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github-actions[bot] committed Mar 7, 2025
2 parents 79a3498 + 078ffd8 commit cf161dd
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Expand Up @@ -75,20 +75,36 @@ NIP-01


<<<<<<< HEAD
- `e`タグ。イベントを参照するために用いる: `["e", <他のイベントIDの32バイト小文字16進数文字列>, <おすすめのリレーURL、省略可能>]`
- `p`タグ。別のユーザを参照するために用いる: `["p", <pubkeyの32バイト小文字16進数文字列>, <おすすめのリレーURL、省略可能>]`
- `a`タグ。アドレス指定可能 (addressable) または置換可能 (replaceable) イベントを参照するために用いる。
- アドレス指定可能 (addressable) イベントの場合: `["a", <kind整数>:<pubkeyの32バイト小文字16進数文字列>:<dタグの値>, <おすすめリレーURL、省略可能>]`
- 置換可能 (replaceable) イベントの場合: `["a", <kind整数>:<pubkeyの32バイト小文字16進数文字列>:, <おすすめリレーURL、省略可能>]`
- The `e` tag, used to refer to an event: `["e", <32-bytes lowercase hex of the id of another event>, <recommended relay URL, optional>, <32-bytes lowercase hex of the author's pubkey, optional>]`
- The `p` tag, used to refer to another user: `["p", <32-bytes lowercase hex of a pubkey>, <recommended relay URL, optional>]`
- The `a` tag, used to refer to an addressable or replaceable event
- for an addressable event: `["a", "<kind integer>:<32-bytes lowercase hex of a pubkey>:<d tag value>", <recommended relay URL, optional>]`
- for a normal replaceable event: `["a", "<kind integer>:<32-bytes lowercase hex of a pubkey>:", <recommended relay URL, optional>]` (note: include the trailing colon)
>>>>>>> upstream/master
慣例として、全ての1文字(英語のアルファベットa-zとA-Zに限る)キーをもつタグは、リレーによってインデクスされることが期待される。これにより、例えば、イベント`"5c83da77af1dec6d7289834998ad7aafbd9e2191396d75ec3cc27f5a77226f36"`を参照しているイベントをクエリしたり購読するために、`{"#e": ["5c83da77af1dec6d7289834998ad7aafbd9e2191396d75ec3cc27f5a77226f36"]}`フィルタを使える。

### Kinds

<<<<<<< HEAD
Kindはクライアントがイベントやイベントのフィールドをどう解釈すべきかを決める(たとえば、`"r"`タグのkind 1における意味は、kind 10002のイベントにおける意味と全く異なる可能性がある)。それぞれのNIPにおいて、他の場所で定義されていないkindの意味を定義する可能性がある。このNIPでは、以下のように2つの基本的なkindを定義する。

- `0`: **メタデータ**: `content`は文字列化されたJSONオブジェクト`{name: <ユーザ名>, about: <文字列>, picture: <URL、文字列>}`で、イベントを作成したユーザのことを記述する。リレーは、同一のpubkeyから新しいイベントを受信した際、過去のイベントを削除できる。
- `1`: **テキスト投稿**: `content`はノート(ユーザが発言したいこと)を**プレーンテキスト**で指定する。パースが必要なコンテンツ(マークダウンやHTMLなど)を使用すべきではない。クライアントもコンテンツをそのようにパースをしてはならない。
Kinds specify how clients should interpret the meaning of each event and the other fields of each event (e.g. an `"r"` tag may have a meaning in an event of kind 1 and an entirely different meaning in an event of kind 10002). Each NIP may define the meaning of a set of kinds that weren't defined elsewhere. [NIP-10](, for instance, especifies the `kind:1` text note for social media applications.

This NIP defines one basic kind:

- `0`: **user metadata**: the `content` is set to a stringified JSON object `{name: <nickname or full name>, about: <short bio>, picture: <url of the image>}` describing the user who created the event. [Extra metadata fields]( may be set. A relay may delete older events once it gets a new one for the same pubkey.
>>>>>>> upstream/master

