Hopefully GTK3 Bindings using gobject binding for Go.
Goal is to have fairly complete gtk3 widgets
with pango, gdkpixbuf and cairo objects.
go get github.com/norisatir/go-gtk3/gtk3
For demo:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/norisatir/go-gtk3/demo
go build
(Demo apps are taken from gtk3 demo apps, translated to go)
Under same terms and conditions as the Go language,
BSD style license
"Gtk" has been stripped from the names.
- AccelGroups
- Clipboard
- Widget
- Container
- Bin
- Range
- Window
- Dialog
- MessageDialog
- Invisible
- Assistant
- Label
- ProgressBar
- Image
- Statusbar
- Spinner
- InfoBar
- Button
- ToggleButton
- CheckButton
- RadioButton
- LinkButton
- Switch
- Entry
- EntryBuffer
- EntryCompletion
- Scale
- SpinButton
- TextTag
- TextTagTable
- TextIter
- TextBuffer
- TextChildAnchor
- TextView
- TreePath
- TreeRowReference
- TreeIter
- TreeModel
- ListStore
- TreeStore
- CellArea
- CellAreaContext
- CellLayout
- CellView
- CellRenderer (and brothers)
- TreeViewColumn
- TreeSelection
- TreeView
- ComboBox
- ComboBoxText
- MenuShell
- Menu
- MenuBar
- MenuItem (and brothers)
- ColorButton
- Action
- Grid
- Box
- ButtonBox
- Paned
- Notebook
- Frame
- Separator
- ScrollBar
- ScrolledWindow
- Application
- Matej Knific