This work is based on the DOCSIFY magical site generator project.
This is a work in progress and is being updated.
G'day, I'm known as Coweater and I'm the lead designer for an indie RPG 7th Extinction. I needed something simple to create and host my SRD and after searching the web and a lot of trial & error I settled on Docsify, thanks Gulluth for your previous work. Knowing that not everyone is technically minded I wanted to do more than point indie developers to Docsify and say 'use this'.
So the plan is to continue to tweak and develop this, ensuring to keep it a simple project that any indie rpg can use to create great looking SRD online with zero cost and little technical knowledge.
- This work uses the DOCSIFY magical site generator project.
- Gulluth guide requires some technical knowledge, it's where I started this journey so thank you to them!
- Docsify Dark/light theme used in this repo is based on (
- Big shout out to bronthlke for changes to Hamburger placement, overriding styles for Fonts.
- Fzankl's Flexible Alerts plugin (
- Erickjx's Fontawesome plugin (
- Added direct Material Icons Google support.