's an idea for the slicer, but I have already implemented it in my own LiveCode functions, so it is not "just" an idea. I have posted an example of Gcode that works, so it is not "just" an idea. I have also given a description that is pretty much pseudo-code, so it is not "just" an idea.

Does a person have to provide C++ code in order to contribute? I don't think so, and I find your comment to be a bit offensive.

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I knew what you were referring to, but thank you for mansplaining it to me.

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I have been castigated on Reddit for saying that the implementation of this should be "easy". I guess I should have said that the implementation is conceptually straightforward. I have also been castigated for not supplying the code. I assumed that my Livecode code would not be helpful, but here it is:
`on mouseUp
put 50 into xc
put 50 into yc
put 0.2 into LH
put 0.45 into w
put the cPrusaSlicerCode of me into tcode--6mm tall cylinder, two walls, LH=0.2

put 6 into z
put 6 into rout
put rout-0.9 into rLumen
put 0 into theta
put 600 into f

put rout-w/2 into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
repeat while z<=12
put smallSeamLayerMW(xc, yc, rout, rLumen, LH, theta, z, f) & return after tcode
end repeat

put rout-w/2 into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
put 1.4 into seamDtheta
put 0 into theta
repeat while z<=18
put smallSeamLayerMW2(xc, yc, rout, rLumen, LH, seamDtheta,theta, z, f) & return after tcode
subtract seamDtheta from theta
end repeat
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
repeat while z<=24
put smallSeamLayerMW2(xc, yc, rout, rLumen, LH, seamDtheta,theta, z, f) & return after tcode
end repeat
put tcode into fld "gcodeFld"
end mouseUp

function smallSeamLayerMW xc,yc,rout,rLumen,LH, theta,@z,f
put true into ccw
put rout-rLumen into totW
put max(1,totW div 0.45) into n
put totW/n into w
put rout-w/2 into r
--outer perim made of two tapers
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
put circle1Taper(xc, yc, r, z, theta, w, LH, f, ccw) & return after tcode
put circle1Taper(xc, yc, r, z, theta, w, LH & return & 0, f, ccw) & return after tcode
--inner perims
--put r into ri
repeat n-1
put r-w into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
put arc1(xc, yc, r, 0, 2pi, z, theta, w, LH, f, ccw) & return after tcode
end repeat
-- --return to start
-- put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, 1.5
f) & return after tcode
return tcode
end smallSeamLayerMW

function smallSeamLayerMW2 xc,yc,rout,rLumen,LH,seamDtheta,@Theta,@z,f
put true into ccw
put rout-rLumen into totW
put max(1,totW div 0.45) into n
put totW/n into w
put rout-w/2 into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, 2000) & return after tcode
put ";taper 1" & return after tcode
put 0 into LH1
put LH into LH2
put arc1taperLH(xc,yc,r, LH,seamDtheta,z,theta,w,LH1,LH2,f,ccw) & return after tcode
put return after tcode
put arc1(xc,yc,r, 0,2pi-seamDtheta,z,theta,w,LH,f,ccw) & return after tcode
--need a taper here that decreases LH by keeps z constant...
put LH into LH1
put 0 into LH2
put ";taper 2" & return after tcode
put arc1taperLH(xc,yc,r, 0,seamDtheta,z,theta,w,LH1,LH2,f,ccw) & return after tcode
put return after tcode
--inner perims
--put r into ri
repeat n-1
put r-w into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, 2000) & return after tcode
put arc1(xc, yc, r, 0, 2
pi, z, theta, w, LH, f, ccw) & return after tcode
end repeat
-- --return to start
-- put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, 1.5*f) & return after tcode
return tcode
end smallSeamLayerMW2

