Go online translation package
go get github.com/nuveo/translate
- Microsoft
- or send us the next Translator API 😄
package main
import (
func main() {
// gettind your credentials here in: http://www.microsoft.com/translator/getstarted.aspx
t := µsoft.AuthRequest{"client_id", "client_secret"}
// Generate a token valid for 10 minutes
tokenResponse := microsoft.GetAccessToken(t)
text := "one two three"
from := "en"
to := "pt"
toTranslate := µsoft.TextTranslate{
Text: text, From: from, To: to, TokenResponse: tokenResponse,
// Get translate of text, return the word translated and error
resp, err := microsoft.TranslateText(toTranslate)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(resp) // um dois três
texts := []string{"one two three", "the book on the table"}
toTranslate.Texts = texts
// or get translate of array of strings
resps, err := microsoft.TranslateTexts(toTranslate)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(resps) // [um dois três o livro em cima da mesa]
// Detect the language of texts
detect := []string{"mundo", "world", "monde"}
toTranslate.Texts = detect
respsD, err := microsoft.DetectText(toTranslate)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(respsD, toTranslate.Texts) // [es en fr]
Now Translate make cache of words translated.
// to activate cache
toTranslate := µsoft.TextTranslate{
Text: text, From: from, To: to, TokenResponse: tokenResponse, Cache: true,