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This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 13, 2020. It is now read-only.


This branch is 1 commit ahead of, 1 commit behind master.

Repository files navigation


Web-based S3 file browser.

Local Development

Install required tools.

npm install -g gulp-cli

Install project packages.

npm install

Run the development server.

gulp serve

Vagrant Development

Spin up the Vagrant development box and SSH into it.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Navigate to the shared project folder and install project packages.

cd /vagrant
npm install

Run the development server.

gulp serve


Create a release build.

gulp build


Create a development build.

gulp dev


Run the TypeScript linter.

gulp tslint


Increment the s3commander npm package. Currently the version is stored under the name s3commander in:


Commit version update using git commit with description:

Update s3commander to version <new version>

Push the changes and merge with master.

Launch a browser and navigate to:

Click the tag labeled (number) releases.

Click "Draft New Release".

Title and tag the release with the new version (Ex. v0.12.1).

Add a description about what is new.

Publish the release.


  • AWS S3
  • (Planned) Backblaze B2


When you're working with AWS S3 buckets you need to configure an appropriate CORS policy. The one provided below is useful for development because it allows all requests from anywhere but you will want to use something different in production.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">

AWS recommends configuring the bucket with a lifecycle rule to abort incomplete multipart uploads. This will minimize your storage costs by removing the data for incomplete multipart uploads that may have been interrupted.

The HTML file upload functionality uses an HTTPS API endpoint based on the bucket name (i.e. https://<bucket> If the bucket name has dots (.) in the name this will fail because you can't use HTTPS with subdomains.


The following HTML classes are made available alongside file types if you wish to style them in your own application with a library like FontAwesome:

  • Folders: s3c-folder-icon
  • Delete markers: s3c-delete-icon
  • Version markers: s3c-version-icon
