Polymer 3 example application using the Stack Exchange API to search for questions and display answers.
Polymer 3 Best Practices. Polymer 3 Architecture for large scale applications.
Created by PolymerExample https://github.com/polymerexample
The full source code is available at https://github.com/polymerexample/polymer-3-example-app.
Here is the same app written in Angular and React:
JC Lango is a UI Architect and UI Developer for large scale web applications at several Fortune 500 companies.
He is an expert in Angular, Polymer, and React and maintains these sites at Github:
- AngularExample https://github.com/angularexample
- PolymerExample https://github.com/polymerexample
- ReactJSExample https://github.com/reactjsexample
JC may be available to work remote, and can be contacted at these links:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jclango
- Email: [email protected]
You need to have Node and NPM installed on your PC.
Downloading and installing Node.js and npm
Next, you should have the Polymer Client installed globally.
Download the source code using git or else download and unzip the zip file.
Open a terminal window and go to the project root folder.
You need to have npm installed globally.
Run the following command to install the required libraries.
Open a terminal window and make sure you are in the project root folder.
Run the following command for a dev server.
Open your browser and go to
The browser will not automatically reload if you change any of the source files, so you need to refresh the browser to see your changes.
Open the browser's Developer Tools window to see any errors in the Console.
To run the unit tests, you need to stop the server.
If the server is running, stop the server from the terminal window by pressing Control-C.
The following command will run Web Component Tester against the browsers currently installed on your machine:
If running Windows you will need to set the following environment variables:
Read More here daffl/launchpad
The following software libraries are used:
- Polymer 3
See the package.json file for details.