(not compatible with Ambari 2.7.0+, but metrics sink is built-in for Infra Solr from 2.7.0)
Before you start, make sure you have ambari-metrics collector is installed in your maven repository. (you can build from ambari source code https://github.com/apache/ambari/tree/trunk/ambari-metrics/ambari-metrics-common, the ambari-metrics-common jar version is inside gradle.properties, but you can redefine that with the -P
Download ams-solr-metrics-mpack repository from git then run :
cd ams-solr-metrics-mpack
./gradlew clean buildTar
Or optionally you can download the actual mpack from here:
curl -k -O -L https://github.com/oleewere/ams-solr-metrics-mpack/releases/download/1.0.0/ams-solr-metrics-mpack-1.0.0.tar.gz
Stop Ambari Server:
ambari-server stop
Install Solr mpack:
ambari-server install-mpack --mpack=/my-path/ams-solr-metrics-mpack-1.0.0.tar.gz --verbose
Start Ambari Server
ambari-server start
cd ams-solr-metrics-mpack
# rpm build:
# note: generated rpm file: build/distributions/ambari-infra-solr-metrics*.rpm,
./gradlew clean rpm
# deb build:
# note: generated deb file: build/distributions/mbari-infra-solr-metrics*.deb,
./gradlew clean deb
# Example of install:
yum install -y ambari-infra-solr-metrics-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
This external metrics shipper application uses JMX/RMI to gather the details of Solr instances (the local one, so the sinks are need to be installed on those hosts where Solr instances are located).
By default Infra Solr JMX is enabled and uses 18886 as JMX port. (ambari configuration properties: infra-solr-env/infra_solr_jmx_port
in infra-solr-env/content
). To make this 2 component to work, there is one more thing needed: option 1 is to add SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost"
to infra-solr-env/content
(recommended) or change infra-solr-metrics-env/infra_solr_local_hostname
value to {hostname}
(that gets the hostname value from the ambari-agent command.json)
https://github.com/oleewere/ams-solr-metrics-mpack/releases/download/1.0.0/grafana-infra-solr-cores-aggregated.json https://github.com/oleewere/ams-solr-metrics-mpack/releases/download/1.0.0/grafana-infra-solr-hosts.json