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Simplify parsing and formatting of indexop-access expressions (#2150)
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Guillaume Petiot authored Sep 5, 2022
1 parent 59551e3 commit e10214e
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Showing 16 changed files with 480 additions and 459 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
- Preserve syntax of generative modules (`(struct end)` vs `()`) (#2135, #2146, @trefis, @gpetiot)
- Preserve syntax of module unpack with type constraint (`((module X) : (module Y))` vs `(module X : Y)`) (#2136, @trefis, @gpetiot)
- Normalize location format for warning and error messages (#2139, @gpetiot)
- Preserve syntax and improve readability of indexop-access expressions (#2150, @trefis, @gpetiot)
+ Break sequences containing indexop-access assignments
+ Remove unnecessary parentheses around indices

### New features

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179 changes: 52 additions & 127 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,28 +75,9 @@ module Token = struct

module Indexing_op = struct
type brackets = Round | Square | Curly

type custom_operator =
{path: string list; opchars: string; brackets: brackets}

type indexing_op =
| Defined of expression * custom_operator
| Extended of expression list * custom_operator
(** Take a [Pexp_array] of at least 2 elements *)
| Special of expression list * brackets
(** Desugared to the application of the corresponding [get] function
by the parser. (eg. [Array.get], [String.get]) *)

type t =
{ lhs: expression
; op: indexing_op
; rhs: expression option
; loc: Location.t }

type raw =
{ opchars: string
; brackets: brackets
; brackets: Asttypes.paren_kind
; extended: bool (** eg. [.*{;..}] *)
; has_rhs: bool (** eg. [.*{}<-] *) }

Expand All @@ -115,75 +96,12 @@ module Indexing_op = struct
| Some opchars -> Some {opchars; brackets; extended; has_rhs}
List.find_map ~f:find_suffix
[ ("{}", Curly, false)
; ("[]", Square, false)
; ("()", Round, false)
; ("{;..}", Curly, true)
; ("[;..]", Square, true)
; ("(;..)", Round, true) ]

let special ~id_tl ~args_tl brackets args =
let op = Special (args, brackets) in
match (id_tl, args_tl) with
| "get", [] -> Some (op, None)
| "set", [rhs] -> Some (op, Some rhs)
| _ -> None

let custom ~extended ~rhs op arg1 =
match (extended, arg1) with
| true, {pexp_desc= Pexp_array (_ :: _ :: _ as args); _} ->
Some (Extended (args, op), rhs)
| true, _ -> None
| false, arg1 -> Some (Defined (arg1, op), rhs)

let get_sugar_ident ident args =
match (Longident.flatten ident, args) with
| ["String"; id_tl], arg1 :: args_tl ->
special ~id_tl ~args_tl Square [arg1]
| ["Array"; id_tl], arg1 :: args_tl ->
special ~id_tl ~args_tl Round [arg1]
| ["Bigarray"; "Array1"; id_tl], arg1 :: args_tl ->
special ~id_tl ~args_tl Curly [arg1]
| ["Bigarray"; "Array2"; id_tl], arg1 :: arg2 :: args_tl ->
special ~id_tl ~args_tl Curly [arg1; arg2]
| ["Bigarray"; "Array3"; id_tl], arg1 :: arg2 :: arg3 :: args_tl ->
special ~id_tl ~args_tl Curly [arg1; arg2; arg3]
| ( ["Bigarray"; "Genarray"; id_tl]
, {pexp_desc= Pexp_array args; _} :: args_tl )
when List.length args > 3 ->
special ~id_tl ~args_tl Curly args
| ident, args -> (
match List.rev ident with
| [] -> None
| ident :: path_rev -> (
let path = List.rev path_rev in
match parse ident with
| None -> None
| Some {opchars; brackets; extended; has_rhs} -> (
let op = {path; opchars; brackets} in
match (has_rhs, args) with
| true, [arg1; rhs] -> custom ~extended ~rhs:(Some rhs) op arg1
| false, [arg1] -> custom ~extended ~rhs:None op arg1
| _, _ -> None ) ) )

let rec all_args_unlabeled acc = function
| [] -> Some (List.rev acc)
| (Asttypes.Nolabel, e) :: tl -> all_args_unlabeled (e :: acc) tl
| _ :: _ -> None

let get_sugar ident args =
match all_args_unlabeled [] args with
| None | Some [] -> None
| Some (lhs :: args) -> (
match ident with
| {pexp_desc= Pexp_ident {txt= ident; loc}; pexp_attributes= []; _}
(* We only use the sugared form if it was already used in the
source. *)
when loc.loc_ghost -> (
match get_sugar_ident ident args with
| None -> None
| Some (op, rhs) -> Some {lhs; op; rhs; loc} )
| _ -> None )
[ ("{}", Asttypes.Brace, false)
; ("[]", Bracket, false)
; ("()", Paren, false)
; ("{;..}", Brace, true)
; ("[;..]", Bracket, true)
; ("(;..)", Paren, true) ]

