Implements rest api client for protest-go backed.
Important: You must have valid AppKey and AppSecret to use this api (please contact to the authors).
using ProtestGoClient;
Client.Init(appKey, appSecret) // mandatory
Client.SetBaseUrl("") // optional, defaul
Client.SetDebug(true) // optional, default false
// Init application
.Then(settings => { ... })
.Catch(err => { ... }) // Handle errors
// Register anonymous user
.Then(token => { ... }) // Save token somethere
.Catch(err => { ... }) // Handle errors
Put this line to the Packages/manifest.json
"dependencies": {
"com.protest-go.protest-go-client": ""
Package manager will checkout source code and install package.
Change version tag in Packages/manifest.json
to the new version, for example v0.0.1 to v0.0.2:
"dependencies": {
"com.protest-go.protest-go-client": ""
Package manager will update package to the specified version. If for some reason package manager shows previsous version, try to remove corresponding lock section in Packages/manifest.json
"dependencies": {
"lock": {
"com.protest-go.protest-go-client": {
"hash": "xxx",
"revision": "xxx"
After that everything should be ok)