function arc1taperLH xc,yc,r, dz,dtheta,@z,@Theta,w,LH1,LH2,f,ccw
--Uses only G1 commands so that it can work with Prusa MK4 firmware.
--Can taper w, but LH is constant. Use circle1Taper to vary LH.
if ccw is empty or ccw="ccw" then put true into ccw
if dtheta="dtheta" then put 2pi into dtheta
put LH1 into LH
put line 1 of w into w1
put line 2 of w into w2
if w2 is empty then put w1 into w2
put round(6
(r+1)^1.5) into numSegsPerCircle
put round(numSegsPerCircledtheta/(2pi)) into numSegs
if numSegs<1 then
return "; arc1 had less than one segment; r=" & r
end if
put abs(dtheta) into dtheta --can't have negative here. Use ccw=false to go clockwise.
put dtheta/numSegs into dtheta
put dz/numSegs into dz
put (w2-w1)/numSegs into dw
put line 1 of w into w
put (LH2-LH1)/numSegs into dLH
if not ccw then put -dtheta into dtheta
put unpolarX(xc, r, theta) into x1
put unpolarY(yc, r, theta) into y1
add dtheta to theta
put unpolarX(xc, r, theta) into x
put unpolarY(yc, r, theta) into y
put sqrt((x1-x)^2+(y1-y)^2) into dist
repeat numSegs
add dz to z
add dw to w
add dLH to LH
put extrudeAmount(dist, LH, w, 1.75) into e
if e<0 then
return "; extrusion less than zero; r=" & r
end if
put G1line(x, y, z, e, f) & return after tcode
add dtheta to theta
put unpolarX(xc, r, theta) into x
put unpolarY(yc, r, theta) into y
end repeat
subtract dtheta from theta
return tcode
end arc1taperLH

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Seems that the Code function plays badly with the LiveCode code, so here it is again (with a couple of commented out lines removed):

("--" denotes a comment; code is case-insensitive; indentation is for clarity only)

on mouseUp
put 50 into xc
put 50 into yc
put 0.2 into LH
put 0.45 into w
put the cPrusaSlicerCode of me into tcode--6mm tall cylinder, two walls, LH=0.2

put 6 into z
put 6 into rout
put rout-0.9 into rLumen
put 0 into theta
put 600 into f

put rout-w/2 into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
repeat while z<=12
put smallSeamLayerMW(xc, yc, rout, rLumen, LH, theta, z, f) & return after tcode
end repeat

put rout-w/2 into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
put 1.4 into seamDtheta
put 0 into theta
repeat while z<=18
put smallSeamLayerMW2(xc, yc, rout, rLumen, LH, seamDtheta,theta, z, f) & return after tcode
subtract seamDtheta from theta
end repeat
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
repeat while z<=24
put smallSeamLayerMW2(xc, yc, rout, rLumen, LH, seamDtheta,theta, z, f) & return after tcode
end repeat
put tcode into fld "gcodeFld"
end mouseUp

function smallSeamLayerMW xc,yc,rout,rLumen,LH, theta,@z,f
put true into ccw
put rout-rLumen into totW
put max(1,totW div 0.45) into n
put totW/n into w
put rout-w/2 into r
--outer perim made of two tapers
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
put circle1Taper(xc, yc, r, z, theta, w, LH, f, ccw) & return after tcode
put circle1Taper(xc, yc, r, z, theta, w, LH & return & 0, f, ccw) & return after tcode
--inner perims
repeat n-1
put r-w into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, f) & return after tcode
put arc1(xc, yc, r, 0, 2*pi, z, theta, w, LH, f, ccw) & return after tcode
end repeat
return tcode
end smallSeamLayerMW

function smallSeamLayerMW2 xc,yc,rout,rLumen,LH,seamDtheta,@Theta,@z,f
put true into ccw
put rout-rLumen into totW
put max(1,totW div 0.45) into n
put totW/n into w
put rout-w/2 into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, 2000) & return after tcode
put ";taper 1" & return after tcode
put 0 into LH1
put LH into LH2
put arc1taperLH(xc,yc,r, LH,seamDtheta,z,theta,w,LH1,LH2,f,ccw) & return after tcode
put return after tcode
put arc1(xc,yc,r, 0,2pi-seamDtheta,z,theta,w,LH,f,ccw) & return after tcode
--need a taper here that decreases LH by keeps z constant...
put LH into LH1
put 0 into LH2
put ";taper 2" & return after tcode
put arc1taperLH(xc,yc,r, 0,seamDtheta,z,theta,w,LH1,LH2,f,ccw) & return after tcode
put return after tcode
--inner perims
repeat n-1
put r-w into r
put unpolarGoToGC(xc, yc, r, theta, z, 0, 2000) & return after tcode
put arc1(xc, yc, r, 0, 2
pi, z, theta, w, LH, f, ccw) & return after tcode
end repeat
return tcode
end smallSeamLayerMW2