module String_id = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,8 +210,6 @@ module Exp = struct

let is_infix = test_id ~f:Longident.is_infix

let is_index_op = test_id ~f:Longident.is_index_op

let is_monadic_binding = test_id ~f:Longident.is_monadic_binding

let is_symbol = test_id ~f:Longident.is_symbol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1393,7 +1309,8 @@ end = struct
|Pexp_poly _ | Pexp_record _ | Pexp_send _ | Pexp_sequence _
|Pexp_setfield _ | Pexp_setinstvar _ | Pexp_tuple _
|Pexp_unreachable | Pexp_variant _ | Pexp_while _ | Pexp_hole
|Pexp_beginend _ | Pexp_cons _ | Pexp_letopen _ ->
|Pexp_beginend _ | Pexp_cons _ | Pexp_letopen _
|Pexp_indexop_access _ ->
assert false
| Pexp_extension (_, ext) -> assert (check_extensions ext)
| Pexp_object {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1506,16 +1423,15 @@ end = struct
| _ -> false ) )
| Pexp_fun (_, default, _, body) ->
assert (Option.value_map default ~default:false ~f || body == exp)
| Pexp_apply (e0, args)
when Option.is_some (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) ->
let op = Option.value_exn (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) in
let in_args =
match op.op with
| Defined (e2, _) -> e2 == exp
| Extended (args, _) | Special (args, _) -> List.exists args ~f
let in_rhs = Option.value_map ~default:false ~f op.rhs in
assert (e0 == exp || op.lhs == exp || in_args || in_rhs)
| Pexp_indexop_access {pia_lhs; pia_kind= Builtin idx; pia_rhs; _} ->
assert (
pia_lhs == exp || idx == exp
|| Option.value_map pia_rhs ~default:false ~f )
| Pexp_indexop_access
{pia_lhs; pia_kind= Dotop (_, _, idx); pia_rhs; _} ->
assert (
pia_lhs == exp || List.exists ~f idx
|| Option.value_map pia_rhs ~default:false ~f )
| Pexp_apply (e0, e1N) ->
assert (e0 == exp || List.exists e1N ~f:snd_f)
| Pexp_tuple e1N | Pexp_array e1N | Pexp_list e1N | Pexp_cons e1N ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1629,6 +1545,12 @@ end = struct
Exp.is_trivial e0
&& List.for_all e1N ~f:(snd >> Exp.is_trivial)
&& fit_margin c (width xexp)
| Pexp_indexop_access {pia_lhs; pia_kind; pia_rhs= None; _} ->
Exp.is_trivial pia_lhs
&& ( match pia_kind with
| Builtin idx -> Exp.is_trivial idx
| Dotop (_, _, idx) -> List.for_all idx ~f:Exp.is_trivial )
&& fit_margin c (width xexp)
| Pexp_extension (_, PStr [{pstr_desc= Pstr_eval (e0, []); _}]) ->
is_simple c width (sub_exp ~ctx e0)
| Pexp_extension (_, (PStr [] | PTyp _)) -> true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1741,12 +1663,10 @@ end = struct
match i.[0] with
| '!' | '?' | '~' -> Some (High, Non)
| _ -> Some (Apply, Non) ) )
| Pexp_apply (e0, args)
when Option.is_some (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) -> (
let op = Option.value_exn (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) in
if op.lhs == exp then Some (Dot, Left)
| Pexp_indexop_access {pia_lhs= lhs; pia_rhs= rhs; _} -> (
if lhs == exp then Some (Dot, Left)
match op.rhs with
match rhs with
| Some e when e == exp -> Some (LessMinus, Right)
| _ -> Some (Low, Left) )
| Pexp_apply
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1836,10 +1756,8 @@ end = struct
| "!=" -> Some Apply
| _ -> (
match i.[0] with '!' | '?' | '~' -> Some High | _ -> Some Apply ) )
| Pexp_apply (e0, args)
when Option.is_some (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) -> (
let op = Option.value_exn (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) in
match op.rhs with Some _ -> Some LessMinus | _ -> Some Dot )
| Pexp_indexop_access {pia_rhs= rhs; _} -> (
match rhs with Some _ -> Some LessMinus | _ -> Some Dot )
| Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc= Pexp_ident {txt= Lident i; _}; _}, [_; _])
-> (
match (i.[0], i) with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2130,9 +2048,6 @@ end = struct
| Pexp_function cases | Pexp_match (_, cases) | Pexp_try (_, cases)
continue (List.last_exn cases).pc_rhs
| Pexp_apply (e0, args)
when Option.is_some (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) ->
| Pexp_apply (_, args) -> continue (snd (List.last_exn args))
| Pexp_tuple es -> continue (List.last_exn es)
