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Random Ray Source Region Mesh Subdivision (Cell-Under-Voxel Geometry) (
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Co-authored-by: Paul Romano <[email protected]>
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jtramm and paulromano authored Mar 7, 2025
1 parent e8c9134 commit 9b5678b
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Binary file added docs/source/_images/2x2_sr_mesh.png
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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/io_formats/settings.rst
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Expand Up @@ -470,6 +470,24 @@ found in the :ref:`random ray user guide <random_ray>`.

*Default*: prng

Relates meshes to spatial domains for subdividing source regions with each domain.

Contains an ``id`` attribute and one or more ``<domain>`` sub-elements.

The unique identifier for the mesh.

Each domain element has an ``id`` attribute and a ``type`` attribute.

The unique identifier for the domain.

The type of the domain. Can be ``material``, ``cell``, or ``universe``.

``<resonance_scattering>`` Element
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102 changes: 88 additions & 14 deletions docs/source/usersguide/random_ray.rst
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Expand Up @@ -319,20 +319,24 @@ Default behavior using OpenMC's native PRNG can be manually specified as::

.. _subdivision_fsr:

Subdivision of Flat Source Regions

While the scattering and fission sources in Monte Carlo
are treated continuously, they are assumed to be invariant (flat) within a
MOC or random ray flat source region (FSR). This introduces bias into the
simulation, which can be remedied by reducing the physical size of the FSR
to dimensions below that of typical mean free paths of particles.
Subdivision of Source Regions

In OpenMC, this subdivision currently must be done manually. The level of
While the scattering and fission sources in Monte Carlo are treated
continuously, they are assumed to have a shape (flat or linear) within a MOC or
random ray source region (SR). This introduces bias into the simulation that can
be remedied by reducing the physical size of the SR to be smaller than the
typical mean free paths of particles. While use of linear sources in OpenMC
greatly reduces the error stemming from this approximation, subdivision is still
typically required.

In OpenMC, this subdivision can be done either manually by the user (by defining
additional surfaces and cells in the geometry) or automatically by assigning a
mesh to one or more cells, universes, or material types. The level of
subdivision needed will be dependent on the fidelity the user requires. For
typical light water reactor analysis, consider the following example subdivision
of a two-dimensional 2x2 reflective pincell lattice:
typical light water reactor analysis, consider the following example of manual
subdivision of a two-dimensional 2x2 reflective pincell lattice:

.. figure:: ../_images/2x2_materials.jpeg
:class: with-border
Expand All @@ -344,9 +348,79 @@ of a two-dimensional 2x2 reflective pincell lattice:
:class: with-border
:width: 400

FSR decomposition for an asymmetrical 2x2 lattice (1.26 cm pitch)
Manual decomposition for an asymmetrical 2x2 lattice (1.26 cm pitch)

Geometry cells can also be subdivided into small source regions by assigning a
mesh to a list of domains, with each domain being of type
:class:`openmc.Material`, :class:`openmc.Cell`, or :class:`openmc.Universe`. The
idea of defining a source region as a combination of a base geometry cell and a
mesh element is known as "cell-under-voxel" style geometry, although in OpenMC
the mesh can be any kind and is not restricted to 3D regular voxels. An example
of overlaying a simple 2D mesh over a geometry is given as::

sr_mesh = openmc.RegularMesh()
sr_mesh.dimension = (n, n)
sr_mesh.lower_left = (0.0, 0.0)
sr_mesh.upper_right = (x, y)
domain = geometry.root_universe
settings.random_ray['source_region_meshes'] = [(sr_mesh, [domain])]

In the above example, we apply a single :math:`n \times n` uniform mesh over the
entire domain by assigning it to the root universe of the geometry.
Alternatively, we might want to apply a finer or coarser mesh to different
regions of a 3D problem, for instance, as::

fuel = openmc.Material(name='UO2 fuel')
water = openmc.Material(name='hot borated water')
clad = openmc.Material(name='Zr cladding')

coarse_mesh = openmc.RegularMesh()
coarse_mesh.dimension = (n, n, n)
coarse_mesh.lower_left = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
coarse_mesh.upper_right = (x, y, z)

fine_mesh = openmc.RegularMesh()
fine_mesh.dimension = (2*n, 2*n, 2*n)
fine_mesh.lower_left = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
fine_mesh.upper_right = (x, y, z)

settings.random_ray['source_region_meshes'] = [(fine_mesh, [fuel, clad]), (coarse_mesh, [water])]

Note that we don't need to adjust the outer bounds of the mesh to tightly wrap
the domain we assign the mesh to. Rather, OpenMC will dynamically generate
source regions based on the mesh bins rays actually visit, such that no
additional memory is wasted even if a domain only intersects a few mesh bins.
Going back to our 2x2 lattice example, if using a mesh-based subdivision, this
might look as below:

.. figure:: ../_images/2x2_sr_mesh.png
:class: with-border
:width: 400

In the future, automated subdivision of FSRs via mesh overlay may be supported.
20x20 overlaid "cell-under-voxel" mesh decomposition for an asymmetrical 2x2 lattice (1.26 cm pitch)

