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52 repositories
- Alokai is a Frontend as a Service solution that simplifies composable commerce. It connects all the technologies needed to build and deploy fast & scalable ecommerce frontends. It guides merchants to deliver exceptional customer experiences quickly and easily.
- A frontend library for React and Vue that helps developers quickly build fast, accessible, and beautiful storefronts. Made with 💚 by Vue Storefront team and contributors.
- Vue Storefront 2 integration for Magento 2
- Shopware PWA for eCommerce. Headless storefront solution for Shopware 6, which communicates through the SalesChannel-API. Always Open Source, MIT license. Made with 💙 by shopware AG & Vue Storefront.
- Framework Independent boilerplate containing SDK and API Client starters.
Public archive- Simple theme inheritance for any JavaScript application
Public archivemagento2-vsbridge-indexer
Public archivestorefront-action
Public archive- Magento to Vue-storefront datapump - synchronizes Products, Categories and Product-to-category links between your Magento2 API and NoSQL database of vue-storefront
Public archiveElasticSearch Query builder from the abstract "SearchQuery" object used by storefront-api, vue-storefront-api and vue-storefront projectsstorefront-nuxt2-magento2
Public archivestoryblok
Public archivepublish-docs-action
Public archivenuxt-sdk-playground
Public archiveVue Storefront Developer Portalvuepress-theme-vsf-docs
Public archiveUnified multi-store approach as a VSF middleware extensionsample_secrets