Releases: projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates
What's Changed
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
- [CVE-2025-0108] PAN-OS Management Interface - Path Confusion to Auth Bypass (@halencarjunior, @ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-55415] DevDojo Voyager <=1.8.0 - Arbitrary File Read (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-53704] SSL VPN Session Hijacking (@johnk3r) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-46507] Yeti Platform < 2.1.12 - Server-Side Template Injection RCE (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-27115] SOPlanning - Remote Code Execution (@[email protected]) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-24759] MindsDB - DNS Rebinding SSRF Protection Bypass (@lee Changhyun(eeche)) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-5082] Nexus Repository 2 - Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2022-25226] ThinVNC - Authentication Bypass (@ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
False Negatives
False Positives
- [FALSE-POSITIVE] CVE-2024-4439 #11496
- [FALSE-POSITIVE] http/technologies/ivanti-epm-detect.yaml #11483
- [FALSE-POSITIVE] Next.js - Cache Poisoning - Headers #11473
- Fixed FP in CVE-2022-2535.yaml #11510
- Fixed Flase Positive | Next.js - Cache Poisoning - Headers #11532
- Update CVE-2023-26360.yaml #11524
- Update Duplicate id #11530
- Update prestashop-cartabandonmentpro-file-upload.yaml (Added Additional Path) #11573
- fix(apache): make reference links correct #11604
- Add new title support for jenkins-openuser-register.yaml #11606
- Update siteminder-dom-xss.yaml #11613
- Update CVE-2020-11710.yaml #11619
- Update fingerprinthub-web-fingerprints.yaml #11622
- Disabling redirects for mixed-active-content template #11628
- Refactor the "NETDATA" template. #11629
Bug Fixes
- NA
Template Updates
New Templates Added: 52
| CVEs Added: 25
| First-time contributions: 11
- [CVE-2025-24963] Vitest Browser Mode - Local File Read (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [medium]
- [CVE-2025-1035] KLog Server - Path Traversal (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2025-0108] PAN-OS Management Interface - Path Confusion to Authentication Bypass (@halencarjunior, @ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-57514] TP-Link Archer A20 v3 Router - Cross-site Scripting (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-55417] DevDojo Voyager <= 1.8.0 - Arbitrary File Write vulnerability (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-55416] DevDojo Voyager <=1.8.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [low]
- [CVE-2024-55415] DevDojo Voyager <=1.8.0 - Arbitrary File Read (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-53704] SSL VPN Session Hijacking (@johnk3r) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-50967] DATAGERRY - Improper Access Control (@s4e-io, @0xByteHunter) [high]
- [CVE-2024-48766] NetAlert X - Arbitary File Read (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-46507] Yeti Platform < 2.1.12 - Server-Side Template Injection to RCE (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-45591] XWiki Platform - Unauthorized Document History Access (@pd-bot) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-27115] SOPlanning - Remote Code Execution (@[email protected]) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-24759] MindsDB - DNS Rebinding SSRF Protection Bypass (@lee Changhyun(eeche)) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-13726] Themes Coder Ecommerce <= 1.3.4 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-12760] BentoML v1.3.9 - Open Redirect (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-11044] Stable Diffusion Webui 1.10.0 - Open Redirect (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-10908] FastChat - Open Redirect (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-10812] GPT Academic v1.3.9 - Open Redirect (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-6886] Gitea 1.22.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@soonghee2) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-5082] Nexus Repository 2 - Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2022-26271] 74cmsSE v3.4.1 - Arbitrary File Read (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [CVE-2022-25226] ThinVNC - Authentication Bypass (@ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2022-3766] phpMyFAQ < 3.1.8 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2021-45793] Slims9 Bulian 9.4.2 - SQL Injection (@nblirwn) [high]
- [shopify-shared-secret-key] Shopify Shared Secret (@gaurang) [high]
- [devdojo-voyager-default-login] DevDojo Voyager - Default login (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [datagerry-panel] Datagerry Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [dify-panel] Dify Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [klog-server-panel] Klog Server Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [netalertx-panel] NetAlert X Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [opentext-contentserver-panel] OpenText Content Server Login Panel - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [reposilite-panel] Reposilite Login Panel - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [supertokens-login-panel] Supertokens Login Panel - Detect (@rxerium) [info]
- [tenemos-t24-panel] Tenemos T24 Login Panel - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [veracore-panel] Veracore Login - Detect (@rxerium) [info]
- [secrets-patterns-rules] Secrets Patterns (Rules) (@dwisiswant0) [info]
- [casdoor-unauth-operations] Casdoor <=v1.811.0 - Unauthenticated SCIM Operations (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical]
- [netalertx-dashboard] NetAlert X Admin Dashboard - Exposed (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [attu-detect] Attu - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [caobox-cms-detect] Caobox CMS - Detect (@chirag Mistry) [info]
- [frappe-framework-detect] Frappe Framework - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [ivanti-endpoint-manager] Ivanti Endpoint Manager - Detect (@ritikchaddha) [info]
- [jway-products-detect] JWay Products - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [powerbi-report-server-detect] PowerBI Report Server - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [milvus-detect] Milvus - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [nextchat-detect] NextChat - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [sekolahku-cms-detect] Sekolahku CMS - Detect (@nblirwn) [info]
- [slims-cms-detect] Slims CMS - Detect (@nblirwn) [info]
- [netgear-dgn-rce] Netgear DGN Devices - Command Execution (@3th1c_yuk1) [critical]
- [slims-8-akasia-xss] Senayan Library Management System v8.3.1 (Akasia) - Cross-Site Scripting (@nblirwn) [medium]
- [slims-9-xss-index] Senayan Library Management System v9.5.2 (Bulian) - Cross-Site Scripting (@nblirwn) [medium]
New Contributors
- @Sechunt3r made their first contribution in #11531
- @mistry4592 made their first contribution in #11516
- @nblirwn made their first contribution in #11550
- @VulnScout-Chris made their first contribution in #11570
- @missing0x00 made their first contribution in #11577
- @babariviere made their first contribution in #11604
- @kee-reel made their first contribution in #11606
- @halil-s4e made their first contribution in #11633
- @domwhewell-sage made their first contribution in #11619
- @mpatil-netspi made their first contribution in #11613
- @halencarjunior made their first contribution in #11623
Full Changelog: v10.1.2...v10.1.3
What's Changed
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
- [CVE-2024-57727] SimpleHelp <= 5.5.7 - Unauth Path Traversal (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch, @3th1cyuk1) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-56145] Craft CMS - Remote Code Execution via Template Path Manipulation (@jackhax) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-50603] Aviatrix Controller - Remote Code Execution (@newlinesec, [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9264] Grafana Post-Auth DuckDB - SQL Injection To File Read (@princechaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9047] WordPress File Upload <= 4.24.11 - Arbitrary File Read (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-7097] WSO2 User Registration - Arbitrary Account Creation (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [medium] 🔥
- [CVE-2023-48788] Fortinet Forticlient Endpoint Management Server - SQL Injection (@james Horseman, @ItshMoh) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2021-35394] RealTek AP Router SDK - Arbitrary Command Injection (@king-alexander) [critical] 🔥
Bug Fixes
- NA
False Negatives
- Report Google Client ID from headers #11443
- kong-detect misses valid kong endpoint [nuclei-template] #11468
- False Negatives in missing-sri #11337
False Positives
- False positive templates #11233 CVE-2024-25600
- CVE-2024-32651 #10804 false-positive
- Update crxde-lite.yaml #11477 (Based on AdobeDocs for AEM 6.5)
- Update kong-detect.yaml #11484
- Update google-client-id.yaml #11470
- Update mfa-console-password-disabled.yaml #11437
- Updated hybris-default-login template with default HAC locations #11431
- Update jolokia-createstandardhost-rce.yaml #11428
- Update old-copyright.yaml #11425
- Update sonarqube-cloud-token.yaml #11422
- Severity Update Of DAST Templates #11413
- Update missing-sri.yaml with css checks #11338
- Update php-debugbar-exposure.yaml #10968
Template Updates
New Templates Added: 52
| CVEs Added: 23
| First-time contributions: 14
- [CVE-2024-57727] SimpleHelp <= 5.5.7 - Unauth Path Traversal (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch, @3th1cyuk1) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-56512] Apache NiFi - Information Disclosure (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-56145] Craft CMS - Remote Code Execution via Template Path Manipulation (@jackhax) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-55457] MasterSAM Star Gate v11 - Local File Inclusion (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [CVE-2024-55218] IceWarp Server 10.2.1 - Cross-Site Scripting (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-54385] Radio Player <= 2.0.82 - Server-Side Request Forgery (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-54330] Hurrakify <= 2.4 - Server-Side Request Forgery (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-50603] Aviatrix Controller - Remote Code Execution (@newlinesec, [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-48455] Netis Wifi Router - Information Disclosure (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-38353] CodiMD <2.5.4 - Insecure Filename Randomization (@denandz, [medium]
- [CVE-2024-12849] Error Log Viewer By WP Guru <= - Missing Authorization to Arbitrary File Read (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-11921] Give WP Plugin < 3.19.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@Splint3r7) [high]
- [CVE-2024-9989] Crypto <= 2.15 - Authentication Bypass (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-9264] Grafana Post-Auth DuckDB - SQL Injection To File Read (@princechaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9047] WordPress File Upload <= 4.24.11 - Arbitrary File Read (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-7097] WSO2 User Registration - Arbitrary Account Creation (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [medium] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-0986] Issabel Authenticated - Remote Code Execution (@EunJi) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-48788] Fortinet Forticlient Endpoint Management Server - SQL Injection (@james Horseman, @ItshMoh) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2022-40624] pfSense pfBlockerNG - OS Command Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2022-40443] ZZCMS 2022 - Path Information Disclosure (@ritikchaddha) [low]
- [CVE-2021-35394] RealTek AP Router SDK - Arbitrary Command Injection (@king-alexander) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2021-31324] CentOS Web Panel - OS Command Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2021-31316] CentOS Web Panel - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [privesc-agetty] agetty - Privilege Escalation (@bobAKAbill) [high]
- [CNVD-2024-33023] UFIDA U8 Cloud - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [cloudlog-panel] Cloudlog Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [frappe-helpdesk-panel] Frappe Helpdesk Login Panel - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [huly-panel] Huly Login Panel - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [i-librarian-panel] I-Librarian Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [opnsense-panel] OPNsense Panel - Detect (@Splint3r7, @johnk3r) [info]
- [stirling-pdf-panel] Stirling PDF Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [tabby-panel] Tabby Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [vaultwarden-panel] Vaultwarden Login Panel - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [yunohost-admin-panel] YunoHost Admin Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [javascript-env] JavaScript Environment Configuration - Detect (@pdp, @geeknik, @hetyh) [low]