function arc1taperLH xc,yc,r, dz,dtheta,@z,@Theta,w,LH1,LH2,f,ccw
--Uses only G1 commands so that it can work with original Prusa MK4 firmware.
--Can taper w, but LH is constant. Use circle1Taper to vary LH.
if ccw is empty or ccw="ccw" then put true into ccw
if dtheta="dtheta" then put 2pi into dtheta
put LH1 into LH
put line 1 of w into w1
put line 2 of w into w2
if w2 is empty then put w1 into w2
put round(6
(r+1)^1.5) into numSegsPerCircle
put round(numSegsPerCircledtheta/(2pi)) into numSegs
if numSegs<1 then
return "; arc1 had less than one segment; r=" & r
end if
put abs(dtheta) into dtheta --can't have negative here. Use ccw=false to go clockwise.
put dtheta/numSegs into dtheta
put dz/numSegs into dz
put (w2-w1)/numSegs into dw
put line 1 of w into w
put (LH2-LH1)/numSegs into dLH
if not ccw then put -dtheta into dtheta
put unpolarX(xc, r, theta) into x1
put unpolarY(yc, r, theta) into y1
add dtheta to theta
put unpolarX(xc, r, theta) into x
put unpolarY(yc, r, theta) into y
put sqrt((x1-x)^2+(y1-y)^2) into dist
repeat numSegs
add dz to z
add dw to w
add dLH to LH
put extrudeAmount(dist, LH, w, 1.75) into e
if e<0 then
return "; extrusion less than zero; r=" & r
end if
put G1line(x, y, z, e, f) & return after tcode
add dtheta to theta
put unpolarX(xc, r, theta) into x
put unpolarY(yc, r, theta) into y
end repeat
subtract dtheta from theta
return tcode
end arc1taperLH

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This is now being implemented for OrcaSlicer: SoftFever/OrcaSlicer#3839

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mrflib commented Feb 10, 2024

I never really noticed this was an issue before. I started recently designing (with a view to selling) astronomy parts. Telescopes are round and cylindrical for the most part. These seams are bad enough that I'm not actually sure I can sell them in the current state!

This solution does seem fantastic. I wonder, does it work with lower layer heights than 0.3? I have details on cylinder walls which benefit from lower layer height, around 0.15mm.

I hope Prusa actually acknowledge the effort put in by the community in this thread.

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Yes, it works well for me with layers of 0.12mm. I'm not sure, but the micro-step distance on the z-axis might be a limiting factor...

Are you aware that Noisyfox has implemented the method in OrcaSlicer? See this thread:
You can try it out here:

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mrflib commented Feb 17, 2024

I saw that. I've not looked in to alternative slicers, so will take a look thanks. I was on with Prusa Support the other day and I linked this thread, he said he would forward it on. Believe it or not the seams were actually interfering with my interference fit. I really hope they implement it. It's great.

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idaadi commented Apr 27, 2024

Is there a way on voting on such features ? anyone know ? @SachCZ

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Is there a way on voting on such features ? anyone know ? @SachCZ

Give it a 👍 in the first item. At least that shows the interest and support.

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Please just add a Like to the first post instead of posting "+1", it gets harder to communicate with all that.

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I can't wait to have this feature in PrusaSlicer (or alternatively a XL-Profile in CURA)!
It would resolve the biggest issue on functional "print in place"-prints.
When will it be implemented?

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Steve7235 commented Jul 3, 2024

I can't believe how long this idea has gone unnoticed for. This seems pretty easy to implement and would be a massive upgrade for PrusaSlicer. I hope they'll add it in 2.9 or 3.0 but I have no idea.

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has gone unnoticed

Well, it was noticed by OrcaSlicer, as it has been implemented in 2.0 and 2.1. I was surprised by the lack of response from the PrusaSlicer developers, but it no longer matters to me.

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has gone unnoticed

Well, it was noticed by OrcaSlicer, as it has been implemented in 2.0 and 2.1. I was surprised by the lack of response from the PrusaSlicer developers, but it no longer matters to me.

I just installed Orca to try this. What is it listed as? I'm also wondering if the Kobra 2 profile would have the same settings as the Kobra 2 Pro.. There was no option for it.

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Scarf joint seam in the seam portion of the strength tab. Try it with the inner/outer/inner option for wall printing order if you have three or more perimeters.

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Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

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mrflib commented Jul 4, 2024 via email

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Harvie commented Jul 4, 2024

I wonder why things have got worse

what was the layer height?

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mrflib commented Jul 4, 2024 via email

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This seems very interesting, is there any way to currently use this in PrusaSlicer with an external post processing code?

I am hoping that since this is already implemented in Orca, that the developers will also seriously consider it for PS.

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klucky commented Jul 30, 2024

Such a great idea. I can't understand why it hasn't been implemented by the prusa team.

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Well, it was noticed by OrcaSlicer, as it has been implemented in 2.0 and 2.1. I was surprised by the lack of response from the PrusaSlicer developers, but it no longer matters to me.