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,6 +176,7 @@ Kindはクライアントがイベントやイベントのフィールドをど
- `EVENT`メッセージは、クライアントが(前述の`REQ`メッセージを用いて)以前に開始した購読IDと紐付けられたものだけが送信されなければならない(MUST)。
- `OK`メッセージは、クライアントから受信した`EVENT`メッセージに対する返信として送信されなければならない(MUST)。3番目のパラメータは、リレーがメッセージを受理する場合は`true`を、そうでなければ`false`を指定しなければならない。4番目のパラメータも必須で(MUST)、3番目が`true`の場合は空文字列でもかまわない(MAY)が、そうでなければ、機械可読な一語のプレフィクスに続けて`:`と人間可読なメッセージを含まなければならない(MUST)。例は以下の通り:
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", true, ""]`
<<<<<<< HEAD
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", true, "pow: difficulty 25>=24"]` pow: 難易度25は24以上
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", true, "duplicate: already have this event"]` 重複: すでにこのイベントは存在している
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "blocked: you are banned from posting here"]` ブロックされている: あなたはここで投稿することが禁止されている
Expand All @@ -173,3 +190,19 @@ Kindはクライアントがイベントやイベントのフィールドをど
* `["CLOSED", "sub1", "error: could not connect to the database"]` エラー: データベースに接続できなかった
* `["CLOSED", "sub1", "error: shutting down idle subscription"]` エラー: アイドル状態の購読をシャットダウン
- `OK``CLOSED`の標準化されている機械可読なプレフィクスは、`duplicate``pow``blocked``rate-limited``invalid``error`(他のどれにも当てはまらない場合)である。
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", true, "pow: difficulty 25>=24"]`
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", true, "duplicate: already have this event"]`
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "blocked: you are banned from posting here"]`
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "blocked: please register your pubkey at"]`
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "rate-limited: slow down there chief"]`
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "invalid: event creation date is too far off from the current time"]`
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "pow: difficulty 26 is less than 30"]`
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "restricted: not allowed to write."]`
* `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "error: could not connect to the database"]`
- `CLOSED` messages MUST be sent in response to a `REQ` when the relay refuses to fulfill it. It can also be sent when a relay decides to kill a subscription on its side before a client has disconnected or sent a `CLOSE`. This message uses the same pattern of `OK` messages with the machine-readable prefix and human-readable message. Some examples:
* `["CLOSED", "sub1", "unsupported: filter contains unknown elements"]`
* `["CLOSED", "sub1", "error: could not connect to the database"]`
* `["CLOSED", "sub1", "error: shutting down idle subscription"]`
- The standardized machine-readable prefixes for `OK` and `CLOSED` are: `duplicate`, `pow`, `blocked`, `rate-limited`, `invalid`, `restricted`, and `error` for when none of that fits.
>>>>>>> upstream/master
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ async window.nostr.signEvent(event: { created_at: number, kind: number, tags: st

async window.nostr.getRelays(): { [url: string]: {read: boolean, write: boolean} } // returns a basic map of relay urls to relay policies
async window.nostr.nip04.encrypt(pubkey, plaintext): string // returns ciphertext and iv as specified in nip-04 (deprecated)
async window.nostr.nip04.decrypt(pubkey, ciphertext): string // takes ciphertext and iv as specified in nip-04 (deprecated)
async window.nostr.nip44.encrypt(pubkey, plaintext): string // returns ciphertext as specified in nip-44
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@@ -1,26 +1,43 @@

On "e" and "p" tags in Text Events (kind 1)
Text Notes and Threads

`draft` `optional`

This NIP defines `kind:1` as a simple plaintext note.

## Abstract
This NIP describes how to use "e" and "p" tags in text events, especially those that are replies to other text events. It helps clients thread the replies into a tree rooted at the original event.

The `.content` property contains some human-readable text.

`e` tags can be used to define note thread roots and replies. They SHOULD be sorted by the reply stack from root to the direct parent.

`q` tags MAY be used when citing events in the `.content` with [NIP-21](

["q", "<event-id> or <event-address>", "<relay-url>", "<pubkey-if-a-regular-event>"]

Authors of the `e` and `q` tags SHOULD be added as `p` tags to notify of a new reply or quote.

Markup languages such as markdown and HTML SHOULD NOT be used.

## Marked "e" tags (PREFERRED)

Kind 1 events with `e` tags are replies to other kind 1 events. Kind 1 replies MUST NOT be used to reply to other kinds, use [NIP-22]( instead.

`["e", <event-id>, <relay-url>, <marker>, <pubkey>]`


* `<event-id>` is the id of the event being referenced.
* `<relay-url>` is the URL of a recommended relay associated with the reference. Clients SHOULD add a valid `<relay-url>` field, but may instead leave it as `""`.
* `<marker>` is optional and if present is one of `"reply"`, `"root"`, or `"mention"`.
* `<marker>` is optional and if present is one of `"reply"`, `"root"`.
* `<pubkey>` is optional, SHOULD be the pubkey of the author of the referenced event

Those marked with `"reply"` denote the id of the reply event being responded to. Those marked with `"root"` denote the root id of the reply thread being responded to. For top level replies (those replying directly to the root event), only the `"root"` marker should be used. Those marked with `"mention"` denote a quoted or reposted event id.
Those marked with `"reply"` denote the id of the reply event being responded to. Those marked with `"root"` denote the root id of the reply thread being responded to. For top level replies (those replying directly to the root event), only the `"root"` marker should be used.

A direct reply to the root of a thread should have a single marked "e" tag of type "root".