- [sonarqube-cloud-token] SonarQube Cloud Token Disclosure (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [crxde-lite] CRXDE Lite - Exposure (@Nadino) [low]
- [symfony-rce] Symfony _fragment - Default Key RCE (@Yablargo) [critical]
- [khoj-detect] Khoj - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [stirling-pdf-detect] Stirling PDF - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [tyk-gateway-detect] Tyk API Gateway - Detection (@davidfegyver) [info]
- [codimd-unauth-file-upload] CodiMD - File Upload (@denandz, [medium]
- [jolokia-acceslogvalve-rce] Jolokia write to RCE valve (@pathtaga) [critical]
- [jolokia-createstandardhost-rce] Jolokia file write to RCE jfr (@laluka, @pathtaga) [critical]
- [jolokia-tomcat-creds-leak] Jolokia <= 1.7.1 Information Leakage (@pathtaga) [critical]
- [mamp-server-xss] MAMP Server - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [cloudlog-system-sqli] Cloudlog System - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [cpas-managment-lfi] CPAS Management System - Arbitrary Fi23le Read (@s4e-io) [high]
- [cpas-managment-sqli] CPAS Management System - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [jeeplus-cms-resetpassword-sqli] JeePlus CMS - SQL Injection (@WingBy_fkalis) [high]
- [xhibiter-nft-sqli] Xhibiter NFT Marketplace 1.10.2 - SQL Injection (@ProjectDiscoveryAI) [high]
- [lantronix-xport-unauth] Lantronix XPort - Unauthenticated Access (@john Osborn (Summit Security Group, @LLC)) [high]
New Contributors
- @seqre made their first contribution in #11414
- @ItshMoh made their first contribution in #11269
- @jackhax made their first contribution in #11421
- @malwarework made their first contribution in #10338
- @JasonnnW3000 made their first contribution in #11424
- @WingBy-Fkalis made their first contribution in #11403
- @SuperXiaoxiong made their first contribution in #11449
- @hyni03 made their first contribution in #11451
- @kayra-s4e made their first contribution in #11458
- @newlinesec made their first contribution in #11460
- @bobAKAbill made their first contribution in #10391
- @amarsct made their first contribution in #11338
- @JohnAsbjorn made their first contribution in #11471
- @Mahmoud0x00 made their first contribution in #11508
Full Changelog: v10.1.1...v10.1.2
Alibaba Cloud Config Review - Nuclei Templates v10.1.1 🎉
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
We’re excited to announce the expansion of the Nuclei Templates with new templates specifically for Alibaba Cloud Configurations. This release introduces a series of specialized security checks tailored for the comprehensive components of Alibaba Cloud services, including ECS instances, RDS databases, OSS buckets, and more. These new templates are crafted to pinpoint common misconfigurations, ensure compliance with regulatory standards, and maintain adherence to industry best practices, leveraging advanced features such as flow and code analysis.
The introduction of these Alibaba Cloud-specific templates empowers security teams to conduct thorough security audits of their Alibaba Cloud environments, uncovering crucial misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. Moreover, this release offers customizable checks that can be tailored to meet the unique operational demands of different teams, aiding in the prompt detection and remediation of security issues.
We encourage contributors and reviewers to provide their valuable feedback and suggestions to help enhance and evolve these Alibaba Cloud security templates further. For more details, please visit our latest blog post.
Other Highlights
- [CVE-2024-55956] Cleo Harmony < - File Upload Vulnerability (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-52875] Kerio Control v9.2.5 - CRLF Injection (@ritikchaddha, @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-50623] Cleo Harmony < - Arbitary File Read (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-45309] < 11.0.9 - Arbitrary File Read (@isacaya) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-41713] Mitel MiCollab - Authentication Bypass (@dhiyaneshdk, @watchtowr) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-36404] GeoServer and GeoTools - Remote Code Execution (@ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-12209] WP Umbrella Update Backup Restore & Monitoring <= 2.17.0 - Local File Inclusion (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8856] WP Time Capsule Plugin - Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2020-15906] TikiWiki GroupWare - Auth Bypass (@JeonSungHyun, @gy741, @oIfloraIo, @nechyo, @harksu) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2020-13935] Apache Tomcat WebSocket Frame Payload Length Validation Denial of Service (@sttlr) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2017-1000353] Jenkins CLI - Java Deserialization (@hnd3884) [critical] 🔥
What's Changed
New Templates Added: 154
| CVEs Added: 31
| First-time contributions: 4
- [CVE-2024-55956] Cleo Harmony < - File Upload Vulnerability (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-52875] Kerio Control v9.2.5 - CRLF Injection (@ritikchaddha, @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-52433] My Geo Posts Free <= 1.2 - PHP Object Injection (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-50623] Cleo Harmony < - Arbitary File Read (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-48307] JeecgBoot v3.7.1 - SQL Injection (@lbb, @s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-45309] < 11.0.9 - Arbitrary File Read (@isacaya) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-45293] TablePress < 2.4.3 - XXE Injection (@iamnoooob, @ritikchaddha) [high]
- [CVE-2024-41713] Mitel MiCollab - Authentication Bypass (@dhiyaneshdk, @watchtowr) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-39887] Apache Superset < 4.0.2 - SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-36404] GeoServer and GeoTools - Remote Code Execution (@ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-24116] Ruijie RG-NBS2009G-P - Improper Authentication (@friea) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-12209] WP Umbrella Update Backup Restore & Monitoring <= 2.17.0 - Local File Inclusion (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-11728] KiviCare Clinic & Patient Management System (EHR) <= 3.6.4 - SQL Injection (@samogod, @s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-11305] Altenergy Power Control Software - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-11303] Korenix JetPort 5601v3 - Path Traversal (@geeknik) [high]
- [CVE-2024-10516] Swift Performance Lite < - Local PHP File Inclusion (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [CVE-2024-10400] Tutor LMS <= 2.7.6 - SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-8859] Mlflow < 2.17.0 - Local File Inclusion (@gy741) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-8856] WP Time Capsule Plugin - Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2023-50094] reNgine 2.2.0 - Command Injection (@Zierax) [high]
- [CVE-2023-46455] GL.iNet <= 4.3.7 - Arbitrary File Write (@Zierax) [high]
- [CVE-2023-37599] Issabel PBX 4.0.0-6 - Directory Listing (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [CVE-2023-6697] WP Go Maps (formerly WP Google Maps) < 9.0.29 - Cross-Site Scripting (@iamnoooob, @ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-3990] Mingsoft MCMS < 5.3.1 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-1119] WP-Optimize WordPress plugin < 3.2.13 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2022-4375] Mingsoft MCMS - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2022-2552] Duplicator < - Information Disclosure (@iamnoooob, @ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2020-15906] Tiki Wiki CMS GroupWare - Authentication Bypass (@JeonSungHyun[nukunga], @gy741, @oIfloraIo, @nechyo, @harksu) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2020-13935] Apache Tomcat WebSocket Frame Payload Length Validation Denial of Service (@sttlr) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2019-9912] WP Google Maps < 7.10.43 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2017-1000353] Jenkins CLI - Java Deserialization (@hnd3884) [critical] 🔥
- [ack-cluster-api-public] Public Access to ACK Cluster's API Server - Enabled (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [ack-cluster-auditing-disable] Cluster Auditing with Simple Log Service - Disabled (@ritikchaddha) [low]
- [ack-cluster-cloud-monitor-disable] Cloud Monitor for ACK Clusters - Disable (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [ack-cluster-health-disable] ACK Clusters Check - Disable (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [ack-cluster-network-policies-disable] Enforced Cluster Support for Network Policies - Disabled (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [ack-cluster-network-policies-missing] Cluster Support for Network Policies - Missing (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [kubernetes-dashboard-enabled] Kubernetes Dashboard for ACK Clusters - Enabled (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [multi-region-logging-disabled] Global Service (Multi-Region) Logging - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [public-actiontrail-bucket] ActionTrail Log Buckets - Publicly Exposed (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [alibaba-cloud-code-env] Alibaba Cloud Environment Validation (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [os-patches-outdated] OS Patches - Outdated (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [unattached-disk-encryption-disabled] Encryption for Unattached Disks - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [unattached-vminstance-encryption-disabled] Encryption for VM Instance Disks - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [unrestricted-rdp-access] Unrestricted - RDP Access (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [unrestricted-ssh-access] Unrestricted - SSH Access (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [access-logoss-disabled] Access Logging for OSS Buckets - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [improper-bucket-sse] Improper Bucket Server-Side Encryption (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [limit-networkaccess-disabled] Limit Network Access to Selected Networks - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [oos-bucket-public-access] OSS Bucket Public Accessible (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [secure-transfeross-disabled] Secure Transfer for OSS Buckets - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [sse-cmk-disabled] Server-Side Encryption with Customer Managed Key - Disabled (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [sse-smk-disabled] Server-Side Encryption with Service Managed Key - Disabled (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [custom-ram-policy-admin-priv] Custom RAM Policies With Full Administrative Privileges (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [max-password-retry-disabled] Maximum Password Retry Constraint Policy - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [mfa-console-password-disabled] MFA For RAM Users With Console Password - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [password-policy-expiration-unconfigured] RAM Password Policy Expiration - Unconfigured (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [password-policy-length-unconfigured] RAM Password Policy requires Minimum Length 14 or Greater (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [password-policy-lowercase-unconfigured] RAM Password Policy requires atleast One Lowercase - Unconfigured (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [password-policy-num-unconfigured] RAM Password Policy requires atleast One Number - Unconfigured (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [password-policy-reuse-enabled] RAM Password Policy Reuse - Enabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [password-policy-symbol-unconfigured] RAM Password Policy requires atleast One Symbol - Unconfigured (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [password-policy-uppercase-unconfigured] RAM Password Policy requires atleast One Uppercase - Unconfigured (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [encryption-intransit-disabled] RDS Encryption in Transit - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [log-connections-disabled] PostgreSQL "log_connections" Parameter - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [log-disconnections-disabled] PostgreSQL "log_disconnections" Parameter - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [log-duration-disabled] PostgreSQL "log_duration" Parameter - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [mssql-audit-disabled] Microsoft SQLServer Database Instances - SQL Auditing Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [mysql-audit-disabled] MySQL Database Instances - SQL Auditing Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [postgresql-audit-disabled] PostgreSQL Database Instances - SQL Auditing Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [rds-audit-disabled] RDS Database Instances - SQL Auditing Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [transparent-encryption-disabled] Transparent Data Encryption - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [scheduled-vulnscan-disabled] Scheduled Vulnerability Scan - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [security-notificati...