You did a lot of work on this proposal: you described how it should work, you provided images and a file for the slicer, you provided the code that implements this function, but you only received complete ignorance from the developers :(
I fully support your suggestion and I would give it a thousand likes if it were possible!
I would like to know the reason for the complete lack of a solution to this problem on the part of the developers and hear their answer.

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amatulic commented Aug 1, 2024

I would like to know the reason for the complete lack of a solution to this problem on the part of the developers and hear their answer.

I think it's because the developers are (a) short-staffed, and (b) busy working on bigger changes and shiny new features, rather than algorithmic improvements to existing features, like the method described in this ticket. There's more to a fix than simply making sure it compiles without error and works; a huge matrix of use cases must also be tested, and this takes a lot of time.

I actually submitted a trivially simple PR (#9737) well over a year ago that fixed a bug in how temperature is controlled when switching between materials with the MMU, and while it got a lot of likes and positive comments like this issue, and Prusa staff were pinged multiple times, it never got a response, so it's still there. I and many others are using this fix, but we all have to compile PrusaSlicer ourselves to do so.

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Ya'll need to calm down with the rage comments. They are aware of the feature:

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mix579 commented Aug 1, 2024

They know about it but it's probably not on the top of their priority list. Importance is in the eye of the beholder. I for one would rather have a supported method for drawing straight lines for seams and supports that has been requested for years. But they work down their own list of priorities, and if that doesn't match mine or yours, we can always use other slicers, I guess

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bkerler commented Aug 24, 2024

I really would like to see this as well and I'm confident they are already working on this :)

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ShakieVan commented Sep 5, 2024

This feature will be the best ever and would allow us to print better functional parts with narrow widths that won't glue together.
I give a f. on cosmetic changes to the software. They don't make the print any better for me.
I didn't buy a original Prusa printer to have fancy buttons in the Slicer.

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66 comments. my 1 kilo robot planetary gear was kinda ruined by seams. I have to change to orca slicer to attempt it again. thanks!

@u89djt u89djt mentioned this issue Oct 26, 2024
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Implemented in 2.9.0-alpha1. Closing.

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Harvie commented Feb 8, 2025

Thank you, it really makes a difference. When i enable it, the seam is still kinda visible, but when i run my fingers over it, it's way less noticeable.

BUT i need to point something out. On bowden printer it really helped me to also increase "seam gap distance". I was trying to push things to limits with 0.6mm nozzle and 0.44mm layer height, because i've noticed higher the layer height worse the seam gets. So i really wanted to see how the scarf joint performs under worst-case scenario. I've changed seam gap distance from 15% to 200% (which is rather lot, but i wanted to see what would happen - on bowden printers it does not really cause underextrusion, because there is still pressure in bowden). Now the seam is no longer protruding to the outside of the part and it's more embedded inside (therefore not messing up tolerances where multiple parts need to fit together). So i am pretty sure i can fine tune this gap in a way that it will be pretty much flush with surface. Also at 0.2mm layer height the seam is significantly less noticeable than on higher layer heights (the overall print quality difference between 0.2mm and 0.24mm is almost mindblowing to me).

So to conclude: Scarf joint seam is pretty cool and exciting feature. But don't forget there are many other less exciting variables that do and will affect your seams greatly. Make sure to pay attention to them as well if seams are important for you. Especialy layer height, seam gap, and for bowden guys also all the pressure advance stuff and retractions

Also i would reccomend you to tune all those parameters first without scarf joint and enable that later, because with scarf joint the effects of other parameters are less obvious...

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Harvie commented Feb 8, 2025

Also please note that when you don't enable the "scarf seam entire loop" feature checkbox, it will actualy cause the slicer to create two seams instead of one. And yes, they are actualy noticeable in the final print. (unless your perimeter loop is shorter than "scarf seam length" setting)


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Would it be possible to add an option (checkbox) for disabling the scarf seam only on the first layer, please?

I have noticed that the very thin beginning of the transition sometimes doesn't stick well to the bed. Especially when the transition is starting smoothly from 0% and the transition length is longer.

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I agree with @TomLebeda. No need for a checkbox though. Scarf seam should be disabled on the first layer always.

This is the most critical layer of any part, and you don't want to be doing weird things with the perimeter. You especially don't want to be reducing z height on the first layer in case the printer is set to squish that first layer deeply, else you risk scraping the nozzle against the build plate. I see absolutely no reason to have a scarf seam on the first layer.

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@TomLebeda @amatulic
Thanks for pointing this out. The scarf seams are now implicitly disabled on the first layer (since in 2.9.1-beta1).

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