Note that mesh-bashed subdivision is much easier for a user to implement but
does have a few downsides compared to manual subdivision. Manual subdivision can
be done with the specifics of the geometry in mind. As in the pincell example,
it is more efficient to subdivide the fuel region into azimuthal sectors and
radial rings as opposed to a Cartesian mesh. This is more efficient because the
regions are a more uniform size and follow the material boundaries closer,
resulting in the need for fewer source regions. Fewer source regions tends to
equate to a faster computational speed and/or the need for fewer rays per batch
to achieve good statistics. Additionally, applying a mesh often tends to create
a few very small source regions, as shown in the above picture where corners of
the mesh happen to intersect close to the actual fuel-moderator interface. These
small regions are rarely visited by rays, which can result in inaccurate
estimates of the source within those small regions and, thereby, numerical
instability. However, OpenMC utilizes several techniques to detect these small
source regions and mitigate instabilities that are associated with them. In
conclusion, mesh overlay is a great way to subdivide any geometry into smaller
source regions. It can be used while retaining stability, though typically at
the cost of generating more source regions relative to an optimal manual

.. _usersguide_flux_norm:

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12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions docs/source/usersguide/variance_reduction.rst
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Expand Up @@ -130,9 +130,15 @@ random ray mode can be found in the :ref:`Random Ray User Guide <random_ray>`.

.. warning::
If using FW-CADIS weight window generation, ensure that the selected weight
window mesh does not subdivide any cells in the problem. In the future, this
restriction is intended to be relaxed, but for now subdivision of cells by a
mesh tally will result in undefined behavior.
window mesh does not subdivide any source regions in the problem. This can
be ensured by assigning the weight window tally mesh to the root universe so
as to create source region boundaries that conform to the mesh, as in the
example below.

root = model.geometry.root_universe
settings.random_ray['source_region_meshes'] = [(ww_mesh, [root])]

6. When running your multigroup random ray input deck, OpenMC will automatically
run a forward solve followed by an adjoint solve, with a
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions include/openmc/constants.h
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Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ constexpr double RADIAL_MESH_TOL {1e-10};
// Maximum number of random samples per history
constexpr int MAX_SAMPLE {100000};

// Avg. number of hits per batch to be defined as a "small"
// source region in the random ray solver
constexpr double MIN_HITS_PER_BATCH {1.5};

// ============================================================================

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51 changes: 46 additions & 5 deletions include/openmc/random_ray/flat_source_domain.h
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Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
#include "openmc/constants.h"
#include "openmc/openmp_interface.h"
#include "openmc/position.h"
#include "openmc/random_ray/parallel_map.h"
#include "openmc/random_ray/source_region.h"
#include "openmc/source.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>

namespace openmc {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,7 +39,6 @@ class FlatSourceDomain {
void random_ray_tally();
virtual void accumulate_iteration_flux();
void output_to_vtk() const;
void all_reduce_replicated_source_regions();
void convert_external_sources();
void count_external_source_regions();
void set_adjoint_sources(const vector<double>& forward_flux);
Expand All @@ -47,12 +48,34 @@ class FlatSourceDomain {
void flatten_xs();
void transpose_scattering_matrix();
void serialize_final_fluxes(vector<double>& flux);
void apply_meshes();
void apply_mesh_to_cell_instances(int32_t i_cell, int32_t mesh_idx,
int target_material_id, const vector<int32_t>& instances,
bool is_target_void);
void apply_mesh_to_cell_and_children(int32_t i_cell, int32_t mesh_idx,
int32_t target_material_id, bool is_target_void);
void prepare_base_source_regions();
SourceRegionHandle get_subdivided_source_region_handle(
int64_t sr, int mesh_bin, Position r, double dist, Direction u);
void finalize_discovered_source_regions();
int64_t n_source_regions() const
return source_regions_.n_source_regions();
int64_t n_source_elements() const
return source_regions_.n_source_regions() * negroups_;

// Static Data members
static bool volume_normalized_flux_tallies_;
static bool adjoint_; // If the user wants outputs based on the adjoint flux

// Static variables to store source region meshes and domains
static std::unordered_map<int, vector<std::pair<Source::DomainType, int>>>

// Static data members
static RandomRayVolumeEstimator volume_estimator_;
Expand All @@ -61,7 +84,6 @@ class FlatSourceDomain {
// Public Data members
bool mapped_all_tallies_ {false}; // If all source regions have been visited

int64_t n_source_regions_ {0}; // Total number of source regions in the model
int64_t n_external_source_regions_ {0}; // Total number of source regions with
// non-zero external source terms

Expand All @@ -84,6 +106,27 @@ class FlatSourceDomain {
// The abstract container holding all source region-specific data
SourceRegionContainer source_regions_;

// Base source region container. When source region subdivision via mesh
// is in use, this container holds the original (non-subdivided) material
// filled cell instance source regions. These are useful as they can be
// initialized with external source and mesh domain information ahead of time.
// Then, dynamically discovered source regions can be initialized by cloning
// their base region.
SourceRegionContainer base_source_regions_;

// Parallel hash map holding all source regions discovered during
// a single iteration. This is a threadsafe data structure that is cleaned
// out after each iteration and stored in the "source_regions_" container.
// It is keyed with a SourceRegionKey, which combines the base source
// region index and the mesh bin.
ParallelMap<SourceRegionKey, SourceRegion, SourceRegionKey::HashFunctor>

// Map that relates a SourceRegionKey to the index at which the source
// region can be found in the "source_regions_" container.
std::unordered_map<SourceRegionKey, int64_t, SourceRegionKey::HashFunctor>

// Methods
Expand All @@ -100,9 +143,7 @@ class FlatSourceDomain {

// Private data members
int negroups_; // Number of energy groups in simulation
int64_t n_source_elements_ {0}; // Total number of source regions in the model
// times the number of energy groups
int negroups_; // Number of energy groups in simulation

simulation_volume_; // Total physical volume of the simulation domain, as
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