Hi, I’ m Ivan, a Brazilian 🇧🇷 software engineer specializing on fault-tolerant applications and Distributed Systems. Well-versed in numerous technologies including Typescript, Go, React, Graphql, Docker, Kubernetes and AWS.
- pragmaticivan/otel-pino-transport
- pragmaticivan/dotfiles - pragmaticivan's personal configurations
- pragmaticivan/nest-resend - Injectable Resend client for your nestjs projects
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go-contrib (v1.35.0, 3 days ago) - Collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go.
- pragmaticivan/nestjs-otel (v6.2.0, 1 week ago) - OpenTelemetry (Tracing + Metrics) module for Nest framework (node.js) 🔭
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-lambda (layer-ruby/0.5.0, 3 weeks ago) - Create your own Lambda Layer in each OTel language using this starter code. Add the Lambda Layer to your Lambda Function to get tracing with OpenTelemetry.
- pragmaticivan/nest-resend (v3.1.0, 1 month ago) - Injectable Resend client for your nestjs projects
- pragmaticivan/otel-pino-transport (v1.0.6, 7 months ago)
- pragmaticivan/ivansantos.me (3.0.0, 8 years ago) - 💻 My personal website