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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Kind `14` is a chat message. `p` tags identify one or more receivers of the mess
  "tags": [
    ["p", "<receiver-1-pubkey>", "<relay-url>"],
    ["p", "<receiver-2-pubkey>", "<relay-url>"],
    ["e", "<kind-14-id>", "<relay-url>", "reply"] // if this is a reply
    ["e", "<kind-14-id>", "<relay-url>"] // if this is a reply
["subject", "<conversation-title>"],
    // rest of tags...
Expand All @@ -31,10 +31,56 @@ Kind `14` is a chat message. `p` tags identify one or more receivers of the mess

`.content` MUST be plain text. Fields `id` and `created_at` are required.

Tags that mention, quote and assemble threading structures MUST follow [NIP-10](
An `e` tag denotes the direct parent message this post is replying to.

`q` tags MAY be used when citing events in the `.content` with [NIP-21](

["q", "<event-id> or <event-address>", "<relay-url>", "<pubkey-if-a-regular-event>"]

Kind `14`s MUST never be signed. If it is signed, the message might leak to relays and become **fully public**.

## File Message Kind

"id": "<usual hash>",
"pubkey": "<sender-pubkey>",
"created_at": "<current-time>",
"kind": 15,
"tags": [
["p", "<receiver-1-pubkey>", "<relay-url>"],
["p", "<receiver-2-pubkey>", "<relay-url>"],
["e", "<kind-14-id>", "<relay-url>", "reply"], // if this is a reply
["subject", "<conversation-title>"],
["file-type", "<file-mime-type>"],
["encryption-algorithm", "<encryption-algorithm>"],
["decryption-key", "<decryption-key>"],
["decryptiion-nonce", "<decryption-nonce>"],
["x", "<the SHA-256 hexencoded string of the file>"],
// rest of tags...
"content": "<file-url>"

Kind 15 is used for sending encrypted file event messages:

- `file-type`: Specifies the MIME type of the attached file (e.g., `image/jpeg`, `audio/mpeg`, etc.).
- `encryption-algorithm`: Indicates the encryption algorithm used for encrypting the file. Supported algorithms may include `aes-gcm`, `chacha20-poly1305`,`aes-cbc` etc.
- `decryption-key`: The decryption key that will be used by the recipient to decrypt the file.
- `decryption-nonce`: The decryption nonce that will be used by the recipient to decrypt the file.
- `content`: The URL of the file (`<file-url>`).
- `x` containing the SHA-256 hexencoded string of the file.
- `size` (optional) size of file in bytes
- `dim` (optional) size of file in pixels in the form `<width>x<height>`
- `blurhash`(optional) the [blurhash]( to show while the file is being loaded by the client
- `thumb` (optional) url of thumbnail with same aspect ratio
- `fallback` (optional) zero or more fallback file sources in case `url` fails

Just like kind 14, kind `15`s MUST never be signed.

## Chat Rooms

The set of `pubkey` + `p` tags defines a chat room. If a new `p` tag is added or a current one is removed, a new room is created with clean message history.
Expand All @@ -45,7 +91,7 @@ An optional `subject` tag defines the current name/topic of the conversation. An

## Encrypting

Following [NIP-59](, the **unsigned** `kind:14` chat message must be sealed (`kind:13`) and then gift-wrapped (`kind:1059`) to each receiver and the sender individually.
Following [NIP-59](, the **unsigned** `kind:14` & `kind:15` chat message must be sealed (`kind:13`) and then gift-wrapped (`kind:1059`) to each receiver and the sender individually.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +179,7 @@ When sending a message to anyone, clients must then connect to the relays in the

This example sends the message `Hola, que tal?` from `nsec1w8udu59ydjvedgs3yv5qccshcj8k05fh3l60k9x57asjrqdpa00qkmr89m` to `nsec12ywtkplvyq5t6twdqwwygavp5lm4fhuang89c943nf2z92eez43szvn4dt`.

The two final GiftWraps, one to the receiver and the other to the sender, are:
The two final GiftWraps, one to the receiver and the other to the sender, respectively, are:

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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ NIP-18
リポストは`kind 1`テキスト投稿が読む価値を持つことを
フォロワーへ知らせるために使われる`kind 6`イベントである。

<<<<<<< HEAD
リポストイベントの`content`_リポストされた投稿を文字列化したJSON_ だ。これは空でもかまわない (MAY) が、推奨されない。
The `content` of a repost event is _the stringified JSON of the reposted note_. It MAY also be empty, but that is not recommended.
Reposts of [NIP-70]( events SHOULD always have an empty `content`.
>>>>>>> upstream/master
リポストイベントはリポストされた投稿の`id`を持つ`e`タグを含まなければならない (MUST) 。
Expand All @@ -36,5 +41,11 @@ NIP-18
「汎用リポスト」として用い、これは`kind 1`以外のあらゆる種類のイベントを含めることが

<<<<<<< HEAD
`kind 16`のリポストは、リポストされたイベントの文字列化されたkind番号を値とする
`k`タグを含むべきだ (SHOULD) 。
`kind 16` reposts SHOULD contain a `k` tag with the stringified kind number
of the reposted event as its value.

>>>>>>> upstream/master

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