Tools to create Open Journals publishing artifacts.
The package is designed to be usable either via its Makefile, or through a Docker image.
Generated output formats are HTML, PDF, JATS, and Crossref XML.
The directory of the paper, or one of its parent directories,
must be mounted on path /data
. The path to the paper, relative to
the mounted folder, is expected as the only argument.
- The Docker image will generate PDF and JATS files by default. To
select specific output formats to be generated use the
flag. Supported options are:pdf
, andpreprint
. To get multiple outputs use a comma separated list. - By default PDF files will be compiled in draft mode to include a draft
watermark and linenumbers. To create a production PDF add the
flag. - There is a special flag
meant for retraction notices that don't need to show Software/Editor/Reviewes/Submission-date information. - The target journal can be set using the
ENV VAR. Currently the valid values are:joss
docker run --rm -it \
-v $PWD:/data \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
openjournals/inara \
-o pdf,crossref \
The resulting PDF and Crossref-XML files will be named paper.pdf
and paper.crossref
and placed next to the
input file.
The make
command should be run from the project's root directory.
It expects the article source to be passed via the ARTICLE
variable. So if the paper Markdown source is in file
, then make should be called with
make ARTICLE=/my/path/
All supported publishing formats are generated by default, but you
can select a specific format to be generated by passing it as an
argument. Available options: html
, pdf
, jats
, crossref
, cff
, and preprint
E.g., to generate only a PDF file, the command would be
make pdf ARTICLE=/my/path/
The generated output will be written to folder
Inara is built on pandoc, and requires a recent pandoc version. The latest pandoc version can be downloaded from
PDFs are generated via LaTeX; for best results, all packages
listed in Dockerfile
should be installed.
You will also need the Hack font by source-foundry
Inara is versioned using SemVer. Docker images are tagged with the version; tagged images are available for all published versions. The current development version is published as an image tagged edge.
After minting a new version, update the configuration in to reflect the new version, such as in xuanxu/publishing-artifacts-action#1.