Simple Julia library, that defines some origin
centered geometric objects (Ellipsoid
, TruncatedSquarePyramid
, Torus
among others).
The main functions here are ftransform(f, s::Shape)
, ptransform(s::Shape)
and domain(s::Shape)
. The first one maps a function f(x, y, z)
to another
g(λ, μ, ν) * J(λ, μ, ν)
, where g(λ, μ, ν)
is basically f(x(λ, μ, ν), y(λ, μ, ν), z(λ, μ, ν))
within the volume of a shape s
but under a change of
variables to a rectangular domain defined by (λ, μ, ν)
and J(λ, μ, ν)
the Jacobian
determinant of
the transformation. The limits of the domain are given by domain(s)
returns a function that maps a point (λ, μ, ν)
on the
domain given by domain(s)
to a tuple (j, x, y, z)
, where p = (x, y, z)
corresponds to the cartesian coordinates of a point inside s
, and j
is the
is the Jacobian determinant of the transformation (x, y, z) ↦ (λ, μ, ν)
evaluated on p
ftransform(f, s)
can be used together with an integration library, e.g.
NIntegration.jl, to find out
the integral of the function f
within the region bounded by the surface of
the shape s
It also extends the Base
method in
to determine if a point in three
dimensions lies within the volume defined by each object.
should work on Julia 0.5 and later versions, and can
be installed from a Julia session by running
julia> Pkg.clone("")
Once installed, run
using GeometricTransforms
Let's see how the library can be used along an integration library to
approximate the volume of a sphere of radius 1
julia> using GeometricTransforms
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> Pkg.clone("")
julia> using NIntegration
julia> let
r = 1.0
S = Sphere(r)
f = (x, y, z) -> 1.0
integrand = (x, y, z) -> Point(x, y, z) in S
xmin, xmax = (-r, -r, -r), (r, r, r)
@btime nintegrate($integrand, $xmin, $xmax)
56.498 ms (752069 allocations: 16.04 MiB)
(4.189016214102217,0.1294570371126839,1000125,3938 subregions)
julia> let
r = 1.0
S = Sphere(r)
f = (x, y, z) -> 1.0
integrand = ftransform(f, S)
xmin, xmax = domain(S)
@btime nintegrate($integrand, $xmin, $xmax)
4.541 μs (46 allocations: 1.05 KiB)
(4.188790204114109,6.332978594815053e-7,127,1 subregion)
julia> let
r = 1.0
S = Sphere(r)
f = (x, y, z) -> 1.0
integrand = ftransform(f, S)
xmin, xmax = domain(S)
@btime nintegrate($integrand, $xmin, $xmax, reltol=1e-10)
62.387 μs (345 allocations: 9.31 KiB)
(4.188790204786391,7.700952182138001e-12,889,4 subregions)
julia> 4π / 3
This work was financially supported by CONACYT through grant 354884.