This sbt plugin compiles the TypeScript code in your Play application to javascript fit for consumption by your average browser and device.
For Play 2.9+ projects, add the following line to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.github.platypii" % "sbt-typescript" % "5.3.2")
For Play 2.8- projects, use the previous version 4.6.4
If your project is not a Play application you will have to enable sbt-web
in build.sbt
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(SbtWeb)
It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you have node installed. It is possible to fallback to JVM-based trireme, but it is slow, and may not work with the latest javascript code.
NPM libraries are used as standard sbt dependencies (jar files). Add your typescript libraries as dependencies as follows. If the library doesn't include typescript definitions add them too.
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("webjars","maven")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.webjars.npm" % "react" % "15.4.0",
"org.webjars.npm" % "types__react" % "15.0.34"
These NPM dependencies are resolved through WebJars.
Check whether the versions of the NPM packages you need are available there.
If not, you can add webjars to maven through the website.
Since we added the webjars resolver they will be available immediately.
Otherwise, you would have to wait before being able to use them.
NPM package names like @angular/code
and @types/react
are a bit different in webjars: angular__react
and types__react
Add the following to build.sbt
to resolve against those npms.
resolveFromWebjarsNodeModulesDir := true
To lint your TypeScript code add sbt-tslint
to your project and create a tslint.json
file with the linting rules.
Create a tsconfig.json
file in the root of your project with the required compiler options.
The following tsc
compiler options are managed by sbt-typescript
so setting them in tsconfig.json
has no effect: outDir
, rootDirs
, paths
, baseUrl
, typeRoots
If you use the stage
compile mode the outFile
option is also managed by sbt-typescript
Option | Description |
outFile | Concatenate and emit output to a single file. |
outDir | Destination directory for output files. |
typingsFile | A file that refers to typings that the build needs. Default None, but would normally be "/typings/index.d.ts" |
To be able to view the original Typescript code from your browser when developing add the following to tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"sourceMap": true,
"mapRoot": "/assets",
"sourceRoot": "/assets",
You can get more verbose logging of what sbt-typescript is doing by adding to build.sbt
typescript / logLevel := Level.Debug
To test your TypeScript code add an sbt plugin for a JS test framework.
For instance sbt-jasmine or sbt-mocha.
You can override tsc
configurations for your test code.
To do that create a file tsconfig.test.json
and add to build.sbt
(typescript / projectTestFile) := Some("tsconfig.test.json")
Any settings in that file will override those in tsconfig.json
for the compilation of test code.
The typescript version of your project can be found in project/target/node-modules/webjars/typescript
Configure your IDE to use that and point it to the tsconfig.json
Sometimes it can be helpful to compile your project directly through the TypeScript compiler without sbt-typescript
in between to check whether a problem is an sbt-typescript
To do that you can run
project/target/node-modules/webjars/typescript/bin/tsc -p . -w
Make sure to set the executable bit if necessary.
For this kind of compilation to work you have to fill in the settings in tsconfig.json
that sbt-typescript
normally manages.
See the Angular2 demo project for an example.
You can develop using individual javascript files when running sbt ~run
in Play and have your whole typescript application concatenated into a single javascript output file for your stage environment without changes to your sources.
To do that you have to add a -DtsCompileMode=stage
parameter to the sbt task in your CI that creates the stage app.
So for Play that will often be sbt stage -DtsCompileMode=stage
If you are importing modules for which you don't have the typings you can ignore the TS2307 can not find module
tsCodesToIgnore := List(canNotFindModule)
Use sbt-sonatype plugin.
sbt publishSigned
sbt sonatypeBundleRelease
This project was started by Brandon Arp:
With further contributions by Joost de Vries:
Adopted by platypii: