Command line tools for managing Garmin Connect workouts.
- Target power is set according to Your current FTP.
- All workouts under Your control stored as JSON files.
- Easy to understand workout format, see examples below.
- Workout parts like warm-up or cool-down are reusable.
- The most important parameters (TSS, IF, NP) embedded in workout description field.
- Python 3.x (doc)
Clone this repo:
$ git clone
Use the venv command to create a virtual copy of the entire Python installation.:
$ cd garmin-workouts
$ python3 -m venv venv
Set your shell to use the venv paths for Python by activating the virtual environment:
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
First call to Garmin Connect takes some time to authenticate user. Once user is authenticated cookie jar is created with session cookies for further calls. It is required due to strict request limits for Garmin SSO service.
Import workouts into Garmin Connect from definitions in YAML files. If the workout already exists it will be updated:
$ python -m garminworkouts -u [GARMIN_USERNAME] -p [GARMIN_PASSWORD] import --ftp [YOUR_FTP] 'sample_workouts/*.yaml'
Sample workout definition:
name: "Boring as hell but simple workout"
- { power: 50, duration: "10:00" }
- { power: 70, duration: "20:00" }
- { duration: "5:00" }
- { power: 70, duration: "20:00" }
- { power: 50 }
- Target power is defined as percent of FTP (provided as mandatory command line parameter). If the target power is not specified "No target" will be used for the workout step.
- Target power may be defined as absolute value like: "150W", it could be useful in FTP ramp tests.
- Duration is defined as HH:MM:SS (or MM:SS, or SS) format. If the duration is not specified "Lap Button Press" will be used to move into next workout step.
Reusing workout definitions:
name: "Boring as hell but simple workout"
- !include inc/warmup.yaml
- { power: 70, duration: "20:00" }
- { duration: "5:00" }
- { power: 70, duration: "20:00" }
- !include inc/cooldown.yaml
is a custom YAML directive for including another file as a part of the workout.
Reusing workout steps:
name: "Boring as hell but simple workout"
- !include inc/warmup.yaml
- &INTERVAL { power: 70, duration: "20:00" }
- { duration: "5:00" }
- !include inc/cooldown.yaml
- Thanks to YAML aliases, workout steps can be easily reused once defined.
Sample Over-Under workout:
name: "OverUnder 3x9"
- !include inc/warmup.yaml
- &UNDER { power: 95, duration: "2:00" }
- &OVER { power: 105, duration: "1:00" }
- { power: 50, duration: "3:00" }
- !include inc/cooldown.yaml
- All nested sections are mapped as repeated steps in Garmin Connect. First repeat for warmup, second repeat for main interval (repeated 3 times) and the last one for cooldown.
To import your workout from an xlsx
file, construct a table in excel that looks like this (making sure that all excel cells are set to text and not to date or any other format):
Start | End | Duration |
43 | 85 | 3:00 |
85 | 15:00 | |
85 | 43 | 2:00 |
If your "start" and "end" power for a step differ, a ramp of 10 seconds steps will be created by default for the choosen duration. If more than 50 total steps are to be uploaded ramp's steps will get longer so that the total number of steps is under Garmins maximum value of 50. TIPS Do not use your TACX without the power cable as your Garmin will have a hard time controlling the trainer while changing from one step to the next. Turn off the tones in your Garmin. If you wish to give your values in W instead of % of your FTP:
Start | End | Duration |
80W | 160W | 3:00 |
160W | 15:00 | |
160W | 80W | 2:00 |
You can then import as with the yaml
$ python -m garminworkouts -u [GARMIN_USERNAME] -p [GARMIN_PASSWORD] import --ftp [YOUR_FTP] my.workout.xlsx
This will generate a yaml
file with the name my.workout.xlsx
. The name of the workout will be "my.workout".
Export all workouts from Garmin Connect into local directory as FIT files. This is the easiest way to synchronize all workouts with Garmin device:
$ python -m garminworkouts -u [GARMIN_USERNAME] -p [GARMIN_PASSWORD] export /mnt/GARMIN/NewFiles
Print summary for all workouts (workout identifier, workout name and description):
$ python -m garminworkouts -u [GARMIN_USERNAME] -p [GARMIN_PASSWORD] list
188952654 VO2MAX 5x4 FTP 214, TSS 80, NP 205, IF 0.96
188952362 TEMPO 3x15 FTP 214, TSS 68, NP 172, IF 0.81
188952359 SS 3x12 FTP 214, TSS 65, NP 178, IF 0.83
188952356 VO2MAX 5x3 FTP 214, TSS 63, NP 202, IF 0.95
188952357 OU 3x9 FTP 214, TSS 62, NP 188, IF 0.88
188952354 SS 4x9 FTP 214, TSS 65, NP 178, IF 0.83
188952350 TEMPO 3x10 FTP 214, TSS 49, NP 169, IF 0.79
188952351 TEMPO 3x12 FTP 214, TSS 57, NP 171, IF 0.80
188952349 OU 3x6 FTP 214, TSS 47, NP 181, IF 0.85
188952348 SS 6x6 FTP 214, TSS 65, NP 178, IF 0.83
127739603 FTP RAMP FTP 214, TSS 62, NP 230, IF 1.08
Print full workout definition (as JSON):
$ python -m garminworkouts -u [GARMIN_USERNAME] -p [GARMIN_PASSWORD] get --id [WORKOUT_ID]
{"workoutId": 188952654, "ownerId": 2043461, "workoutName": "VO2MAX 5x4", "description": "FTP 214, TSS 80, NP 205, IF 0.96", "updatedDate": "2020-02-11T14:37:56.0", ...
Permanently delete workout from Garmin Connect:
$ python -m garminworkouts -u [GARMIN_USERNAME] -p [GARMIN_PASSWORD] delete --id [WORKOUT_ID]