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command: add extensive autocompletion support (#500)
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Adds extensive auto-completion support to s5cmd for zsh, bash and pwsh.
- command completion
- flag completion
- local file/directory completion
- bucket name completion
- s3 key completion

The user will be given the instructions and the completion script when
she called s5cmd with install-completion flag. The instructions and
script will be written according to value of SHELL environment variable

Fixes #207 
Fixes #372

Co-authored-by: Selman Kayrancioglu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Aykut Farsak <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Selman Kayrancioglu <[email protected]>
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4 people authored Sep 16, 2022
1 parent 22592e5 commit 5e867c9
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- Allow adjacent slashes to be used as keys when uploading to remote. ([#459](
- Debian packages are provided on [releases page]( ([#380](
- Upgraded minimum required Go version to 1.17.

- Improve auto-completion support of s5cmd for `zsh` and `bash`, start supporting `pwsh` and stop the support for `fish`. Now s5cmd can complete bucket names, s3 keys in a bucket and the local files. However, `install-completion` flag no longer _installs_ the completion script to `*rc` files instead it merely gives instructions to install autocompletion and provides the autocompletion script ([#500](

#### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where (`--stat`) prints unnecessarily when used with help and version commands ([#452](
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24 changes: 19 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -435,14 +435,28 @@ While executing the commands, `s5cmd` detects the region according to the follow
### Shell auto-completion
Shell completion is supported for bash, zsh and fish.
Shell completion is supported for bash, pwsh (PowerShell) and zsh.
To enable auto-completion, run:
Run `s5cmd --install-completion` to obtain the appropriate auto-completion script for your shell, note that `install-completion` does not install the auto-completion but merely gives the instructions to install. The name is kept as it is for backward compatibility.
s5cmd --install-completion
To actually enable auto-completion:
#### in bash and zsh:
you should add auto-completion script to `.bashrc` and `.zshrc` file.
#### in pwsh:
you should save the autocompletion script to a file named `s5cmd.ps1` and add the full path of "s5cmd.ps1" file to profile file (which you can locate with `$profile`)
This will add a few lines to your shell configuration file. After installation,
restart your shell to activate the changes.
Finally, restart your shell to activate the changes.
> **Note**
The environment variable `SHELL` must be accurate for the autocompletion to function properly. That is it should point to `bash` binary in bash, to `zsh` binary in zsh and to `pwsh` binary in PowerShell.
> **Note**
The autocompletion is tested with following versions of the shells: \
***zsh*** 5.8.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin21.0) \
GNU ***bash***, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin21.1.0) \
***PowerShell*** 7.2.6
### Google Cloud Storage support
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20 changes: 6 additions & 14 deletions command/app.go
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cmpinstall ""

Expand All @@ -23,8 +22,9 @@ const (

var app = &cli.App{
Name: appName,
Usage: "Blazing fast S3 and local filesystem execution tool",
Name: appName,
Usage: "Blazing fast S3 and local filesystem execution tool",
EnableBashCompletion: true,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "json",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ var app = &cli.App{
Name: "install-completion",
Usage: "install completion for your shell",
Usage: "get completion installation instructions for your shell (only available for bash, pwsh, and zsh)",
Name: "dry-run",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,13 +154,9 @@ var app = &cli.App{
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.Bool("install-completion") {
if cmpinstall.IsInstalled(appName) {
return nil

return cmpinstall.Install(appName)
return nil

args := c.Args()
if args.Present() {
cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, args.First())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,9 +224,5 @@ func AppCommand(name string) *cli.Command {
func Main(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
app.Commands = Commands()

if maybeAutoComplete() {
return nil

return app.RunContext(ctx, args)
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions command/auto_complete.go
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package command

import (


const zsh = `autoload -Uz compinit
_s5cmd_cli_zsh_autocomplete() {
local -a opts
local cur
opts=("${(@f)$(${words[@]:0:#words[@]-1} "${cur}" --generate-bash-completion)}")
if [[ "${opts[1]}" != "" ]]; then
_describe 'values' opts
compdef _s5cmd_cli_zsh_autocomplete s5cmd

const bash = `# prepare autocompletion suggestions for s5cmd and save them to COMPREPLY array
_s5cmd_cli_bash_autocomplete() {
if [[ "${COMP_WORDS[0]}" != "source" ]]; then
local opts cur cmd` +
// get current word (cur) and prepare command (cmd)
cmd="${COMP_LINE:0:$COMP_POINT}"` +

// if we want to complete the second argument and we didn't start writing
// yet then we should pass an empty string as another argument. Otherwise
// the white spaces will be discarded and the program will make suggestions
// as if it is completing the first argument.
// Beware that we want to pass an empty string so we intentionally write
// as it is. Fixes of SC2089 and SC2090 are not what we want.
// see also
[ "${COMP_LINE:COMP_POINT-1:$COMP_POINT}" == " " ] \
&& cmd="${cmd} ''" ` +

// execute the command with '--generate-bash-completion' flag to obtain
// possible completion values for current word.
// ps. SC2090 is not wanted.
opts=$($cmd --generate-bash-completion)` +

