import ""
Call golog.{Plain|Info|Debug|Error|Fatal}
with a message.
golog.Info("Hello world!")
golog.Debug("Coordinate: %d, %d", x, y)
The default printing format is something like this:
2023-01-11 11:59:23.411 [INFO] main.go:21 | Hello world!
2023-01-11 11:59:23.412 [DEBUG] main.go:22 | Coordinate: 42, 13
Only the golog.Plain
function does not produce leading information (date, log-level, etc.) and just acts like fmt.Printf
Recommended to use pkg/errors package to create and wrap your errors. It enables you to see stack traces.
To exit on an error, there's the golog.FatalCheck
err := someFunctionCall()
When err
is not nil
, then the error including stack trace will be printed and your application exists with exit code 1.
Specify the log level by changing golog.LogLevel
. Possible value are golog.LOG_PLAIN
, golog.LOG_DEBUG
, golog.LOG_INFO
, golog.LOG_ERROR
and golog.LOG_FATAL
Depending on the log level, some functions will be quite and do not produce outputs anymore:
log level | Methods which will produce an output |
golog.Plain() *golog.Debug() golog.Info() golog.Error() golog.Fatal() golog.CheckFatal() golog.Stack() |
golog.Debug() golog.Info() golog.Error() golog.Fatal() golog.CheckFatal() golog.Stack() |
golog.Info() golog.Error() golog.Fatal() golog.CheckFatal() golog.Stack() |
golog.Error() golog.Fatal() golog.CheckFatal() golog.Stack() |
golog.Fatal() **golog.CheckFatal() ** |
* Prints to stdout but without any tags in front | |
** This will print the error and call os.Exit(1) |
Some functions have a suffix with slightly different behavior.
- Suffix
: Acts like the normal function, but in order to print the correct caller you can go back in the stack.
- Suffix
: Acts like the normal function, but after printing the stack, the given format string will be evaluated and printed as well.
The format can be changed by implementing the printing function specified in the golog.FormatFunctions
Exmaple: To specify your own debug-format:
func main() {
// Whenever golog.Debug is called, our simpleDebug method is used to produce the output.
golog.FormatFunctions[golog.LOG_DEBUG] = simpleDebug
golog.Debug("Hello world!")
func simpleDebug(writer *os.File, time, level string, maxLength int, caller, message string) {
// Don't forget the \n at the end ;)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Debug: %s\n", message)
This example will print:
Debug: Hello world!
To change only the time format, change the value of the golog.DateFormat
variable. The format of this variable if the
format described in the time package.
func main() {
golog.DateFormat = "02.01.2006 at 15:04:05"
golog.Debug("Hello world!")
This will produce:
11.01.2023 at 11:34:22 [DEBUG] main.go:37 | Hello world!