Windows Security Hardening and Auditing - Nuclei Templates v10.1.0 🎉
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
We're excited to announce the latest expansion of the Nuclei Templates with a new set of templates tailored for Windows Security Hardening and Auditing. This update introduces a comprehensive array of security checks specifically designed for Windows environments, covering crucial areas such as password policies, encryption settings, certificate validation, and remote access configurations. These templates are added to detect common misconfigurations, ensure compliance with regulatory standards, and uphold adherence to industry best practices.
The introduction of these Windows-specific templates equips security teams to conduct audits of their Windows configurations, uncovering critical vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that could lead to potential security breaches.
We encourage contributors and reviewers to provide their valuable feedback and suggestions to help further enhance and update these Windows security templates. For more details, please visit our latest blog post.
Other Highlights
- [CVE-2024-51482] ZoneMinder v1.37.* <= 1.37.64 - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-50498] WP Query Console <= 1.0 - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-46938] Sitecore Experience Platform <= 10.4 - Arbitrary File Read (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-42640] Angular-Base64-Upload - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-38653] Ivanti Avalanche SmartDeviceServer - XML External Entity (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-10924] Really Simple Security < 9.1.2 - Authentication Bypass (@yaser_s) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9474] PAN-OS Management - Command Injection (@watchtowr, @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-0012] PAN-OS Management Web Interface - Authentication Bypass (@johnk3r, @watchtowr) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2022-41800] F5 BIG-IP Appliance Mode - Command Injection (@dwisiswant0) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2016-8735] Apache Tomcat - Remote Code Execution via JMX Ports (@hnd3884) [critical] 🔥
What's Changed
New Templates Added: 110
| CVEs Added: 23
| First-time contributions: 5
- [CVE-2024-51482] ZoneMinder v1.37.* <= 1.37.64 - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-50498] WP Query Console <= 1.0 - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-46938] Sitecore Experience Platform <= 10.4 - Arbitrary File Read (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-43919] YARPP <= 5.30.10 - Missing Authorization (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-42640] Angular-Base64-Upload - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-38653] Ivanti Avalanche SmartDeviceServer - XML External Entity (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-10924] Really Simple Security < 9.1.2 - Authentication Bypass (@yaser_s) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9935] PDF Generator Addon for Elementor Page Builder <= 1.7.5 - Arbitrary File Download (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-9474] PAN-OS Management Web Interface - Command Injection (@watchtowr, @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9186] Automation By Autonami < 3.3.0 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-3848] Mlflow < 2.11.0 - Path Traversal (@gy741) [high]
- [CVE-2024-1483] Mlflow < 2.9.2 - Path Traversal (@gy741) [high]
- [CVE-2024-0012] PAN-OS Management Web Interface - Authentication Bypass (@johnk3r, @watchtowr) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2022-48166] Wavlink WL-WN530HG4 M30HG4.V5030.201217 - Information Disclosure (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [CVE-2022-48164] Wavlink WL-WN533A8 M33A8.V5030.190716 - Information Disclosure (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [CVE-2022-44356] WAVLINK Quantum D4G (WL-WN531G3) - Information Disclosure (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [CVE-2022-41800] F5 BIG-IP Appliance Mode - Command Injection (@dwisiswant0) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2022-24819] XWiki < 12.10.11, 13.4.4 & 13.9-rc-1 - Information Disclosure (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2022-2130] Microweber < 1.2.17 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2022-0250] Redirection for Contact Form 7 < 2.5.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2021-34630] GTranslate < 2.8.65 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2020-24881] OsTicket < 1.14.3 - Server Side Request Forgery (@hnd3884) [critical]
- [CVE-2016-8735] Apache Tomcat - Remote Code Execution via JMX Ports (@hnd3884) [critical] 🔥
- [k8s-missing-network-policies] Check for Missing Network Policies in Kubernetes (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [allow-unencrypted-ftp] Allow Unencrypted FTP (@princechaddha) [high]
- [allow-untrusted-certificates] System Allows Untrusted Certificates (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [anonymous-sam-enumeration-enabled] Anonymous Enumeration of SAM Accounts Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [anonymous-sid-enumeration-enabled] Anonymous SID Enumeration Enabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [audit-logging-disabled] Audit Logging Disabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [audit-logs-not-archived] Audit Logs Not Archived When Full (@princechaddha) [high]
- [auto-logon-enabled] AutoLogon Enabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [automatic-windows-updates-disabled] Automatic Windows Updates Disabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [autoplay-removable-media-enabled] AutoPlay Enabled for Removable Media (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [autorun-scripts-startup-folder] Autorun Scripts in Startup Folder (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [credential-guard-disabled] Credential Guard Not Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [device-guard-not-configured] Device Guard Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [display-last-username-enabled] Do Not Display Last User Name Disabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [download-unsigned-activex-allowed] Download of Unsigned ActiveX Controls Allowed (@princechaddha) [high]
- [ftp-service-running] FTP Service Running (@princechaddha) [high]
- [guest-account-enabled] Guest Account Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [hyperv-enhanced-session-mode-enabled] Hyper-V Enhanced Session Mode Enabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [insecure-cipher-suites-enabled] Insecure Cipher Suites Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [llmnr-disabled] LLMNR Disabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [lm-hash-storage-enabled] LM Hash Storage Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [lm-ntlmv1-authentication-enabled] LM and NTLMv1 Authentication Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [max-password-age-too-high] Maximum Password Age Set Too High or Unlimited (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [minimum-password-age-zero] Minimum Password Age Set to Zero (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [netbios-disabled] NetBIOS Disabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [network-discovery-public-disabled] Network Discovery Disabled on Public Networks (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [null-session-allowed] Null Session Allowed (@princechaddha) [high]
- [password-complexity-disabled] Password Complexity Requirements Disabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [password-history-size-low] Password History Size Too Low (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [password-reset-lock-screen-enabled] Password Reset from Lock Screen Enabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [plaintext-passwords-in-memory] Plaintext Passwords Stored in Memory (@princechaddha) [high]
- [rdp-connections-without-password-allowed] Remote Desktop Connections Allowed Without Password (@princechaddha) [high]
- [rdp-drive-redirection-allowed] Remote Desktop Users Can Redirect Drives (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [rdp-nla-disabled] Network Level Authentication for RDP Disabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [remote-assistance-enabled] Check Remote Assistance Misconfiguration (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [remote-desktop-enabled-non-server] Remote Desktop Enabled on Non-Server OS (@princechaddha) [high]
- [restrict-anonymous-access-disabled] Restrict Anonymous Access Disabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [reversible-encryption-passwords-enabled] Store Passwords Using Reversible Encryption Enabled (@princechaddha) [critical]
- [safe-dll-search-mode-disabled] Safe DLL Search Mode Disabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [secure-boot-disabled] Secure Boot Not Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [shutdown-without-logon-allowed] System Allows Shutdown Without Logging On (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [smb-allow-unencrypted-passwords] Unencrypted Passwords to SMB Servers Allowed (@princechaddha) [high]
- [smb-signing-not-required] SMB Signing Not Required (@princechaddha) [high]
- [smb-v1-enabled] SMB v1 Protocol Enabled (@princechaddha) [critical]
- [sticky-keys-enabled-login] Sticky Keys Enabled at Login Screen (@princechaddha) [high]
- [telnet-service-misconfiguration] Check for Misconfigured Telnet Service (@princechaddha) [high]
- [uac-elevate-without-prompt] UAC Elevate Without Prompting Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [unencrypted-file-sharing-enabled] Unencrypted File Sharing Enabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [unsigned-kernel-mode-drivers-allowed] Installation of Unsigned Kernel-Mode Drivers Allowed (@princechaddha) [high]
- [usb-storage-not-restricted] USB Storage Devices Not Restricted (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [weak-ssl-tls-protocols-enabled] Weak SSL/TLS Protocols Enabled (@princechaddha) [critical]
- [windows-active-desktop-enabled] Active Desktop Enabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [windows-administrative-shares-enabled] Administrative Shares Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [windows-administrator-blank-password] Built-in Administrator Account Has Blank Password (@princechaddha) [high]
- [windows-anonymous-sid-enumeration-allowed] Windows Allows Anonymous SID Enumeration (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [windows-autorun-enabled] AutoRun Enabled (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [windows-credential-manager-plaintext-passwords-allowed] Credential Manager Allows Storing of Plain Text Passwords (@princechaddha) [high]
- [windows-defender-realtime-protection-disabled] Windows Defender Real-Time Protection Disabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [windows-dep-disabled] Dat...