| Pexp_array _ | Pexp_list _ | Pexp_coerce _ | Pexp_constant _
Expand All @@ -2142,7 +2057,8 @@ end = struct
|Pexp_new _ | Pexp_object _ | Pexp_override _ | Pexp_pack _
|Pexp_poly _ | Pexp_record _ | Pexp_send _ | Pexp_unreachable
|Pexp_variant (_, None)
|Pexp_hole | Pexp_while _ | Pexp_beginend _ ->
|Pexp_hole | Pexp_while _ | Pexp_beginend _ | Pexp_indexop_access _
Exp.mem_cls cls exp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2207,11 +2123,8 @@ end = struct
List.iter cases ~f:(fun case ->
mark_parenzed_inner_nested_match case.pc_rhs ) ;
| Pexp_apply (e0, args)
when Option.is_some (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) -> (
match Option.value_exn (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) with
| {rhs= Some e; _} -> continue e
| {rhs= None; _} -> false )
| Pexp_indexop_access {pia_rhs= rhs; _} -> (
match rhs with Some e -> continue e | None -> false )
| Pexp_apply (_, args) -> continue (snd (List.last_exn args))
| Pexp_tuple es -> continue (List.last_exn es)
| Pexp_array _ | Pexp_list _ | Pexp_coerce _ | Pexp_constant _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2240,9 +2153,6 @@ end = struct
&& Option.value_map ~default:false (prec_ast ctx) ~f:(fun p -> p Apply < 0 ) ->
| Pexp_apply (e0, (_ :: (_, e2) :: _ as args))
when e2 == exp && Option.is_some (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) ->
| Pexp_tuple e1N -> List.last_exn e1N == xexp.ast
| _ -> false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2339,20 +2249,35 @@ end = struct
match (args, pexp_attributes) with
| [(Nolabel, _)], [] -> false
| _ -> true )
| ( Exp {pexp_desc= Pexp_apply (e0, ((_, e) :: _ as args)); _}
| ( Exp {pexp_desc= Pexp_indexop_access {pia_lhs= lhs; _}; _}
, {pexp_desc= Pexp_construct _ | Pexp_cons _; _} )
when e == exp && Option.is_some (Indexing_op.get_sugar e0 args) ->
when lhs == exp ->
| Exp {pexp_desc= Pexp_indexop_access {pia_kind= Builtin idx; _}; _}, _
when idx == exp ->
| ( Exp
{ pexp_desc=
{pia_kind= Dotop (_, _, [idx]); pia_paren= Paren; _}
; _ }
, _ )
when idx == exp && not (Exp.is_sequence idx) ->
| ( Exp {pexp_desc= Pexp_apply (op1, [(_, e)]); _}
, {pexp_desc= Pexp_apply (_, [(_, x); _]); _} )
when e == exp && Exp.is_prefix op1 && Exp.exposed_left x ->
| ( Exp {pexp_desc= Pexp_apply (op1, [(_, e)]); _}
, {pexp_desc= Pexp_indexop_access {pia_lhs= lhs; _}; _} )
when e == exp && Exp.is_prefix op1 && Exp.exposed_left lhs ->
(* Integers without suffixes must be parenthesised on the lhs of an
indexing operator *)
| ( Exp {pexp_desc= Pexp_apply (op, (Nolabel, left) :: _); _}
| ( Exp {pexp_desc= Pexp_indexop_access {pia_lhs= lhs; _}; _}
, { pexp_desc= Pexp_constant {pconst_desc= Pconst_integer (_, None); _}
; _ } )
when exp == left && Exp.is_index_op op ->
when exp == lhs ->
| ( Exp {pexp_desc= Pexp_field (e, _); _}
, {pexp_desc= Pexp_construct _ | Pexp_cons _; _} )
Expand Down
31 changes: 0 additions & 31 deletions lib/Ast.mli
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Expand Up @@ -105,37 +105,6 @@ module Exp : sig
prefix operators. *)

module Indexing_op : sig
type brackets = Round | Square | Curly

type custom_operator =
{ path: string list (** eg. [a.X.Y.*{b}] *)
; opchars: string
; brackets: brackets }

type indexing_op =
| Defined of expression * custom_operator
(** [.*( a )]: take a single argument *)
| Extended of expression list * custom_operator
(** [.*( a; b; c )]: take several arguments, separated by [;] *)
| Special of expression list * brackets
(** [.()], [.\[\]] and bigarray operators: take several arguments,
separated by [,] *)

type t =
{ lhs: expression
; op: indexing_op
; rhs: expression option (** eg. [a.*{b} <- exp] *)
; loc: Location.t }

val get_sugar :
expression -> (Asttypes.arg_label * expression) list -> t option
(** [get_sugar e args] is [Some all] if [e] is an identifier that is an
indexing operator and if the sugar syntax is already used in the
source, [None] otherwise. [args] should be the arguments of the
corresponding [Pexp_apply]. *)

val doc_atrs :
?acc:(string Location.loc * bool) list
-> attributes
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