HomeDash is a simplistic, centralized and dynamic dashboard application for your container based home network. It provides a REST API endpoint that allows you to add applications to the dashboard.
Features include:
- Single, statically compiled binary
- Basic UI for dashboard based on plain HTML, CSS and a sprinkling of VueJS
- Automated, regular removal/refresh of entries older that X minutes
- Configuration through environment variables or config.yml file
- Possibility to add statically defined applications through config file
- Swagger docs for REST API (see http://localhost:8080/static/docs)
- Distroless container image
- Multi-architecture container image
Keep in mind that this is intended for local usage, so there are no provisions for authentication, etc.
- Start HomeDash by either running the container or just starting the binary;
- Feed your HomeDash installation using either:
- the sidecar application or;
- the REST API, see http://localhost:8080/static/docs/ for details.
- Go to http://localhost:8080/ to view the dashboard. (or whatever URL you host it on)
An example docker-compose.yml file is included in the root of this git repository. The example assumes you use Traefik and something like https://github.com/tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy so adjust where needed for your situation.
There are three options for configuration:
- Do nothing (see below);
- Use a config.yml file next to the binary;
- Use environment variables;
The defaults of HomeDash are sane, though open. (see the table)
- Copy
- Place the
file next to the binary - Edit where needed.
If desired, add one or more statically define applications through the config.yml
file. See the example file for details.
Note: though you can set CORS settings it is probably not advisable to do so unless you know what you're doing.
Simply set the environment variable to the desired value. See the table below for details.
Make sure to prefix the environment variable with "HOMEDASH_".
All environment variables must be prefixed by "HOMEDASH_".
Environment variables | Config file | Description | Default |
DEBUG | debug: | Output debug statements or not | false |
MAXAGE | maxage: | Maximum age of entries from a sidecar (minutes) | 20 |
CHECKINTERVAL | cleancheckinterval: | How often the server tries to clean (minutes) | 1 |
SERVER_PORT | server: port: | Port to listen to | "8080" |
SERVER_ADDRESS | server: address: | Address to listen on | "" (any address) |
ICONS_TMPDIR | icons: tmpdir: | Location of a tmp directory used for temporary files | "./data/tmp" or "/homedash/tmp" (when container) |
ICONS_CACHEDIR | icons: cachedir: | Location of a cache directory used for caching files | "./data/cache" or "/homedash/cache" (when container) |
CORS_DEBUG | cors: debug: | Show debug statements regarding CORS | false |
CORS_ALLOWEDHEADERS | cors: allowedheaders: | HTTP headers allowed by CORS | "Content-Type" |
CORS_ALLOWEDMETHODS | cors: allowedmethods: | HTTP methods allowed by CORS | "GET", "POST", "HEAD" |
CORS_ALLOWEDORIGINS | cors: allowedorigins: | Origins of requests allowed by CORS | "*" |
CORS_ALLOWCREDENTIALS | cors: allowcredentials: | Allow user credentials as part of request to server | false |
Supported Go versions, see: https://endoflife.date/go Supported architectures: amd64, arm64
Source code and issues: https://github.com/mvdkleijn/homedash
HomeDash is made available under the MPL-2.0 license. The full details are available from the LICENSE file.
Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Martijn van der Kleijn