This is a package for analyzing past performance and player habits from the Poker Now website.
Poker Now is a website that allows individuals to set up private poker tables. The website allows you to download the data from the game. This package preforms NLP to parse the csv and creates a variety of objects for analyzing a poker game.
Clone the repo. Pypi releases will come at a later date.
import poker
from import Poker
# Note self.
me = 'Peter @ Jf-Q4OmfIt'
# Input past Data folder location.
# Files should be saved as CSV.
repo = '\\location of past Data folder'
# Manual grouping. When same players, play from different devices, they will get a different unique ID.
# This will group the players.
grouped = {'Peter' : ('mQWfGaGPXE', 'ijDyevyKYD', 'Jf-Q4OmfIt'),
'Flynn' : ('YEtsj6CMK4', 'M_ODMJ-3Je', 'DZy-22KNBS', 'AAVEC4azwk'),
'Mike' : ('1_FRcDzJU-', 'ofZ3AjBJdl', 'yUaYOqMtWh', 'EIxKLHzvif', 'welPeANz41'),
'Johnny' : ('3fuMmmzEQ-', 'LRdO6bTCRh', '9fNOKzXJkb', '88zR6gcIvD'),
'Robby' : ('FZayb4wOU1', '66rXA9g5yF', 'rM6qlbc77h', 'fy6-0HLhb_', 'nlk80T6XeC'),
'Carter' : ('48QVRRsiae', 'u8_FUbXpAz'),
'Pfanz' : ('Aeydg8fuEg', 'yoohsUunIZ', 'pvow8N1-FT'),
'Yuri' : ('mUwL4cyOAC', 'zGv-6DI_aJ', 'DySJmToB8p'),
'Brian' : ('FgmbZrCA9u', 'K7wE-uWJaj', 'kNiVoJP5Ym'),
'Henry' : ('HiZcYKvbcw', 'GXxPFeJI6u'),
'Kaz' : ('e_guu9eD6Q', '4pYZ-YdlJa'),
'Nate' : ('uVSlQwPVtk', 'YDeMDTtJPl'),
'Bryson' : ('-qWOsSgvQM', 'HTi7AMTQNr'),
'Jack' : ('VnrRHVzTZy', 'twk14-WLnE'),
'Baker' : ('cKZ72RXCxd', 'uRb9uI6e8-'),
'Sinclair': ('cjuTQ51KDm',),
'Ryan' : ('eR3DTX32e8',),
'Robert' : ('BSg5NL6pWI',)}
# line_limit and item_limit not necessary.
user_inputs = {'me': me, 'repo': repo, 'grouped': grouped, 'line_limit': 50, 'item_limit': 50}
p = Poker(user_inputs=user_inputs)
In progress...
Time and Performance
Example of the package to run tests.
- 1.0.0 - Working package.
- 1.0.1 - Simplified package.
- 1.0.2 - More perfomat, reduced plotting and analysis functionality.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.