What's Changed
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
- [CVE-2024-50340] Symfony Profiler - Remote Access via Injected Arguments (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-35219] OpenAPI Generator <= 7.5.0 - Arbitrary File Read/Delete (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-10914] D-Link NAS - Command Injection via Name Parameter (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9487] GitHub Enterprise - SAML Authentication Bypass (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8963] Ivanti Cloud Services Appliance - Path Traversal (@johnk3r) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-6049] Lawo AG vsm LTC Time Sync (vTimeSync) - Path Traversal (@s4e-io) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2019-0192] Apache Solr - Deserialization of Untrusted Data (@hnd3884) [critical] 🔥
Bug Fixes
- Merging Duplicate - CVE-2024-7928 & fastadmin-lfi (Issue #11135).
False Negatives
No updates
False Positives
- False Positive Detection for Cloudflare in CSP (Issues #11138, #11139).
- CVE-2018-11784 FP (Issue #10495).
- False Positive … CVE-2023-46805 (Issue #11170).
- Fix FP CVE-2023-46805.yaml (Issue #11198).
- Fixfp phpwind-installer (Issue #11168).
- Fix: fp CVE-2023-43373.yaml (Issue #11130).
- Removing one case of FPs http/fuzzing/xff-403-bypass.yaml (Issue #10998).
- Fix fp http/misconfiguration/proxy/metadata-alibaba.yaml (Issue #10976).
- Refactor the “Thruk Panel” template (Issue #11206).
- Rename spring4shell-CVE-2022-22965.yaml to CVE-2022-22965.yaml for consistency (Issue #11204).
- Update linux-lfi-fuzz.yaml (Issue #11169).
- Update CVE-2022-0968.yaml (Issue #11150).
Template Updates
New Templates Added: 74
| CVEs Added: 26
| First-time contributions: 7
- [CVE-2024-51483] <= 0.47.4 - Path Traversal (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-50340] Symfony Profiler - Remote Access via Injected Arguments (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-48360] Qualitor <= v8.24 - Server-Side Request Forgery (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-36117] Reposilite >= 3.3.0, < 3.5.12 - Arbitrary File Read (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-35219] OpenAPI Generator <= 7.5.0 - Arbitrary File Read/Delete (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-10915] D-Link NAS - Command Injection via Group Parameter (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-10914] D-Link NAS - Command Injection via Name Parameter (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-10081] CodeChecker <= 6.24.1 - Authentication Bypass (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-9487] GitHub Enterprise - SAML Authentication Bypass (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8963] Ivanti Cloud Services Appliance - Path Traversal (@johnk3r) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8673] Z-Downloads < 1.11.7 - Cross-Site Scripting (@Splint3r7) [low]
- [CVE-2024-6420] Hide My WP Ghost < 5.2.02 - Hidden Login Page Disclosure (@JPG0mez) [high]
- [CVE-2024-6049] Lawo AG vsm LTC Time Sync (vTimeSync) - Path Traversal (@s4e-io) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-4841] LoLLMS WebUI - Subfolder Prediction via Path Traversal (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-49494] DedeCMS v5.7.111 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2022-31260] ResourceSpace - Metadata Export (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2022-28033] Atom.CMS 2.0 - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2022-0479] Popup Builder Plugin - SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2021-44260] WAVLINK AC1200 - Information Disclosure (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [CVE-2021-24934] Visual CSS Style Editor < 7.5.4 - Cross-Site Scripting (@Splint3r7) [medium]
- [CVE-2019-1003000] Jenkins Script Security Plugin <=1.49 - Sandbox Bypass (@sttlr) [high]
- [CVE-2019-0192] Apache Solr - Deserialization of Untrusted Data (@hnd3884) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2018-10383] Lantronix SecureLinx Spider (SLS) 2.2+ - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2017-18590] Timesheet Plugin < 0.1.5 - Cross-Site Scripting (@Spling3r7) [medium]
- [CVE-2016-10976] Safe Editor Plugin < 1.2 - CSS/JS-injection (@Splint3r7) [medium]
- [CVE-2014-0160] OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability (@pussycat0x) [high]
- [stack-notification-disabled] CloudFormation Stack Notification - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [stack-policy-not-inuse] CloudFormation Stack Policy - Not In Use (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [stack-termination-disabled] CloudFormation Termination Protection - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cloudfront-compress-object] CloudFront Compress Objects Automatically (@dhiyaneshdk) [low]
- [cloudfront-custom-certificates] Cloudfront Custom SSL/TLS Certificates - In Use (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cloudfront-geo-restriction] CloudFront Geo Restriction - Not Enabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [cloudfront-insecure-protocol] CloudFront Insecure Origin SSL Protocols (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cloudfront-integrated-waf] CloudFront Integrated With WAF (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cloudfront-logging-disabled] Cloudfront Logging Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cloudfront-origin-shield] CloudFront Origin Shield - Not Enabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [cloudfront-security-policy] CloudFront Security Policy (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cloudfront-traffic-unencrypted] CloudFront Traffic To Origin Unencrypted (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cloudfront-viewer-policy] CloudFront Viewer Protocol Policy (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [secret-manager-not-inuse] Secrets Manager Not In Use (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [secret-rotation-interval] Secret Rotation Interval (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [secrets-rotation-disabled] Secret Rotation Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [aspnet-framework-exceptions] ASP.NET Framework Exceptions (@aayush Dhakal) [info]
- [nodejs-framework-exceptions] Node.js Framework Exceptions (@aayush Dhakal) [info]
- [bigant-default-login] BigAnt - Default Password (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [minio-object-default-login] MinIO Console Object Store - Default Login (@johnk3r) [high]
- [actifio-panel] Actifio Resource Center - Panel (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [adapt-panel] Adapt Authoring Tool - Panel (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [aethra-panel] Aethra Telecommunications Login - Panel (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [akuiteo-panel] Akuiteo Login Panel - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [alamos-panel] Alamos GmbH Panel - Detect (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [alfresco-panel] Alfresco Content App Panel - Detect (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [alternc-panel] AlternC Desktop Panel - Detect (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [anmelden-panel] Anmelden | OPNsense Panel - Detect (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [cyberpanel-panel] Cyberpanel Login Panel - Detect (@mailler) [info]
- [deepmail-panel] Advanced eMail Solution DEEPMail - Panel (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [ghe-encrypt-saml] GitHub Enterprise - Encrypted SAML (@rootxharsh, @iamnoooob, @pdresearch) [info]
- [hyperplanning-panel] HYPERPLANNING Login Panel - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [nexpose-panel] Rapid7 Nexpose VM Security Console - Detect (@johnk3r) [info]
- [panos-management-panel] PAN-OS Management Panel - Detect (@bhutch) [info]
- [pronote-panel] PRONOTE Login Panel - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [quest-panel] Quest Modem Configuration Login - Panel (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [quivr-panel] Quivr Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [thruk-panel] Thruk Login Panel - Detect (@ffffffff0x, @righettod) [info]
- [ip-webcam] IP Webcam Viewer Page - Detect (@gy741) [low]
- [azure-blob-core-detect] Azure Blob Core Service - Detect (@ProjectDiscoveryAI) [info]
- [atlantis-dashboard] Atlantis Dashboard - Exposure (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [pgwatch2-db-exposure] Pgwatch2 DBs to monitor - Exposure (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [amazon-ecs-defualt-page] Amazon ECS Sample App Default Page - Detect (@Splint3r7) [info]
- [hubble-detect] Hubble - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [localai-detect] LocalAI - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [pghero-detect] PgHero - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [flexmls-idx-detect] Flexmls IDX - Detect (@rxerium, @sorrowx3) [info]
- [lottie-backdoor] Lottie Player - Backdoor (@nagli-wiz) [critical]
New Contributors
- @AV-IO made their first contribution in #11132
- @aayush2561 made their first contribution in #11104
- @hnd3884 made their first contribution in #11127
- @s4hm4d made their first contribution in #11149
- @00xSayDoo made their first contribution in #11139
- @andymcao made their first contribution in #11169
- @cxbt made their first contribution in #11204
Full Changelog: v10.0.3...v10.0.4
What's Changed
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
- [CVE-2024-48914] Vendure - Arbitrary File Read (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-45216] Apache Solr - Authentication Bypass (@gumgum) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-44349] AnteeoWMS < v4.7.34 - SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-43360] ZoneMinder - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-40711] Veeam Backup & Replication - Unauth (@rootxharsh, @iamnoooob, @dhiyaneshdk) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-39713] Rocket.Chat - Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-32735] CyberPower - Missing Authentication (@dhiyaneshdk) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9593] Time Clock <= 1.2.2 & Time Clock Pro <= 1.1.4 - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9234] GutenKit <= 2.1.0 - Arbitrary File Upload (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-3656] Keycloak < 24.0.5 - Broken Access Control (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-2961] PHP - LFR to RCE (@kim Dongyoung (Kairos-hk), @bolkv, @n0ming, @RoughBoy0723) [high]
- [CVE-2023-43373] Hoteldruid v3.0.5 - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2016-9299] Jenkins CLI - HTTP Java Deserialization (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [cyberpanel-rce] CyberPanel v2.3.6 Pre-Auth RCE (@dhiyaneshdk) [critical] 🔥
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue with time-based SQL injection flow (Issue #11029).
