Warning: This extension is no longer supported and should not be used. You can find the official replacement extension here on GitHub
The DHL Shipping extension for Magento® 2 integrates the DHL Business Customer Shipping API or the DHL eCommerce Global Label API into the order processing workflow.
This extension enables merchants to request shipping labels for incoming orders via the DHL Business Customer Shipping API (DHL Geschäftskundenversand-API) or the DHL eCommerce Global Label API.
For more details on the API connections, see the documentation.
- PHP >= 7.0.6
- PHP >= 7.1.0
- PHP >= 7.2.0
- PHP >= 7.3.0
- Magento >= 2.2.4
- Magento >= 2.3.0
The DHL Shipping module for Magento® 2 can be installed from the following sources:
As an integrator you installed Magento using Composer and acquired the DHL Shipping module on Magento Marketplace (free of charge).
The Composer repository https://repo.magento.com/ is declared in your root composer.json
which allows you to directly install the module like this:
composer require dhl/module-shipping-m2
During installation, Composer might ask for a user and password. You must use the public and private key of the Magento Marketplace user which was used to purchase the module.
If you want to contribute to the module, you can declare the GitHub repository in your
root composer.json
and install the module like this:
composer config repositories.dhl-shipping-m2 vcs https://github.com/netresearch/dhl-module-shipping-m2.git
composer require dhl/module-shipping-m2
Once the source files are installed, make them known to the application:
./bin/magento module:enable Dhl_Shipping
./bin/magento setup:upgrade
And finally: flush the cache, compile, and deploy the static content:
./bin/magento cache:flush
./bin/magento setup:di:compile
./bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy <list_of_locales>
The list of locales could be something like: en_US en_GB fr_FR de_DE it_IT
The following sections describe how to uninstall the module from your Magento® 2 instance.
To unregister the shipping module from the application, run the following command:
./bin/magento module:uninstall --remove-data Dhl_Shipping
composer update
This will automatically remove source files, clean up the database, update package dependencies.
To uninstall the module manually, run the following commands in your project root directory:
./bin/magento module:disable Dhl_Shipping
composer remove dhl/module-shipping-m2
To clean up the database, run the following commands:
DROP TABLE `dhlshipping_quote_address`, `dhlshipping_order_address`;
DROP TABLE `dhlshipping_quote_address_service_selection`, `dhlshipping_order_address_service_selection`;
DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE `attribute_code` IN ('dhl_dangerous_goods_category', 'dhl_tariff_number', 'dhl_export_description');
ALTER TABLE `quote` DROP COLUMN `dhl_service_charge`, DROP COLUMN `base_dhl_service_charge`;
ALTER TABLE `quote_address` DROP COLUMN `dhl_service_charge`, DROP COLUMN `base_dhl_service_charge`;
ALTER TABLE `sales_order` DROP COLUMN `dhl_service_charge`, DROP COLUMN `base_dhl_service_charge`;
ALTER TABLE `sales_invoice` DROP COLUMN `dhl_service_charge`, DROP COLUMN `base_dhl_service_charge`;
ALTER TABLE `sales_creditmemo` DROP COLUMN `dhl_service_charge`, DROP COLUMN `base_dhl_service_charge`;
DELETE FROM `core_config_data` WHERE `path` LIKE 'carriers/dhlshipping/%';
DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `module` = 'Dhl_Shipping';
In case of questions or problems, please have a look at the Support Portal (FAQ) first.
Also check the user documentation.
If the issue cannot be resolved, you can contact the support team via the Support Portal or by sending an email to [email protected].
- Christoph Aßmann | Netresearch GmbH & Co. KG | @mam08ixo
- Sebastian Ertner | Netresearch GmbH & Co. KG
- Benjamin Heuer | Netresearch GmbH & Co. KG
- Paul Siedler | Netresearch GmbH & Co. KG | @powlomat
OSL - Open Software Licence 3.0
(c) 2019 DHL Paket GmbH