I'm Ned Batchelder, a Python software developer and community organizer.
- My personal site is nedbatchelder.com.
- I'm an organizer of Boston Python.
- I'm a member of the Python Docs Editorial Board.
- I work for an AI company, but have concerns about AI.
You can find me at:
- Bluesky: nedbat.com.
- Mastodon: @[email protected].
- Libera IRC: nedbat in #python.
- Discord: nedbat in the Python Discord.
My latest blog posts:
- Intricate interleaved iteration, 30 Jan
Someone asked recently, “is there any reason to use a generator if I need to store all the values anyway?” As it happens, I did just that in the code for this blog’s sidebar because I found it the most readable way to do it. Maybe it was a good idea, maybe not. (read..) - Nat running, 14 Jan
I took this picture nine years ago, but it’s still one of my favorites (read..) - Testing some tidbits, 4 Dec
A custom test harness for some esoteric Python expressions (read..) - Dinner, 1 Dec
My son Nat has autism, and one way it affects him is he can be very quiet and passive, even when he wants something very much. This played out on our drive home from Thanksgiving this week. (read..) - and many more..
I maintain a few Python packages, including:
- Coverage.py: The code coverage tool for Python
- Cog: Small bits of Python computation for static files
- Scriv: Changelog management tool
- Dinghy: A GitHub activity digest tool
- WatchGHA: Live display of current GitHub action runs
- Aptus: Mandelbrot fractal viewer
I've also made a few informal projects, some mathy art, and some small utilities:
- pkgsample, an simple example of how to package a Python project.
- Truchet images explores Truchet tiles, and rendering images with them. Blog post.
- Flourish is a harmonograph explorer. Blog post and live site.
- Stilted is a toy PostScript implementation. Blog post.
- Gefilte Fish is a Python-based DSL for writing Gmail filters. Blog post.
- Pydoctor shows details of your Python environment, for troubleshooting.
This is a Markdown page with embedded Python code rendered with cog. See my blog post Cogged GitHub profile for details.
Updated at 2025-03-07 02:48 UTC