- Corrected detection for CVE-2016-9299 (Issue #11121).
- Fixed false positive for
template (Issue #11112). - Refactored "Django Admin Panel" template (Issue #11044).
- Improved prototype pollution checks to prevent insecure sanitization bypass (Issue #10589).
False Negatives
- Corrected false negative in CVE-2024-34982 detection (Issue #11111).
- Fixed false negative in CVE-2023-39650 (Issue #11043).
- Addressed false negative for
detection (Issue #11027).
False Positives
- Reduced false positives in
template (Issue #11123).
- Added templates for AWS services: EFS, Inspector2, GuardDuty, Firehose, DMS, EBS, ElastiCache, Route53, and RDS.
- Introduced time-based tags for improved classification (Issue #11006).
Template Updates
New Templates Added: 116
| CVEs Added: 52
| First-time contributions: 7
- [CVE-2024-49757] Zitadel - User Registration Bypass (@sujal Tuladhar) [high]
- [CVE-2024-48914] Vendure - Arbitrary File Read (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-46310] FXServer < v9601 - Information Exposure (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-45488] SafeGuard for Privileged Passwords < 7.5.2 - Auth Bypass (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-45216] Apache Solr - Authentication Bypass (@gumgum) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-44349] AnteeoWMS < v4.7.34 - SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-43360] ZoneMinder - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-40711] Veeam Backup & Replication - Unauth (@rootxharsh, @iamnoooob, @dhiyaneshdk) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-39713] Rocket.Chat - Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-35584] openSIS < 9.1 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-32739] CyberPower < v2.8.3 - SQL Injection (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [CVE-2024-32738] CyberPower - SQL Injection (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [CVE-2024-32737] CyberPower - SQL Injection (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [CVE-2024-32736] CyberPower < v2.8.3 - SQL Injection (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [CVE-2024-32735] CyberPower - Missing Authentication (@dhiyaneshdk) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-22476] Intel Neural Compressor <2.5.0 - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-9796] WordPress WP-Advanced-Search <= 3.3.9 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-9617] Danswer - Insecure Direct Object Reference (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-9593] Time Clock <= 1.2.2 & Time Clock Pro <= 1.1.4 - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9234] GutenKit <= 2.1.0 - Arbitrary File Upload (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9061] WP Popup Builder Popup Forms <= 1.3.5 - Arbitrary Shortcode Execution (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-8698] Keycloak - SAML Core Package Signature Validation Flaw (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-5910] Palo Alto Expedition - Admin Account Takeover (@johnk3r) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-4439] WordPress Core <6.5.2 - Cross-Site Scripting (@nqdung2002) [high]
- [CVE-2024-3656] Keycloak < 24.0.5 - Broken Access Control (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-2961] PHP - LFR to RCE (@kim Dongyoung (Kairos-hk), @bolkv, @n0ming, @RoughBoy0723) [high]
- [CVE-2023-43373] Hoteldruid v3.0.5 - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2023-40931] Nagios XI v5.11.0 - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-40755] PHPJabbers Callback Widget v1.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-40753] PHPJabbers Ticket Support Script v3.2 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-40752] PHPJabbers Make an Offer Widget v1.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-40751] PHPJabbers Fundraising Script v1.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-40750] PHPJabbers Yacht Listing Script v1.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-40749] PHPJabbers Food Delivery Script v3.0 - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-40748] PHPJabbers Food Delivery Script - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-39560] ECTouch v2 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-38040] Revive Adserver 5.4.1 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-5561] WordPress Core - Post Author Email Disclosure (@nqdung2002) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-5558] LearnPress < - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-2745] WordPress Core <=6.2 - Directory Traversal (@nqdung2002) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-1318] osTicket < v1.16.6 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-1317] osTicket < v1.16.6 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-1315] osTicket < v1.16.6 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2021-45811] osTicket 1.15.x - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2021-38156] Nagios XI < 5.8.6 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2019-8943] WordPress Core 5.0.0 - Crop-image Shell Upload (@sttlr) [medium]
- [CVE-2018-7196] osTicket < 1.10.2 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2018-7193] osTicket < 1.10.2 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2018-7192] osTicket < 1.10.2 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2017-5868] OpenVPN Access Server 2.1.4 - CRLF Injection (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2016-9299] Jenkins CLI - HTTP Java Deserialization (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2015-8562] Joomla HTTP Header Unauth - RCE (@kairos-hk, @bolkv, @n0ming, @RoughBoy0723) [high]
- [dms-multi-az] DMS Multi-AZ Not Enabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [dms-public-access] Publicly Accessible DMS Replication Instances (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [dms-version-upgrade] DMS Auto Minor Version Upgrade (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [ebs-encryption-disabled] EBS Encryption - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [efs-encryption-disabled] EFS Encryption - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cache-automatic-backups-disabled] ElastiCache Automatic Backups - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cache-event-notification-disabled] ElastiCache Event Notifications - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [cache-redis-encryption-disabled] ElastiCache Redis In-Transit and At-Rest Encryption - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [cache-redis-multiaz-disabled] ElastiCache Redis Multi-AZ - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [firehose-server-destination-encryption] Firehose Delivery Stream Destination Encryption - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [firehose-server-side-encryption] Firehose Delivery Stream Server-Side Encryption - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [guardduty-findings] Open GuardDuty Findings (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [guardduty-not-enabled] GuardDuty Not Enabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [malware-protection-disabled] GuardDuty Malware Protection - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [s3-protection-disabled] GuardDuty S3 Protection - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [inspector2-disabled] Amazon Inspector 2 - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [rds-auto-minor-upgrade-disabled] RDS Auto Minor Version Upgrade - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [rds-automated-backup-disabled] RDS Automated Backups - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [rds-backtrack-disabled] AWS RDS Backtrack - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [low]
- [rds-cluster-protection-disabled] RDS Cluster Deletion Protection - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [rds-copy-snap] RDS Copy Tags to Snapshots - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [low]
- [rds-insights-disabled] RDS Performance Insights - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [low]
- [rds-instance-autoscaling-disabled] RDS Instance Storage AutoScaling - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [rds-log-export-disabled] RDS Log Exports - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [low]
- [rds-multi-az] RDS Multi-AZ - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [rds-public-access] RDS Publicly Accessible - Enabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [route53-dns-query-disabled] DNS Query Logging for Route 53 Hosted Zones - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [route53-dnssec-signing-disabled] DNSSEC Signing for Route 53 Hosted Zones - Disabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CNVD-2024-38747] Zhejiang Dahua Smart Cloud Gateway Registration Platform - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [doris-default-login] Apache Doris - Default Login (@icarot) [high]
- [sato-default-login] Sato - Default Login (@y0no) [high]
- [zebra-default-login] Zebra - Default Login (@y0no) [high]
- [...
