How to use my.plantnet API ?
Two options:
- GET HTTP request: for remote images (URLs are required)
- POST HTTP request: for local images (local files are required)
Example of a POST request using Node.js
Example of a POST request using Java
Example of a POST request using PHP
Example of a POST request using Python
Example of a POST request using R
Example of a GET request using R
To integrate Pl@ntNet identification to your Web page, you are greatly encouraged to deploy this ready-to-use component:
If it does not fit your needs, see below for other ways to integrate Pl@ntNet to your Web page
Example of a Web page integration using HTML and PHP
How to run Pl@ntNet identification on a set of images, with or without a ground-truth to assess results quality.
Benchmark script using Node.js
R-package BiologicalRecordsCentre/plantnet