// prepare completion array with possible values and filter those do not start with cur.
// if no completion is found then fallback to default completion of shell.
while IFS='' read -r line;
done \
< <(compgen -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -W "${opts}" -- "${cur}")
return 0
# call the _s5cmd_cli_bash_autocomplete to complete s5cmd command.
complete -o nospace -F _s5cmd_cli_bash_autocomplete s5cmd

const pwsh = `$fn = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
$name = $fn -replace "(.*)\.ps1$", '$1'
Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName $name -ScriptBlock {
param($commandName, $wordToComplete, $cursorPosition)
$other = "$wordToComplete --generate-bash-completion"
Invoke-Expression $other | ForEach-Object {
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_, $_, 'ParameterValue', $_)

func getBashCompleteFn(cmd *cli.Command, isOnlyRemote, isOnlyBucket bool) func(ctx *cli.Context) {
isOnlyRemote = isOnlyRemote || isOnlyBucket
return func(ctx *cli.Context) {
arg := parseArgumentToComplete(ctx)

if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") {

if isOnlyRemote || strings.HasPrefix(arg, "s3://") {
u, err := url.New(arg)
if err != nil {
u = &url.URL{Type: 0, Scheme: "s3"}

c := ctx.Context
client, err := storage.NewRemoteClient(c, u, NewStorageOpts(ctx))
if err != nil {

shell := filepath.Base(os.Getenv("SHELL"))
printS3Suggestions(c, shell, client, u, arg, isOnlyBucket)

// constantCompleteWithDefault returns a complete function which prints the argument, itself, which is to be completed.
// If the argument is empty string it uses the defaultCompletions to make suggestions.
func constantCompleteWithDefault(shell, arg string, defaultCompletions ...string) {
if arg == "" {
for _, str := range defaultCompletions {
fmt.Println(formatSuggestionForShell(shell, str, arg))
} else {
fmt.Println(formatSuggestionForShell(shell, arg, arg))

func printS3Suggestions(c context.Context, shell string, client *storage.S3, u *url.URL, arg string, isOnlyBucket bool) {
if u.Bucket == "" || (u.IsBucket() && !strings.HasSuffix(arg, "/")) || isOnlyBucket {
printListBuckets(c, shell, client, u, arg)
} else {
printListNURLSuggestions(c, shell, client, u, 20, arg)

func printListBuckets(ctx context.Context, shell string, client *storage.S3, u *url.URL, argToBeCompleted string) {
buckets, err := client.ListBuckets(ctx, u.Bucket)
if err != nil {

for _, bucket := range buckets {
fmt.Println(formatSuggestionForShell(shell, "s3://"+bucket.Name+"/", argToBeCompleted))

func printListNURLSuggestions(ctx context.Context, shell string, client *storage.S3, u *url.URL, count int, argToBeCompleted string) {
if u.IsBucket() {
var err error
u, err = url.New(u.Absolute() + "/")
if err != nil {

i := 0
for obj := range (*client).List(ctx, u, false) {
if i > count {
if obj.Err != nil {
fmt.Println(formatSuggestionForShell(shell, obj.URL.Absolute(), argToBeCompleted))

func printAutocompletionInstructions(shell string) {
var script string
baseShell := filepath.Base(shell)
instructions := `# To enable autocompletion you should add the following script to startup scripts of your shell.
# It is probably located at ~/.` + baseShell + "rc"

switch baseShell {
case "zsh":
script = zsh
case "bash":
script = bash
case "pwsh":
script = pwsh
instructions = `# To enable autocompletion you should save the following script to a file named "s5cmd.ps1" and execute it.
# To persist it you should add the path of "s5cmd.ps1" file to profile file (which you can locate with $profile) to automatically execute "s5cmd.ps1" on every shell start up.`
instructions = `# We couldn't recognize your SHELL "` + baseShell + `".
# Shell completion is supported only for bash, pwsh and zsh.
# Make sure that your SHELL environment variable is set accurately.`


func formatSuggestionForShell(baseShell, suggestion, argToBeCompleted string) string {
switch baseShell {
case "bash":
var prefix string
suggestions := make([]string, 0, 2)
if i := strings.LastIndex(argToBeCompleted, ":"); i >= 0 && baseShell == "bash" {
// include the original suggestion in case that COMP_WORDBREAKS does not contain :
// or that the argToBeCompleted was quoted.
// Bash doesn't split on : when argument is quoted even if : is in COMP_WORDBREAKS
suggestions = append(suggestions, suggestion)
prefix = argToBeCompleted[0 : i+1]
suggestions = append(suggestions, strings.TrimPrefix(suggestion, prefix))
return strings.Join(suggestions, "\n")
case "zsh":
// replace every colon : with \: if shell is zsh
// colons are used as a seperator for the autocompletion script
// so "literal colons in completion must be quoted with a backslash"
// see also,as%20name1%3B
return strings.ReplaceAll(suggestion, ":", `\:`)
return suggestion

func parseArgumentToComplete(ctx *cli.Context) string {
var arg string
args := ctx.Args()
l := args.Len()

if l > 0 {
arg = args.Get(l - 1)

// argument may start with a quotation mark, in this case we want to trim
// that before checking if it has prefix 's3://'.
// Beware that we only want to trim the first char, not all of the leading
// quotation marks, because those quotation marks may be actual characters.
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "'") {
arg = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "'")
} else {
arg = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "\"")
return arg
42 changes: 0 additions & 42 deletions command/autocomplete.go

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