What's Changed
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
- [CVE-2024-45409] GitLab - SAML Authentication Bypass (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-43917] TI WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin <= 2.8.2 - SQLi (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-38816] WebMvc.fn/WebFlux.fn - Path Traversal (@pussycat0x) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9465] Palo Alto Expedition - SQL Injection (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9463] PaloAlto Networks Expedition - Remote Code Execution (@princechaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-7354] Ninja Forms 3.8.6-3.8.10 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-5488] SEOPress < 7.9 - Authentication Bypass (@pdresearch, @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2021-25094] Wordpress Tatsubuilder <= 3.3.11 - RCE (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
Bug Fixes
- Resolved parsing issue in WordPress-WP-Mail-Logging template. (Issue #10908)
False Negatives
- Improved detection in WordPress detection. (Issue #10463)
- Enhanced detection in Adminer Panel. (Issue #10797)
False Positives
- Corrected false positives for CVE-2018-11784. (PR #10916)
- Fixed false positives for CVE-2021-29484. (PR #10880)
- Addressed false positives for CVE-2024-34982. (PR #10879)
- Resolved false positives in Fumengyun-SQLi. (PR #10886)
- Improved SQL injection template for error-based scenarios. (PR #10996)
- Updated CVE-2024-9465 for better accuracy. (PR #10986)
- Enhanced XSS detection in Ninja-Forms. (PR #10974)
- Updated Fumengyun-SQLi for better detection. (PR #10960)
- Enhanced management of CVE-2024-7354. (PR #10925)
- Ensured accurate detection in WordPress update. (PR #10915)
- Refactored Strapi template for efficiency. (PR #10887)
- Updated to enhance contributions. (PR #10890)
Template Updates
New Templates Added: 68
| CVEs Added: 30
| First-time contributions: 5
- [CVE-2024-46627] DATAGERRY - REST API Auth Bypass (@gy741) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-45440] Drupal 11.x-dev - Full Path Disclosure (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-45409] GitLab - SAML Authentication Bypass (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-43917] TI WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin <= 2.8.2 - SQLi (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-43160] BerqWP <= 1.7.6 - Arbitrary File Uplaod (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-38816] WebMvc.fn/WebFlux.fn - Path Traversal (@pussycat0x) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-35627] TileServer API - Cross Site Scripting (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-32964] Lobe Chat <= v0.150.5 - Server-Side Request Forgery (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-9465] Palo Alto Expedition - SQL Injection (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9463] PaloAlto Networks Expedition - Remote Code Execution (@princechaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8877] Riello Netman 204 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-8021] Gradio - Open Redirect (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-7854] Woo Inquiry <= 0.1 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-7714] AI Assistant with ChatGPT by AYS <= 2.0.9 - Unauthenticated AJAX Calls (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-7354] Ninja Forms 3.8.6-3.8.10 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-6517] Contact Form 7 Math Captcha <= 2.0.1 - Cross-site Scripting (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-5488] SEOPress < 7.9 - Authentication Bypass (@pdresearch, @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-4940] Gradio - Open Redirect (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-4340] sqlparse - Denial of Service (@KoYejune0302, @cheoljun99, @sim4110, @gy741) [high]
- [CVE-2024-3753] Hostel < - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-3234] Chuanhu Chat - Directory Traversal (@dhiyaneshdk) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-47105] Chaosblade < 1.7.4 - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2023-39007] OPNsense - Cross-Site Scripting to RCE (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-27641] L-Soft LISTSERV 16.5 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-4151] Store Locator WordPress < 1.4.13 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-0676] phpIPAM 1.5.1 - Cross-site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2021-40272] IRTS OP5 Monitor - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2021-25094] Wordpress Tatsubuilder <= 3.3.11 - RCE (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2019-19411] Huawei Firewall - Local File Inclusion (@taielab) [low]
- [CVE-2017-5871] Odoo <= 8.0-20160726 & 9.0 - Open Redirect (@1337rokudenashi) [medium]
- [datagerry-default-login] Datagerry - Default Login (@gy741) [high]
- [netdisco-default-login] Netdisco Admin - Default Login (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [dockwatch-panel] Dockwatch Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [enablix-panel] Enablix Panel - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [gitlab-explore] GitLab Instance Explore - Detect (@sujal Tuladhar) [info]
- [gitlab-saml] Gitlab SAML - Detection (@rootxharsh, @iamnoooob, @pdresearch) [info]
- [loxone-web-panel] Loxone WebInterface Panel - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [m-bus-panel] M-Bus Converter Web Interface - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [macos-server-panel] macOS Server Panel - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [riello-netman204-panel] Riello UPS NetMan 204 Panel - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [rstudio-panel] RStudio Sign In Panel - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [saia-pcd-panel] Saia PCD Web Server Panel - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [workspace-one-uem-ssp] VMware Workspace ONE UEM Airwatch Self-Service Portal - Detect (@KoratSec) [info]
- [action-controller-exception] Action Controller Exception - Page (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [delphi-mvc-exception] Delphi MVC Exception - Page (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [expression-engine-exception] ExpressionEngine Exception - Page (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [lua-runtime-error] LUA Runtime Error - Page (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [mako-runtime-error] Mako Runtime Error - Page (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [microsoft-runtime-error] Microsoft Runtime Error Page (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [mongodb-exception-page] MongoDB Exception - Page (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [sap-logon-error-message] SAP Logon Error Message (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [twig-runtime-error] Twig Runtime Error - Page (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [seized-site] Seized Site (@rxerium) [info]
- [ariang-debug-console] AriaNg Debug Console - Exposure (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [aspnetcore-dev-env] ASP.NET Core Development Environment - Exposure (@Mys7ic) [info]
- [netdisco-unauth] Netdisco - Unauth Access (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [arcgis-detect] ArcGIS - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [dizquetv-detect] dizqueTV - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [ivanti-epm-detect] Ivanti Endpoint Manager (EPM) - Detect (@rxerium) [info]
- [default-azure-function-app] Azure Function App - Default Page (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [vertigis-detect] VertiGIS - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [wiki-js-detect] Wiki.js - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [windows-communication-foundation-detect] Windows Communication Foundation - Detect (@r3naissance) [info]
- [api-delighted] Delighted API Test (@0xPugal) [info]
- [api-intigriti-researcher] Intigriti-Researcher API Test (@0xPugal) [info]
- [api-telegram] Telegram API Test (@0xPugal) [info]
- [retool-svg-xss] Retool < 3.88 - SVG Cross-Site Scripting (@iamnoooob, @iamnoooob, @pdresearch) [high]
- [ninja-forms-xss] Ninja Forms < 3.5.5 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
New Contributors
- @stvnhrlnd made their first contribution in #10878
- @KoratSec made their first contribution in #10937
- @ShaneIan made their first contribution in #10518
- @evilgensec made their first contribution in #10911
- @aviadavi made their first contribution in #10949
Full Changelog: v10.0.1...v10.0.2
What's Changed
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
- [CVE-2024-47176] CUPS - Remote Code Execution (@princechaddha) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-47062] Navidrome < 0.53.0 - Authenticated SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-46986] Camaleon CMS < 2.8.1 Arbitrary File Write to RCE (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-45519] Zimbra Collaboration Suite <9.0.0 - RCE (@pdresearch, @iamnoooob, @parthmalhotra, @Ice3man543) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-45507] Apache OFBiz - Remote Code Execution (@CHYbeta, @Iamnooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-44000] LiteSpeed Cache <= 6.4.1 - Sensitive Information Exposure (@s4e-io) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-38473] Apache HTTP Server - ACL Bypass (@pdteam) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-30188] Apache DolphinScheduler >= 3.1.0, < 3.2.2 File Read/Write (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-28397] pyload-ng js2py - Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [medium] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-9014] pgAdmin 4 - Authentication Bypass (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8522] LearnPress – WordPress LMS - SQL Injection (@pdresearch, @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8503] VICIdial - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-5276] Fortra FileCatalyst Workflow <= v5.1.6 - SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2023-43654] PyTorch TorchServe SSRF (@dhiyaneshdk) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2023-27584] Dragonfly2 < 2.1.0-beta.1 - Hardcoded JWT Secret (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2019-0232] Apache Tomcat
enableCmdLineArguments - Remote Code Execution (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
Bug Fixes
- Resolved unresolved variables found: FQDN (#10349).
False Negatives
- Improve detection and reduce false negatives for CVE-2024-47176 (Issue #10864).
False Positives
- Fixed false positive for CVE-2021-33044 (#10863).
- Removed CVE-2023-35489 due to false positives (Issue #10800).
- Update to fix false positives in CVE-2024-41667.yaml (#10751).
- Resolved false positive in CVE-2024-41667.yaml (#10749).
- Added regex extractor for user-agent of HTTP request to identify vulnerable devices in CVE-2024-47176.yaml (#10864).
- Updated severity in apple-cups-exposure.yaml (#10857).
- Severity update for jwk-json-leak.yaml (#10840).
- Added nacos configuration leak detection (#10825).
- Refactored the "git-repository-browser" template (#10801).
- Moved http/cves/CVE-2024-45507.yaml to http/cves/2024/CVE-2024-45507.yaml (#10785).
- Refactored the "kubelet-metrics" template (#10765).
- Refactored the "GITEA" template (#10752).
- Optimized templates due to Nuclei changes and added new templates (Issue #10285).
- Deleted http/fuzzing/valid-gmail-check.yaml as the Gmail API is no longer active (#10865).
