Copy the markdown below and paste it in your Github Readme.
Options | Default | Available |
type | vertical | horizontal, vertical |
theme | light | dark, chartreuse-dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, algolia, monokai, dracula, nord |
quote | - | Customize your quote |
author | - | The name of the quote's author |
border | false | true, false |
To get started with developing this app locally, here are the steps:
Install the dependencies for the app using,
pnpm install
And then run the app using:
npx vercel dev
You don't need to add ?type=vertical parameter.
You need to add ?type=horizontal parameter.
You need to add ?border=true parameter.
You don't need to add ?theme=light parameter.
You need to add ?theme=dark parameter.
- Latte
- Frappe
- Macchiato
- Mocha
You need to add ?theme=catppuccin_<variant> parameter. The current example is the Mocha variant, to use it add ?theme=catppuccin_mocha.
You need to add ?theme=algolia parameter.
You need to add ?theme=monokai parameter.
You need to add ?theme=dracula parameter.
You need to add ?theme=nord parameter.
You need to add ?quote=Your Quote parameter. URL encode your quote.
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
- Inspired from AnuragHazra/github-readme-stats.
- skolakoda/programming-quotes-api for Quotes API.
- And a huge shoutout to Mini Ware for his immense contribution to this project!
Be sure to drop a π if you like the project!
π€ Piyush Suthar
- Website:
- Twitter: @piyushsthr
- Github: @PiyushSthr
- LinkedIn: @piyushsthr