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Plone Content Export and Import

Package supporting the export and import of content, principals, relations, translations, discussions, and redirects from and to a Plone site.


This package is a slimmer version of the awesome collective.exportimport.

While collective.exportimport supports older Plone versions and Python 2, and also takes care of data conversion from Archetypes to Dexterity, this package focuses only on latest Plone and Python.


plone.exportimport documentation



This package supports sites running Plone version 6.0 and above.


This package is now included with Plone 6.1 and above by default.

If plone.exportimport is not yet available in your Plone installation, add it using pip.

pip install plone.exportimport


See Contributing to Plone and [Contribute to Plone 6 core](Contribute to Plone 6 core) for general contributing policies and guidance.

The following sections specifically describe how to develop and contribute to plone.exportimport.


You need a working Python environment version 3.8 or later.

Install the dependencies and a development instance using the following command.

make install

Local environment Plone server

Start Plone, on port 8080, with the following command.

make start

Format code base

Format the code base with the following command.

make format

Run tests

Testing of this package is done with pytest and tox.

Run all tests with the following command.

make test

Run all tests, but stop on the first error and open a pdb session.

./bin/tox -e test -- -x --pdb

Run tests named TestUtilsDiscussions.

./bin/tox -e test -- -k TestUtilsDiscussions


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.