Template Updates
New Templates Added: 86
| CVEs Added: 41
| First-time contributions: 2
- [CVE-2024-47176] CUPS - Remote Code Execution (@princechaddha) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-47062] Navidrome < 0.53.0 - Authenticated SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-46986] Camaleon CMS < 2.8.1 Arbitrary File Write to RCE (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-45622] ASIS - SQL Injection Authentication Bypass (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-45519] Zimbra Collaboration Suite <9.0.0 - RCE (@pdresearch, @iamnoooob, @parthmalhotra, @Ice3man543) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-45507] Apache OFBiz - Remote Code Execution (@CHYbeta, @Iamnooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-44000] LiteSpeed Cache <= 6.4.1 - Sensitive Information Exposure (@s4e-io) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-41810] Twisted - Open Redirect & XSS (@KoYejune0302, @cheoljun99, @sim4110, @gy741) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-38473] Apache HTTP Server - ACL Bypass (@pdteam) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-36683] PrestaShop productsalert - SQL Injection (@mastercho) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-30269] DataEase <= 2.4.1 - Sensitive Information Exposure (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-30188] Apache DolphinScheduler >= 3.1.0, < 3.2.2 File Read/Write (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-28397] pyload-ng js2py - Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [medium] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-22207] Fastify Swagger-UI - Information Disclosure (@dhiyaneshdk, @iamnoooob) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-9014] pgAdmin 4 - Authentication Bypass (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8883] Keycloak - Open Redirect (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-8752] WebIQ 2.15.9 - Directory Traversal (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-8522] LearnPress – WordPress LMS - SQL Injection (@pdresearch, @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8503] VICIdial - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8484] REST API TO MiniProgram <= 4.7.1 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-6845] SmartSearchWP < 2.4.6 - OpenAI Key Disclosure (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-5276] Fortra FileCatalyst Workflow <= v5.1.6 - SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-3673] Web Directory Free < 1.7.3 - Local File Inclusion (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-47253] Qualitor <= 8.20 - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-43654] PyTorch TorchServe SSRF (@dhiyaneshdk) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2023-39650] PrestaShop Theme Volty CMS Blog - SQL Injection (@mastercho) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-39024] Harman Media Suite <= 4.2.0 - Local File Disclosure (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2023-38192] SuperWebMailer - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-27847] PrestaShop xipblog - SQL Injection (@mastercho) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-27584] Dragonfly2 < 2.1.0-beta.1 - Hardcoded JWT Secret (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2023-6568] Mlflow - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-6275] TOTVS Fluig Platform - Cross-Site Scripting (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-3578] DedeCMS 5.7.109 - Server-Side Request Forgery (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-3188] Owncast - Server Side Request Forgery (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2022-24637] Open Web Analytics 1.7.3 - Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical]
- [CVE-2020-11441] phpMyAdmin 5.0.2 - CRLF Injection (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2019-6793] GitLab Enterprise Edition - Server-Side Request Forgery (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [CVE-2019-0232] Apache Tomcat
enableCmdLineArguments - Remote Code Execution (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥 - [CVE-2017-3133] Fortinet FortiOS < 5.6.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2017-3132] Fortinet FortiOS < 5.6.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2017-3131] FortiOS 5.4.0 to 5.6.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [bonita-default-login] Bonita - Default Login (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [camaleon-default-login] Camaleon CMS - Default Login (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [canon-c3325-default-login] Canon R-ADV C3325 - Default-Login (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [dragonfly-default-login] Dragonfly - Default Login (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [filegator-default-login] Filegator - Default-Login (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [nginx-proxy-manager-default-login] Nginx Proxy Manager - Default Login (@barttran2000) [high]
- [pcoweb-default-login] pCOWeb - Default-Login (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [topaccess-default-login] Toshiba TopAccess - Default-Login (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [tplink-r470t-default-login] TP-LINK Router R470T - Default-Login (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [tplink-wR940n-default-login] TP-Link Wireless N Router WR940N - Default-Login (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [bonita-portal-panel] Bonita Portal Login - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [camaleon-panel] Camaleon CMS Login - Panel (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [canon-iradv-c3325] Canon iR-ADV C3325 Panel - Detect (@ritikchaddha) [info]
- [cgit-panel] CGIT - Detect (@tess, @righettod) [info]
- [docuware-panel] DocuWare - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [dragonfly-panel] DragonFly Login - Panel (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [filecatalyst-panel] FileCatalyst File Transfer Solution - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [filegator-panel] FileGator Panel - Detect (@ritikchaddha) [info]
- [ivanti-csa-panel] Ivanti(R) Cloud Services Appliance - Panel (@rxerium) [info]
- [maestro-listserv-panel] Maestro LISTSERV - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [open-web-analytics-panel] Open Web Analytics Login - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [pcoweb-panel] pCOWeb Panel - Detect (@ritikchaddha) [info]
- [qualitor-itsm-panel] Qualitor ITSM - Detect (@johnk3r) [info]
- [topaccess-panel] Toshiba TopAccess Panel - Detect (@ritikchaddha) [info]
- [tplink-r470t-panel] TP-LINK Router R470T - Detect (@ritikchaddha) [info]
- [canon-c3325-unauth] Canon R-ADV C3325 - Unauth (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [dragonfly-public-signup] DragonFly Public - Signup Enabled (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [navidrome-admin-install] Navidrome Admin User Creation (@dhiyaneshdk) [critical]
- [open-web-analytics-installer] Open Web Analytics Installer - Exposure (@dhiyaneshdk) [high]
- [pcoweb-unauth] pCOWeb - Unauth (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [cups-detect] CUPS - Detect (@rxerium) [info]
- [domibus-detect] Domibus - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [hugegraph-detect] HugeGraph - Detect (@rxerium) [info]
- [lobechat-detect] LobeChat - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [torchserve-detect] TorchServe API Description - Detect (@dhiyaneshdk) [info]
- [wordpress-extendify] Extendify Detection (@ricardomaia) [info]
- [wordpress-wp-mail-logging] WP Mail Logging Detection (@ricardomaia) [info]
- [fumengyun-sqli] Fumeng - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [motic-dsm-arbitrary-file-read] MoticDSM - Arbitrary File Read (@s4e-io) [high]
- [nacos-info-leak] Nacos - Information Disclosure (@s4e-io) [high]
- [netpower-npfw-lfi] Netpower NPFW - Local File Inclusion (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [newcapec-rce] Newcap...
Azure Config Review - Nuclei Templates v10.0.0 🎉
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
We're excited to announce the expansion of the Nuclei Templates with a new suite specifically designed for Azure Cloud Configurations. This update introduces a series of specialized security checks tailored for the comprehensive components of Azure services, including VMs, App Services, SQL Databases, and more. These new templates are crafted to pinpoint common misconfigurations, ensure compliance with regulatory standards, and maintain adherence to industry best practices, leveraging advanced features such as flow and code
The introduction of these Azure-specific templates empowers security teams to conduct thorough security audits of their Azure environments, uncovering crucial misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. Moreover, this release offers customizable checks that can be tailored to meet the unique operational demands of different teams, aiding in the prompt detection and remediation of security issues.
We encourage contributors and reviewers to provide their valuable feedback and suggestions to help enhance and evolve these Azure security templates further. For more details, please visit our latest blog post.
Other Highlights
- [CVE-2024-45195] Apache OFBiz - Remote Code Execution (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-38472] Apache HTTPd Windows UNC - Server-Side Request Forgery (@pdteam) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-28987] SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Hardcoded Credential (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-22120] Zabbix Server - Time-Based Blind SQL injection (@CodeStuffBreakThings) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-20440] Cisco Smart Licensing - UnAuth Credentials Exposure (@iamnoooob, @parthmalhotra, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-20439] Cisco Smart Licensing Utility - Admin Credentials (@iamnoooob, @parthmalhotra, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-20419] Cisco SSM On-Prem <= 8-202206 - Account Takeover (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8517] SPIP BigUp Plugin - Remote Code Execution (@dhiyaneshdk) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-7029] AVTECH IP Camera - Command Injection (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2023-34105] SRS - Command Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
What's Changed
New Templates Added: 253
| CVEs Added: 35
| First-time contributions: 2
- [CVE-2024-45388] Hoverfly < 1.10.3 - Arbitrary File Read (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-45195] Apache OFBiz - Remote Code Execution (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-44849] Qualitor <= 8.24 - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-41955] Open Redirect in Login Redirect - MobSF (@Farish) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-41667] OpenAM<=15.0.3 FreeMarker - Template Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-38472] Apache HTTPd Windows UNC - Server-Side Request Forgery (@pdteam) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-29889] GLPI 10.0.10-10.0.14 - SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-29882] HTTP API DOM - XSS on JSONP callback (@rootxharsh, @iamnoooob, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-28987] SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Hardcoded Credential (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-22120] Zabbix Server - Time-Based Blind SQL injection (@CodeStuffBreakThings) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-20440] Cisco Smart Licensing - UnAuth Credentials Exposure (@iamnoooob, @parthmalhotra, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-20439] Cisco Smart Licensing Utility - Admin Credentials (@iamnoooob, @parthmalhotra, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-20419] Cisco SSM On-Prem <= 8-202206 - Account Takeover (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-8517] SPIP BigUp Plugin - Remote Code Execution (@dhiyaneshdk) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-7786] Sensei LMS < 4.24.2 - Email Template Leak (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-7029] AVTECH IP Camera - Command Injection (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-6928] Opti Marketing <= 2.0.9 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-6926] Viral Signup <= 2.1 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-6924] TrueBooker <= 1.0.2 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-6846] SmartSearchWP <= 2.4.4 - Unauthenticated Log Purge (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-6586] Lightdash v0.1024.6 - Server-Side Request Forgery (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-6159] Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress <= 1.93 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-47684] Essential Grid <= 3.1.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@0xPugal) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-41621] Emlog Pro v2.1.14 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-41597] EyouCms v1.6.2 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-35155] XWiki - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-34105] SRS - Command Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2023-22621] Strapi Versions <=4.5.5 - SSTI to Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2023-6329] Control iD iDSecure - Authentication Bypass (@dhiyaneshdk, @princechaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2014-5187] Tom M8te (tom-m8te) Plugin 1.5.3 - Directory Traversal (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2014-5181] Rotation 1.0 - Path Traversal (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2014-4941] Cross RSS 1.7 - Local File Inclusion (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2014-4577] WP AmASIN – The Amazon Affiliate Shop - Local File Inclusion (@dhiyaneshdk) [medium]
- [CVE-2007-2449] Apache Tomcat 4.x-7.x - Cross-Site Scripting (@pdteam, @ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2000-0760] Jakarta Tomcat 3.1 and 3.0 - Exposure (@Thabisocn) [low]
- [azure-custom-admin-role-unrestricted] Azure Subscription Administrator Custom Role Unrestricted Access (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-custom-owner-role-unrestricted] Azure Custom Owner Role Available (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [azure-iam-role-resource-lock-unassigned] Azure IAM Role for Resource Locking Not Assigned (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [azure-entra-id-guest-users-unmonitored] Azure Entra ID Guest Users Unmonitored (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [azure-mfa-not-enabled-privileged-users] Azure MFA Not Enabled for All Privileged Users (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-db-mysql-delete-unalerted] Azure MySQL Database Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-delete-lb-alert-unconfigured] Azure Delete Load Balancer Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-key-vault-delete-unalerted] Azure Key Vault Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-keyvault-update-unalerted] Azure Key Vault Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-lb-create-update-missing] Azure Load Balancer Create or Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-mysql-db-update-unalerted] Azure MySQL Database Create/Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-nsg-create-update-unalerted] Azure Network Security Group Create/Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-nsg-delete-unalerted] Azure Network Security Group Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-nsg-rule-delete-unalerted] Azure NSG Rule Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-nsg-rule-update-unalerted] Azure Network Security Group Rule Create/Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-policy-assignment-create-alert-missing] Azure Policy Assignment Create Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-policy-assignment-delete-unalerted] Azure Policy Assignment Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-postgresql-db-delete-unalerted] Azure PostgreSQL Database Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-postgresql-db-update-unalerted] Azure PostgreSQL Database Create/Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-public-ip-delete-unalerted] Azure Public IP Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-public-ip-update-unalerted] Azure Public IP Create/Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-security-policy-update-unalerted] Azure Update Security Policy Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-security-solution-delete-unalerted] Azure Security Solution Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-security-solutions-update-unalerted] Azure Security Solutions Create/Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-sql-database-rename-unalerted] Azure SQL Database Rename Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-sql-db-update-unalerted] Azure SQL Database Create/Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-sql-delete-db-unalerted] Azure SQL Delete Database Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-sql-fw-rule-unalerted] Azure SQL Server Firewall Rule Create/Update/Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-storage-account-delete-unalerted] Azure Storage Account Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-storage-account-update-unalerted] Azure Storage Account Create/Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-vm-create-update-unalerted] Azure VM Create/Update Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-vm-deallocate-unalerted] Azure Virtual Machine Deallocate Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-vm-delete-unalerted] Azure Virtual Machine Delete Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-vm-poweroff-unalerted] Azure Virtual Machine Power Off Alert Not Configured (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-openai-cmk-not-enabled] Azure OpenAI Encryption using Customer-Managed Keys Not Enabled (@princechaddha) [high]
- [azure-openai-managed-identity-not-used] Azure OpenAI Service Instance Managed Identity Not Used (@princechaddha) [medium]
- [azure-openai-private-endpoints-unconfigured] Azure OpenAI Service Instances No...
What's Changed
🔥 Release Highlights 🔥
- [CVE-2024-43425] Moodle - Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-29868] Apache StreamPipes - Weak PRNG in Recovery Token Generation (@alessandro - DEVisions) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-24809] Traccar - Unrestricted File Upload (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-7593] Ivanti vTM - Authentication Bypass (@gy741) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-6670] WhatsUp Gold HasErrors SQL Injection - Authentication Bypass (@dhiyaneshdk, @princechaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-5932] GiveWP - PHP Object Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
Bug Fixes
- Fixed typo in 'shodan-query' key in AirOS Panel detection (#10615).
False Positives
- Fixed Nacos version detection false positive (#10647).
- Fixed false positives for mixed active content (#10571).
- Fixed false positives for weak login detection in XUI (#10533).
- Fixed false positives in CVE-2023-33584 template (#10459).
- Fixed false positives for CVE-2018-11784 detection (#10495).
- Updated SQL injection delay time to reduce false positives in wp-statistics (#10377).
- Updated SQL injection delay time for CVE-2023-6063 to reduce false positives (#10376).
- Updated GitHub takeover matchers to match new 404 page (#10553).
- Improved CVE-2014-6271 detection (#10621).
- Enhanced detection of HashiCorp Vault login panel (#10599).
- Added new endpoint detection for phpMyAdmin panel (#10451).
Template Updates
New Templates Added: 59
| CVEs Added: 30
| First-time contributions: 13
- [CVE-2024-45241] CentralSquare CryWolf - Path Traversal (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-43425] Moodle - Remote Code Execution (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-32231] Stash < 0.26.0 - SQL Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-29868] Apache StreamPipes <= 0.93.0 - Use of Cryptographically Weak PRNG in Recovery Token Generation (@alessandro Albani - DEVisions) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-29272] VvvebJs < 1.7.5 - Arbitrary File Upload (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-24809] Traccar - Unrestricted File Upload (@dhiyaneshdk) [high] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-23163] GestSup - Account Takeover (@eeche, @chae1xx1os, @persona-twotwo, @soonghee2, @gy741) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-8181] Flowise <= 1.8.2 Authentication Bypass (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2024-7954] SPIP Porte Plume Plugin - Remote Code Execution (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-7928] FastAdmin < V1.3.4.20220530 - Path Traversal (@s4e-io) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-7593] Ivanti vTM - Authentication Bypass (@gy741) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-6911] PerkinElmer ProcessPlus <= 1.11.6507.0 - Local File Inclusion (@s4e-io) [high]
- [CVE-2024-6893] Journyx - XML External Entities Injection (XXE) (@s4eio) [high]
- [CVE-2024-6842] AnythingLLM - Information Disclosure (@ingbunga, @rahaaaiii, @asteria121, @breakpack, @gy741) [high]
- [CVE-2024-6670] WhatsUp Gold HasErrors SQL Injection - Authentication Bypass (@dhiyaneshdk, @princechaddha) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-6095] LocalAI - Partial Local File Read (@iamnoooob, @pdresearch, @rootxharsh) [medium]
- [CVE-2024-5932] GiveWP - PHP Object Injection (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical] 🔥
- [CVE-2024-5827] Vanna - SQL injection (@olfloralo, @nukunga, @harksu, @nechyo, @gy741) [critical]
- [CVE-2024-5765] WpStickyBar <= 2.1.0 - SQL Injection (@theamanrawat) [high]
- [CVE-2024-5421] SEH utnserver Pro/ProMAX/INU-100 20.1.22 - File Exposure (@bl4ckp4r4d1s3) [high]
- [CVE-2024-5420] SEH utnserver Pro/ProMAX/INU-100 20.1.22 - Cross-Site Scripting (@bl4ckp4r4d1s3) [high]
- [CVE-2024-3850] Uniview NVR301-04S2-P4 - Cross-Site Scripting (@bleron Rrustemi, @r3naissance) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-46818] ISPConfig - PHP Code Injection (@non-things) [high]
- [CVE-2023-40504] LG Simple Editor <= v3.21.0 - Command Injection (@s4e-io) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-34754] Bloofox v0.5.2.1 - SQL Injection (@ritikchaddha) [critical]
- [CVE-2023-29506] XWiki >= 13.10.8 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-22893] Strapi Versions <=4.5.6 - Authentication Bypass (@iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [high]
- [CVE-2023-3521] FOSSBilling < 0.5.3 - Cross-Site Scripting (@ctflearner) [medium]
- [CVE-2023-2624] KiviCare WordPress Plugin - Cross-Site Scripting (@ritikchaddha) [medium]
- [CVE-2020-28429] geojson2kml - Command Injection (@eeche, @chae1xx1os, @persona-twotwo, @soonghee2) [critical]
- [cookie-consent-detection] Cookie Consent Detection (@rxerium) [info]
- [couchdb-default-login] CouchDB - Default Login (@thefoggiest) [high]
- [fuji-xerox-default-login] Fuji Xerox ApeosPort - Default Login (@morgan Robertson) [high]
- [ispconfig-hcp-default-login] ISPConfig Hosting Control Panel - Default Login (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [jellyfin-default-login] Jellyfin Console - Default Login (@thefoggiest) [high]
- [rundeck-default-login] Rundeck - Default Login (@karkis3c) [high]
- [ivanti-traffic-manager-panel] Ivanti Traffic Manager Panel - Detect (@rxerium) [info]
- [kiali-panel] Kiali - Detect (@righettod) [info]
- [malwared-byob] Malwared (Build Your Own Botnet) - Detect (@pdteam) [info]
- [procore-panel] Procore Login - Panel (@rxerium) [info]
- [elgg-installer] Elgg - Installation (@s4e-io) [high]
- [jackett-installer] Jackett - Installer (@ritikchaddha) [high]
- [jackett-unauth] Jackett UI - Unauthenticated (@ProjectDiscoveryAI) [high]
- [lidarr-dashboard-unauth] Lidarr Dashboard - Unauthenticated (@ProjectDiscoveryAI) [medium]
- [prowlarr-dashboard-unauth] Prowlarr Dashboard - Unauthenticated (@ProjectDiscoveryAI) [medium]
- [radarr-dashboard-unauth] Radarr Dashboard - Unauthenticated (@ProjectDiscoveryAI) [medium]
- [readarr-dashboard-unauth] Readarr Dashboard - Unauthenticated (@ProjectDiscoveryAI) [medium]
- [sonarr-dashboard-unauth] Sonarr Dashboard - Unauthenticated (@ProjectDiscoveryAI) [medium]
- [whisparr-dashboard-unauth] Whisparr Dashboard - Unauthenticated (@ProjectDiscoveryAI) [medium]
- [akamai-bot-manager-detect] Akamai Bot Manager Protection - Detect (@Fazle Arefin) [info]
- [apache-streampipes-detect] Apache StreamPipes - Detect (@alessandro Albani - DEVisions) [info]
- [bigip-apm-detect] BIGIP APM - Detect (@nodauf) [info]
- [spip-detect] SPIP - Detect (@s4e-io) [info]
- [malwared-byob-rce] Malwared BYOB - Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (@pdteam) [critical]
- [mobsf-apktool-lfi] MobSF - Path Traversal (@will Mccardell) [high]
- [elgg-sqli] Elgg 5.1.4 - SQL Injection (@s4e-io) [high]
- [prest-sqli-auth-bypass] pREST < 1.5.4 - SQLi Via Authentication Bypass (@mihail8531, @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh, @pdresearch) [critical]
- [readymade-unilevel-sqli] Readymade Unilevel Ecommerce MLM - SQL Injection (@s4e-garage) [high]
- [readymade-unilevel-xss] Readymade Unilevel Ecommerce MLM - Cross-Site Scripting (@s4e-garage) [high]
New Contributors
- @Parshva87 made their first contribution in #10536
- @syntacticNaCl made their first contribution in #10553
- @fazlearefin made their first contribution in #10596
- @flyingllama87 made their first contribution in #10600
- @ingbunga made their first contribution in #10427
- @thefoggiest made their first contribution in #10435
- @oIfloraIo made their first contribution in #10429
- @non-things made their first contribution in #10549
- @DEVisions made their first contribution in #10131
- @nil0x42 made their first contribution in #10615
- @willmccardell made their first contribution in #10367
- @BrunoTeixeira1996 made their first contribution in #10622
- @eeche made their first contribution in #10489
Full Changelog: v9.9.3...v9.9.4